Super Soldier

Chapter 1071: Taro Nakahira

Princess Anna and Xiao Bing were not ashamed for a morning during the day, then lay in bed, turned on the TV, and watched TV while chatting.

In front of other people, Princess Anna is a noble and graceful Princess, and in front of Xiao Bing is like a little woman.

Two people chatted and chatted, Princess Anna suddenly looked at Xiao Bing with a pair of smiling eyes, as if to see Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing's smile, said: "This kind of look at what I do, Am I too handsome..."

"Well, Xiao Bing, brother, come over to me this time, in addition to seeing me, there is still something else, let me tell you."

Xiao Bing coughed a word: "I don't want to talk to you."

Princess Anna smiled and said: "Is it not too good to say anything? In fact, I don't think there is any scruples between you and me. If there is anything to say, as long as it can help, I will help."

Xiao Bing originally planned to accompany Anna one day and say it tomorrow, but Anna is such a smart person. If it is impossible to guess Xiao Bing this time, it is impossible to come. Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Things are like this. haven’t been going to the country for a few days, and you have to do military exercises, right?”

"Yes, what happened?"

Xiao Bing asked: "Should it stay in Jingdong City?"

"Well, it is a joint military sea exercise held in the waters of Jingdong City. What happened?"

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "I still tell you from beginning to end."

Xiao Bing then said to Anna Princess that she had been arrested by her friend into the emperor’s residence. Then she said, “I’ve got a good job now.” The most unreliable thing is that we haven’t They were discovered when they left Jingdong City, and it was very difficult to leave when they arrived."

Anna opened her mouth and said: "I understand what you mean, Xiao Bing, you are really daring, do you want your friends to get into our navy?"

"Yes!" Xiao Bing smiled bitterly. "This may be a bit of a hassle, but this is the only way I can think of now. Anna, do you think there is no way? If it is inconvenient, it doesn't matter, I Thinking about other ways."

Anna slightly wrinkled a good eyebrow, thought about it, and finally frowned, and smiled and said: "You are busy, I helped."

Xiao Bing excitedly said: "Really? Not too embarrassing to you?"

Princess Anna smiled and said: "My man's business is my own business. Is there anything that is difficult? Just need a little bit of it. It's all small things. I will go to this time to discuss with the naval officer who went there. After that, I said that my friend made something in the country of r, I think they will help me this busy."

Xiao Bing has a long sigh of relief: "That would be great. When are you going to Jingdong?"

Princess Anna said: "After four days, I will go to Jingdong City. On the first day, I will meet with the Emperor of the R country. The next day I will meet with the Prime Minister of the country, and then formally conduct military exercises on the third day. The drill ended in two days and we will be back the next day after the end."

Xiao Bing counted, that is to say that there are still about eight days, it seems that the poison fox should be ready for the other side.

Anna said: "From now on, it will be time to return from the country after eight days."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I know, I will arrange it there to ensure that there will be no situation and will not bring you any trouble."

Princess Anna said: "Is it so polite with my own woman, ah, my stomach is a little hungry."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Go, go eat lunch."

Xiao Bing accompanied Princess Anna in the palace until the day before departure. In these few days, Princess Anna went to see the Prime Minister twice and went to contact the Navy several times. The rest of the time was as much as possible. Xiao Bing is together.

On the day before departure, Xiao Bing was personally sent to the airport by Princess Anna. The Navy went to Jingdong and there were people from the official country of R. The Xiao Bing was not very convenient after all. This is only one aspect. It is necessary to go to Jingdong City in advance to arrange it.

Xiao Bing arrived in Jingdong City in the evening and then met with the poisonous fox. The two men discussed it for more than an hour and studied various details. Each detail is special in detail.

When studying the escape route, Xiao Bing is going to be divided into two ways. The poisonous fox has two masters to protect them and join the Princess Anna. Then they put on the navy’s military uniform and mix it into the navy. The navy of the country left, and after the seas of the r countries, they found an opportunity to disembark, while Xiao Bing took another road and walked alone to attract the attention of the martial temple.

The poisonous fox frowned. "The Lord, there is absolutely no need to do this. Even if you follow us on the eagle's warship, there will never be anyone suspecting that the Eagle State is on the side. It is safe to leave. Why do you want to attract the firepower of the martial temple alone? Isn't this a trouble for yourself?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I think this is more secure."

"This..." The poisonous fox smiled bitterly. "I really can't find where the leaks are, and I can't find the necessity of the Lord to separate their attention."

Xiao Bing is unquestionable: "I just did what I said. I have decided this plan and I can't change it."

When the poisonous fox sees Xiao Bing so determined, he will not continue to persuade him. As a good military sergeant, if the decision of the lord is wrong, then it must be corrected. If the lord insists on his own decision, then it must be obey.

Xiao Bing and the poisonous fox discussed it for a while, then they found a place to live in the poisonous fox.

Poisonous Fox This is a small apartment for rent. In addition to the poisonous foxes here, there are two secret masters who are responsible for protecting the safety of poisonous foxes.

Xiao Bing called for a takeaway and sent it. He also brought a few bottles of wine. Then everyone gathered for dinner. Xiao Bing opened a few bottles of wine and said, "Come, let's have some drinks."

The poisonous fox said faintly: "I am a military division, always keep my head clear, so I can't drink."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "When you look like this, life will feel too boring, I think nothing, just a few days away from the action, drink at night, then sleep well, wake up completely the next morning. It is."

The poisonous fox still insists on not drinking.

Xiao Bing was helpless, and he looked at the two dark masters and said, "You two will accompany me to drink."

These two people are just saying: "Mr. Fox told us that during the mission, a drop of wine can't be touched. This is a rule. If you violate it, you will be punished. Bing brother... We can't accompany you."

Xiao Bing looked at the poisonous fox with a ‘remorse’, then drank two more, ate something, went back to the room and started to sip with the leaves.

The next day, Xiao Bing made a phone call to Zhongping Taro. About Zhong Tai Taro came out to meet. Two people met in the box of a hotel. Xiao Bing waited for a while in the private room. Some people knocked at the door and Xiao Bing walked over. At the door, I saw a tall, half-billion old man standing at the door. The old man’s eyes looked at Xiao Bing, and his eyes were faintly revealed. In the end, he regained his gaze, and his tone pretending to be plain: "You Is Xiao Bing?"

"Yeah, please come in." Xiao Bing let the old man come in, then closed the door and said with a smile, "The food has been ordered. This meal is mainly to thank Mr. Zhongping Taro for this time. help."

Zhongping Taro faintly said: "This time I will help you, but whether you can pass the customs, it is hard to say, you have to look at yourself."

This Chinese language is very fluent in the Chinese language, and it doesn't even sound like what the people of the country say.

Through Xiao Bing’s observation, the strength of this Zhongping Taro has reached the level of breaking the initial stage of the void, and one of the top powers is considered to be the world’s top. I really did not expect such a strong person to be hidden in the royal residence of the country. However, it is no wonder that he is the chief instructor of the Royal Guards in the Imperial Palace who is responsible for defending the Emperor's Majesty. If the strength is not strong enough, he can't afford the words of the Chief Instructor. It seems that he is too small for the country.

Zhongping Taro sat down casually. After Xiao Bing also sat down, Zhongping Taro began to look at Xiao Bing again. Xiao Bing wondered: "What happened, have we seen it before?"

Zhongping Taro shook his head and said: "I used to go to China twice while protecting the Emperor's visit. I don't know if I have seen you. It is a bit familiar."

"Oh." Xiao Bing smiled. "That is also possible, because I used to be an official official of China. When there are some other important activities, I have to be ordered to protect the safety of the head of state, but I am against Taiping Taro. There is no impression on the gentleman."

Xiao Bingdao: "Not much to say, we will start operations on the second day after the end of the joint military exercise of the r country, the eagle country, and the m country. At that time, we still need the cooperation of the old gentleman. This is what I owe. A gentleman's favor."

"I said, this is a person I am paying back to my ears, otherwise you will owe me ten personal feelings, I will not help you, so there is nothing between you and me."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing saw him say this and did not refute it.

Zhongping Taro said: "Xiao Bing, have you reached the legendary Tianzun now?"

"Yeah, how did Mr. Zhongping Taro know?"

Zhongping Taro faintly said: "You and Wei Sihai's battle, under the universal world, who knows? But in that battle, you should not have the grasp of victory, even I think your chances of winning are very embarrassing, you finally Although I won, I am lucky."

Zhongping Taro said, showing a bit of ridiculous smile, said: "Do you know that the war in the eyes of others, you are very prestige, very beautiful, in fact, this is the case, you have already broken through at a young age When I arrived at the realm of Tianzun, I arrived at a realm that other people could hope for for a lifetime. It was indeed a scenery, but it seemed to me to be stupid!"

Xiao Bing took a moment and didn't expect Zhongping Taro to say such criticism to himself, but he looked at Zhong Ping Taro's gaze, but he saw the elders' anger and blame for their younger generation from the other's eyes.

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