Super Soldier

Chapter 1083: Fairy Gate location

"You will eliminate the gas first, and now I don't know if they have returned to the Fairy Gate after they have taken them. As for the specific location, this is recorded in the file, but we will wait until tomorrow. You, I have to apply with the elders above, this is definitely not something I can do privately."

"Okay, yes, are these ancient Wumen factions from ancient times to the present?"

"Of course it has been from ancient times to the present, or how is it called Guwu? Also, now you know that there are many warriors in the world, such as you, such as Zeus, for example, Xiaobei, in addition to There are a lot of things... But there are warriors and martial art in ancient times. Why do modern people have warlords, but all the sects have disappeared?"

"I didn't really think about this problem before..."

"The reason is very simple, because all the sects have begun to shun the world, because nowadays the major countries can not accommodate the existence of these sects. The dark world is a lot of scattered people who walk in the dark or do things that do not conform to the law. We all know that there are some organizations in these dark worlds, but after all, they are all a minority. This is enough for the major countries to have a headache. If these sects are still adding to the country, will the world not be a mess?"

"Oh." Xiao Bing asked. "So are these sects forced by the state to evade the world?"

"It can also be said that in the past, all major countries have asked these sects to disband. These sects are naturally unwilling to start confrontation with major powers, but their strength is even stronger, and how can they compete with the strength of the country? So they later compromised. The result of the compromise is that they will sneak away from the world and will not disturb the society. Every two decades, they will send their disciples out to travel, and by the way, find someone who has a relationship. It is true that this will not have much impact on the society, and if they really use the power of the state to destroy them, it is too unfamiliar, so they agree."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "It turned out to be like this. The result turned out to be such a coincidence. The fate of this fairy girl turned out to be Aydin, but no matter what, I must rescue Ayiding. If she is willing to enter This martial art, of course, there is nothing, but she is tied, I have to ask for a statement."

The old class sighed: "Hey, these people are always lawless. If there is an agreement, the country can't even bear their existence. Imagine if they can be outside every day, today, one person is tied, tomorrow. Killing a person, when the equivalent of the dark world is several times more, the world must be indiscriminate."

Xiao Bing asked: "How many days can they come out every 20 years?"

"Ten days, only ten days can come out every twenty years."

Xiao Bing still has some incomprehensible words: "If they usually come out? But the country doesn't know, what should I do?"

The old class smiled and said: "Since there is an agreement, it is natural to use force to protect the agreement. In the past, the army used to guard the exports of the major sects. Now, it is not necessary, and it does not look very good. Now they are all directly using satellite positioning. As long as some people in their martial art leave, the state will immediately know, and then they will enter their sects and let them give an explanation. Therefore, each sect will strictly fulfill its commitment and never allow disciples. They go out on weekdays."

Xiao Bingdao: "It turned out to be like this. In other words, according to the regulations, once Ayi Ding was caught in, and after ten days, Ayi Ding could no longer leave there. Is it a chance to come out after twenty years?"

"This is the case." The old class smiled bitterly. "And according to the regulations, the state can't interfere with them to catch people. If you don't do too much, for example, too many people are caught, that is absolutely impossible. Otherwise, if you move people from a city to your place, how can that be? If this is not the case, the state can’t interfere, and if the ten-day deadline is over, not only their people can’t just come out. People in the country can't go in and out without permission."

Xiao Bing sneered: "I don't care, anyway, I am not a country now. Whether it is within ten days or ten days later, if they refuse to give me to me, I will give them a martial art." Bottom to the sky!"

The old class smiled bitterly: "Tomorrow, I will ask for it first. Let me see if I will not tell you the address of their fairy door. If you can't tell it, then I can't help it!"

Xiao Bingdao: "If you can't tell me, I have to find out for them!"

After Xiao Bing and the old class had finished talking on the phone, they were lying on the bed again. Although they were full of anger, they still had to calm down for the time being. First of all, what is the strength of these martial arts? No one knows. They are all martial arts. People, less disturbed by the secular life, the strength will not be weak at least? Of course, if there is no tempering in the secular world, Xiao Bing thinks that they will also lack some key things, and they may not be very outrageous.

However, the problem is that my current injury is still very heavy. Even after I have just finished playing with Wei Sihai, if I hit the door now, is there any victory? This is a problem.

Forget it, don't think about it first. In any case, Aydin is sure to be saved. And after learning that there is still the existence of Guwumen in this world, this thing is not only to make Xiao Bing angry, It also provoked Xiao Bing’s fighting spirit, just like a person standing on the top of the mountain. If he is alone, although he is invincible, but he is also lonely, there is nothing to challenge in his life, it is difficult to rise. I have continued my mind.

If there is a person who can go hand in hand, even on top of you, you will think of defeating him, and the more you will become stronger.

However, if there are many people standing at the top, your heart will not only be defeated, but will have a strong sense of crisis and urgency, which will push you forward more violently.

Xiao Bing is now feeling this way.

The leaves came in from the outside, watching Xiao Bing lying on the bed and thinking about things. The leaves went over and squatted beside them. A pair of big eyes looked at Xiao Bing and asked, "How about the inquiries?"

Xiao Bing said: "It has been confirmed that there is really this martial art in the world, but the old class must first apply with the above-mentioned seniors to know if they can tell me the specific location of this martial art."

"Oh." The leaves asked: "Is there a lot of masters in this sect?"

Xiao Bing said: "I guess it is, after all, it is the ancient Wumen school, there should be a lot of masters inside."

The leaves asked again, "Would it be dangerous if you go there?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I believe that no matter where you are, anyone who wants to leave my life is probably a very difficult thing. Even if I can't save people, I want to protect myself. It should be no problem. ”

The leaves are faintly authentic: "But you have injuries on your body now, or else... will you let Longmen Ba will be dispatched?"

Xiao Bing thought for a moment and shook his head. "I don't want to give things too much trouble, and I will make too many strong enemies. If I go, I can talk to the other party first, to convince people, if the other party does not If you are willing to let go, then I will naturally start. But if you bring so many masters, it is obviously not to talk about things, and I am not sure about the Guwumen. I don’t want to be inexplicable because of me. The matter will put the gantry and eight will be put in danger."

The leaves sighed: "In fact, the latter is what you really want, right? You, always think about other people, fear other people are dangerous, feel unfair to others, but you are not afraid of danger? What happened to you, are you fair to everyone who cares about you?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You are relieved, I have a few in my heart."

Ye Zidao: "Then you have to promise me, no matter if the old class will not tell you the specific location of the fairy door, you must wait until the injury has healed, and then you can come out, can you do it?"

"This..." Xiao Bing hesitated, but looking at the eyes of the leaves, Xiao Bing melted away, plus if it was irrational when he was injured, it would be of no benefit to save people. Then, Xiao Bing promised to come down. "Okay, I will listen to you."

The leaves smiled happily: "This is what you said, it's almost the same."

Xiao Bing looked at the happy face of the leaves. His heart was both moved and embarrassed. He tried to ask: "In fact, I really haven't had anything with her, but I am going to risk saving people for her. Are you not happy?" ”

"Why are you not happy?" The leaves smiled. "You are my man. My man should be a hero of the world. You are very affectionate. I like you more in my heart, so I am too happy to come. Why? Not happy? Xiao Big Brother, the leaves only want to be your sage, whether it is now or the future, the leaves don't want to drag you down, don't want to be your tie."

Xiao Bing sighed: "The leaves, can be with you, what can you ask for?"

Xiao Bing came over and began to kiss the past. The two men began to kiss.

The next day was near noon, Xiao Bing finally waited for the phone call from the old class. The old class smiled and said: "For your sake, I am grinding my face this morning. I just started to disagree. I called the other leaders again, let the other leaders help me, and finally they were all afraid of me, and finally I was willing to let you tell you, but you don’t think about the specific location, you can only tell you a rough The direction, then you slowly find it yourself!"

Xiao Bing excitedly said: "Great, even if it is the approximate orientation, where is it?"


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