When the blood mist became a little light, many demons began to move.

Canglan blood beads are hidden in the blood mist.

Blood fog has a strong corrosive power, which is acceptable for Lin Han.

Wang Nan is not afraid. She has the power of Wanyao emperor in her body, which is enough to resist these corrosive forces.

Zhang Yumeng, who has been passed on by xuanhou, is not afraid. Ouyang chuxue has refined the essence of fire given by huoqilin, and Lin Han's two gifts are also given to her.

Her body surface gushes a strong flame, can also dissolve the corrosive force.

As far as mercury is concerned, her inheritance is about refining utensils, and it is too extensive and profound. Now she has only digested a little.

"Yunxing, you should be careful. If you have something to do, please call us directly. The furnace of fortune will stay with you." Lin Han gives the magic weapon of his life to shuiyunxing.

The canglan blood beads in the blood fog have big and small, small mung bean size, big have egg size.

Lin Han soon found a small blood bead.

As soon as the bead of blood appeared in the palm of the hand, the furnace of fortune turned out to run automatically and began to absorb the power of magic blood.

Lin Han is quite surprised. According to the law, this is the blood of the demon clan. He is a human being and can't be absorbed at all.

"The fire furnace of nature has absorbed these energy, and it seems that it has been fed back into my blood. My blood has become more pure, like?" Lin Han was quite surprised.

However, it's just the power of a blood bead, and the change is still very weak. Lin Han needs to try more times.

Later, he found several more, all of which were absorbed by the flood furnace of nature.

Sure enough, his blood became more pure.

Human beings, as a race, are good at borrowing external forces and utilizing their own blood. There are few of them.

Because human blood is weak, there is no room for ascension.

However, for human beings, it is not without benefit that the power of blood becomes more pure.

At least the original force can be stronger, and also can improve their own quality. Make your body stronger.

There are still many benefits. The blood is pure and will show up one by one in the future.

In total, Lin Han found six canglan blood beads, all of which were absorbed by himself, and his realm directly reached the peak of his combination.

"I can't believe it. It seems that I can try to absorb a wave of the power in the blood pool of Helan Mountain." Lin cold heart road.

The power inside is more pure.

When Lin Han was searching for canglan blood beads, people from the Jialuo and the ancient town also seized it fiercely.

However, both sides are mostly at the same level.

So, most of the time, it's about you coming and going.

As they scrambled, the onlookers moved their minds.

Previously, the crowd was stunned, and a wave of mass destruction came directly.

This time, the people of the demon clan took the lead, and it has been proved that Lin Han is not in danger.

Therefore, some people also played canglan Xuezhu's attention.

As soon as human beings put their hands on it, they were attacked by all the demons. In terms of treating foreigners, all the major races in the demon kingdom are particularly United.

So, those who did it died miserably.

In fact, they don't have to.

Not everyone, like Lin Han, has the omnipotent fire furnace of nature.

The flood stove of nature will definitely let Linhan absorb the power of canglan blood beads. But other people don't have that ability.

Even if all canglan blood beads are given to them, they can't play a role. They can only watch.

It's just that they can't understand, and there's still people coming and going.

In the end, only one corpse was left, some, not even the body.

In the blood mist, there is a biggest canglan blood bead. This bead of blood is the size of an egg, and everyone's eyes are on it.

Youluo, icebreaker and others are experts of all races.

Lin Han and Chen Shiyu also put their eyes on it.

Like breaking ice, he should have helped Chen Shiyu, but he didn't. He fought his own way.

There is a rule in the Jialuo people that all the loots and treasures obtained from outside can be kept by themselves, and they do not have to hand them in.

That is to say, this time, they can keep their own income.

Therefore, the biggest blood bead, ice breaking certainly will not help Chen Shiyu get it.

Because as long as you can get it, it belongs to you.

You Luo side, also launched a fierce competition.

Lin and Chen Shiyu join hands, and Chen Shiyu also uses magic tools, the crown of ashes. Youluo is defeated, and the ice breaking is even more inaccessible.

Youluo also has cards and magic weapons in his hands, but he is blocked by Lin Han.

In addition, the women at this time will focus on this side.

All help.

Even the stars on the ground have helped.

You Luo's men were stopped by others. So there's no way to help.

Breaking ice to see Chen Shiyu get the biggest blood bead, the heart is quite upset, secretly to the women.

Even if they can't get it, he won't let them be so easy.

He did not dare to fight against Chen Shiyu and Lin Han for fear of being discovered.

Once discovered, Chen Shiyu can even kill him directly.

But Lin Han, the strength is too strong, he secretly hands foot also has no use.

Breaking ice secretly hands and feet, Lin Han they just in the fight, did not notice.

Ouyang early snow they, the strength is very good, was broken ice sneak attack, did not get hurt, just feel a little uncomfortable.

Mercury on the ground, the weakest strength among the women, ice breaking surprise her, directly injured.

At this time, Chen Shiyu also got the biggest blood bead.

The competition has stopped.

They stop and fall to the ground, waiting for the blood mist to disappear.

Although the other side of the block Luo, but has been snatched by Chen Shiyu, he can only secretly bad luck.

Lin Han found the injured mercury.

Shocked, she checked her wound and found that there was a faint magic surge on it.

He immediately set his eyes on the ice breaker.

Only ice breaking is the only one who can do the damage without being aware of it.

Lin Han can be 100% sure to be the hand that broke the ice.

Chen Shiyu obviously thinks so, and wants to break the ice.

But he was stopped by Lin Han.

"Now, it's going to be hard for me to see." Lin Han said with a cold smile.

Although mercury is not seriously injured, the icebreaker has to pay enough price since he dares to do it.

The blood mist in the blood pool of Helan Mountain is getting lighter and lighter. At last, it all disappears, and the sky becomes clear.

"Now you can go down to the blood pool and wait for us here." Chen Shiyu said.

Chen Shiyu thought that Lin Han could not absorb the magic blood. The canglan blood beads that all the girls got were handed to her, but Lin Han didn't have any, and she didn't think about anything at that time.

"Shiyu, I can actually absorb the magic blood in this blood pool." Lin Han murmured.

"Really?" Chen Shiyu was quite surprised.

"Really, it has something to do with my cultivation, so can I go down with you?" Lin Han inquired.

Chen Shiyu will certainly agree, Lin Han asked, is to respect her.

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