Super Soldier

Chapter 1075: Xiaobei is back!

At noon the next day, the ship of the Eagle State Navy finally began to dock. General Ying Guo went to Princess Anna and asked: "His Royal Highness, how long will we stop here?"

Princess Anna said: "About two hours or so, I am waiting for someone. Tianzhu novel"

"I understand, Princess Anna, I will tell you now, let everyone relax first."

"Yeah!" Princess Anna nodded with a smile.

About an hour or so, a ship drove over. The Eagle State Navy was planning to warn the ship to stay away. Princess Anna hurriedly said, "No, I am sitting with my friend!"

Xiao Bing stood on the boat, carrying his hands, and turned back to the crew on the ship and said, "You remember to stick your mouth after you went back, do you know?"

"Know, you know." These people hurriedly agreed to it. In fact, even if they took things out in the future, Xiao Bing did not care. These people smuggled and abducted the population. They basically had no evil, and their words were not credible. It is impossible for the r country to blame the Eagle State for the words spoken by such a few people. That is impossible.

After the ship approached, Xiao Bing flew directly to the Eagle ship, and then the black ship quickly turned and began to return.

Xiao Bing walked quickly to Princess Anna, Princess Anna also greeted, two people hugged together, Princess Anna smiled happily: "When you come back safely, I am completely relieved."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "What are you afraid of, is your man invincible?"

"Yeah, it is invincible." Princess Anna smiled happily: "My man is the most powerful, Xiao Brother, will you leave with them in a while?"

"Yeah." Xiao Bing said, "Now we have left the sea of ​​the country. We are safe in this small country, just returning to China by plane. And you... If you want to go to China, come over in a few days."

"Well, this is what you said!" Princess Anna said with a smile. "I am going to see you, will your girlfriend not be jealous?"

Xiao Bing's smile, sighed: "Journey can't eat too much, well, don't say this, in short, I am always welcome."

Xiao Bing smashed Princess Anna into her arms. Two people kissed each other. At this time, the poison fox and other people came out from the cabin. Xiao Bing said: "Princess Anna, then we will go first."

"Call me Anna."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Yes, Anna, I should call you Anna, let's go first, see you next time."

"See you next time, Xiao Bing, whether you want me or not, I will miss you."

Xiao Bing hesitated and smiled and said: "I will miss you too."

Xiao Bing jumped off the boat, and the poisonous fox and other people also got off the boat.

The poisonous fox looked at Xiao Bing and asked: "Lord, are you okay?"

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "After being hurt, you can't stop life, no big deal, let's go, go to the airport first, and fly back to China."

Akira Akira sighed, his appearance looked a bit decadent, and his face was gray and defeated: "Xiao Bing, will leave with my granddaughter, I will not follow."

Xiao Bing was shocked and asked: "Why?"

Chihkan Zhongshan Road: "You gave me the ten swords, but I was thrown away. When Tokugawa took me away, I didn't have time to take the sword away. I am afraid it is long gone, I want to Go back and look for it."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You are because of this!"

Akasaka’s face is painful: “Any kind of sword is enough to make the warriors all over the world crazy. Is this a small thing?”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Yes, Mr. Akasaka said that it is correct, but those swords have not been lost. In fact, the ten swords have been taken away by me, and now I have been left in China."

The eyes of Akasaka’s Zhongshan were bright, and he looked shocked and asked: “What? What you said is true? Really taken away by you?”

"It's true." Xiao Bing said with emotion. "After you were taken away, I came to your house. Unfortunately, I went late, you have been taken away, but they don't have the sword in the ruins. I I brought the sword to the country, and now I have let my masters help me back home. After that, you will live in our Chinatown, don't come back."

Akira Nakayama spit out a breath and said: "I think these days, if the swords really can't be found, maybe I can only pay for it with my own life."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Uncle Akasaka, what are you saying, I tell you, this precious thing in the world is precious but life-saving, let's go, return home!"

Everyone has succeeded in escaping now, and they are in a good mood, but they will not be too slack before they return home. When everyone really takes the plane to Jiangcheng, one by one is really real, Xiao Bing and the poisonous fox sit. Together, the two goods and the red scorpion branch sit together, and Akasaka Zhongshan and another passenger sit next to each other, and the two dark masters who are responsible for protecting the poisonous fox sit together.

Xiao Bing quietly pointed to the red stalks and the second goods, whispered: "How do you feel about them?"

The poisonous fox said: "The sensation is arrogant and should be fixed."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "That's just too good, but the age of Akasaka is still too small. I have to wait a few years. After returning home, I have to help them settle down completely. The account is also in Jiangcheng, and then To help the Akasaka branch to go through the formalities of admission, there is no way for her to go to school."

The poisonous fox smiled: "The Lord's public thoughts are comprehensive."

"Well, besides these, this time I was able to save them successfully. Thanks to your help in Jingdong City, I have been planning for it. It is my strongest brain."

The poisonous fox said: "The Lord is too praised by me. There is one thing I want to discuss with the Lord."

"Oh, you said."

"Unifying the domestic underground world is imperative. In particular, the protagonist has killed so many underground worlds in Kyoto. I have secretly penetrated into several provinces. Now the new bosses of both provinces are me. The lord, who is propping up, the Lord, now your reputation has spread throughout the underground world, they are full of fear for you, it is the time to unify the entire underground world of China, and at this time there will be less resistance, I can pass The armed forces unified several provinces, and the remaining provinces directly used various strategies to make them civil strife or directly surrender."

When talking about this, the poisonous fox's tone is calm, just like saying a trivial little thing. In fact, his heart is extremely important to this matter, but his character is to let him be in any matter. It is necessary to keep calm, which is why he is hard to be caught.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Well, these things will be handed over to you. I have enough trust in you. I will open a meeting after I go back. I will let everyone listen to your dispatch. Your order is equivalent to my own. The order is given. However, in the first week after going back, you have to be at home to rest, to accompany your woman, if you want to do it after a week, I will not care."

The poison fox said: "I don't need to rest."

Xiao Bing said with a serious tone: "This is the order!"

"This... well." Poison Fox Road, "I am absolutely obedient to the command of the Lord."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This is almost the same. I know that you hope to help me make some big things. Your ambition and ambition are great, but the cause is business, life is life, you have your own woman, you have time to Let me spend a lot of time with her, and besides that, you should enjoy enjoying life yourself. I am your lord, but I am not Huang Shiren. From this year on, you must take half a month to go out for a trip. And take another half a month to rest at home, understand?"

It has always been a poisonous fox whose feelings are not exposed. At this time, the eyes are vaguely revealing a few touches of color. He sighed and said: "I understand, the Lord."

"Well, since you understand, then obey the order." Xiao Bing laughed.

Three hours passed quickly. During the talk, the plane finally landed in Jiangcheng.

The curiosity of Akasaka's face is the first time in her life to go abroad, and she also knows that after she escaped from the Imperial Palace, she will never be able to go back again. It is estimated that she will settle in China in the future. Her heart is lost, awkward, and uneasy, but her grandfather is here, and two brothers are also here, which can make her heart feel better.

Since the day when the second cargo was in front of their grandson and the people in the temple of the martial arts, she looked at the second-in-command’s husband. When she looked at the second goods, she was struggling even if she was covered in all kinds of bruises. Standing up, the scene has been hitting the heart of Akasaka, in her heart, the second is the biggest hero, no one can match!

After all, the Akasaka branch is still young. After leaving the plane, she walked in the airport and looked at the various Chinese people around her. She was both close and unfamiliar. She held a pair of eyes and kept on The place seems to have seen it. Obviously, I have forgotten that I can’t go back to the country’s embarrassment and uneasiness in the future, or that the insecurity is being replaced by curiosity and excitement.

Xiao Bing took them to the airport and opened the phone while walking. After booting up, a text message came directly. It may have arrived long ago, just because it was shut down, so I just received it.

But I saw that the text message came over the leaves, and there was only a simple sentence: "Big bad guy, Xiaobei is back."

Xiao Bing’s eyes lit up, and all eyes were full of expectation and excitement. He even smiled happily. Although he believed that there was nothing in Xiaobei during this time, it was impossible to worry about it in his heart. Xiaobei’s The return made him put down a stone.

Seeing him so happy, the poisonous fox next to him asked: "Lord, what happened?"

Xiao Bing excitedly smiled: "Small North is back!"

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