Super Soldier

Chapter 1617: City owner's invitation

Xiao Bing still really needs this half-mind. In fact, according to the strength of Xiao Bing, this half-mind has no effect. If it is to break the strong under the void, the effect is huge. As the captain of the high team said, it is more useful to break the vacant under the emptiness than to take the other famous kiwifruit, because the energy in the half sacred is not small, but the effect is It is very peaceful, it will produce effects according to the body's ability to withstand, and the excess effect will remain in the body and slowly provide it to the human body.

After breaking the void, the effect of this half-small fairy is also very significant. Normally, after taking it, you can break from the initial stage of breaking the void and break the initial stage of the void. If you can digest all the effects, you may even have the opportunity. Break through a level and break through directly from the initial break of the void to the medium term.

We must know that if it is a human being to practice normally, from the initial cultivation of the void to the medium-term realm, it will take at least a few years or even longer, and although the gods and the demons say that the progress is faster, at the very least More than a year? And this is already the speed of progress of genius, so that is not to say that one and a half of the cents is equivalent to the promotion of a master of more than a year of skill!

However, when you reach the realm of breaking the sky above the void, I am afraid that it will be of little use. Because Tianzun’s realm wants to break through a level, it may be equivalent to breaking through the initial stage of the void to break the peak of the void, and it requires a huge accumulation of infuriating. It can be done, and the power contained in the semi-sense is obviously not enough for Tianzun master to break through a realm. Even half of the realm is not enough. After the saint, it will not even look like this. That kind of talent is enough to make the sage strong are ecstatic.

The reason why Xiao Bing feels that he needs half a sacred now is because he can finally find a reason for the breakthrough of strength through this half-six.

Xiao Bing returned home and collected a half of the celestial good, and after the next day, Xiao Bing came out of the room. Zhuo Han immediately looked at Xiao Bing. Some strange words: "God, I Feeling... I feel that you have something different today."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "There are some differences... because I broke through."

"Breakthrough again?" Breaking through before the war is obviously a good thing. Especially Zhuo Han knows that Xiao Bing has already approached breaking the void before, so now is not to say...

Xiao Bing smiled and nodded: "Yes, it broke."

Zhuo Yin ran out of the room, excitedly said: "Tianci brother, so you are now breaking the realm of the void level?"

"Well, yeah." Xiao Bing smiled very happy. "I tell you one thing, but you can't talk to others."

Zhuo Yin's father and daughter hurriedly nodded. Xiao Bing said: "The high captain sent a half-small fairy last night to help me break through the great realm of breaking the initial stage of the void. My luck is still very good, almost digested. I lost about 90% of the power of a half cent."

Zhuo Yin's father and daughter looked at Xiao Bing with an unbelievable face, breaking the initial conclusion of the void! You must know that the strength of the three captains under the ghost city's city account is just to break the void period. Doesn't it mean that Xiao Bing's strength is very close to the three captains?

Zhuohan exclaimed: "There is no limit, your future is really limitless, and you are still so young, the strength of the three captains is stronger than you, they are bigger than you. It’s about ten years old. When you get to their age, even the realm of the demon is easy!”

Basically, people don’t dare to say this, but the speed of the Mozu’s practice has always been very fast, far above human beings, and it has been replaced by human beings to break the void, even if it’s a lifetime. The level is also not unusual.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Devils are good and cold in the morning and evening. I don't think it will take ten years. Ten years is too long. Now Uncle Zhuhan thinks that I am still qualified to challenge all the way, and finally challenge the top ten in the blood list. What?"

"If you are qualified, you should be qualified." Zhuo Han said with excitement. "The top ten are not qualified. I don't know, but the qualification of the top 100 in the blood list is definitely there. You must know that the blood list only needs to enter. One hundred, that is not an ordinary aristocrat, even those who meet the top ten cities can be equal, even the city owners will find ways to recruit them."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "My goal is not these..."

Zhuo Han said with emotion: "In any case, now even if you are in and out of those big cities, your current strength will certainly be respected. You are now truly entering the ranks of the nobility."

Xiao Bing knew that he was also a nobleman before, even if the first thousand who entered the blood list were considered aristocrats, but the original aristocrats let the ordinary people look up, but they will not be placed at the level of soldiers and captains. In the eyes of the people, and now Xiao Bing’s identity, even those who are captains, must be respected.

Xiao Bing suddenly looked at Zhuo Han and made Zhuo Han feel a little unnatural. He asked: "What do you think of me like this kid?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I want to see how Uncle Zhuhan is learning Wu."

"Oh." Zhuo Han shook his head and smiled bitterly. "If I have the talent of martial arts, then I can still be so old, but I have only reached the peak of the martial arts. Even the innate realm has not broken through the past. Speaking of talent, I can't even compare my daughter. My daughter is 19 years old, but the realm is almost the same as me."

Zhuo Yin spit out his tongue and said: "Dad, you said what I am doing, I am not that piece of material."

Xiao Bing’s heart moved and looked at Zhuo Yin. In the end, he smiled and smiled and said: “Ayin, the uncle’s words are actually not wrong, and may be compared with the geniuses that have been rare for decades. You really don't feel good, but compared with ordinary people, I think your talent is already very high, and your bones are also very good. If you practice hard, I think you can break through within ten years. In the realm of enthusiasm, the strength can be compared with those of ordinary soldiers."

Zhuo Han was surprised: "Really?"

Zhuo Yin said with a smile: "I see Goddess is just making fun of me."

"I am very serious about what I said. Would you like to learn from me? I can teach you well these days, and tell you all about the context of martial arts. Although it is said that each realm is very different, it is very easy to remember. When you get to that realm, you can always comprehend according to what I have said. As for the above, it is really necessary to have some exercises to get up quickly. Cultivation, but we are very good at the devil world. When you see that you have reached this level, you will naturally pass on the cultivation method of the demon."

Zhuo Yin first felt happy, then revealed some doubts and worries, and carefully asked: "But... but Gods, your words seem to be leaving?"

"I didn't say that." Xiao Bing smiled. "I just said that one thing, you don't think too much."

Zhuohan shook his head and looked at his daughter. He said, "Stupid child, the whole devil world is only so big, even if your godsend is gone, if you want him, you can always look for it, you Is there anything unhappy? But you must have the ability to protect yourself, otherwise you will not be able to go out if you encounter a bad person outside."

Zhuo Yin thought about it, and this is the truth, so he nodded seriously and said, "Well, then I will follow Tianci to learn."

Xiao Bing smiled. He had been thinking about how to ensure the safety and future of the family once they left. One day, if they meet someone like Wu Lao Er, what should they do when they arrive? Now Xiao Bing is trying to understand, and it is better to teach people to fish than to fish. The roots of Zhuo Yin are not bad. Even if they are compared with the captains of the high captain and the captain of the ghost city, they are not too much. There is a one-and-a-half cent, and it will not be a problem to help her to break through to the realm of enthusiasm before she leaves.

Once Zhuo Yin has reached the realm of enthusiasm, then the safety of their family will be guaranteed, even if they do not have their own existence, ordinary civilians will not dare to be embarrassed with them.

Xiao Bing thought about it and put down a stone in his heart. This is what Xiao Bing has been bothering since he was saved. Now it has finally been solved. Xiao Bing’s face is finally showing a real smile.

Seeing Xiao Bing's smile so happy, Zhuo Yin's heart is also sweet, happy said: "Well, Gods, when did you start teaching me? Now?"

Zhuo Han criticized: "What are you worried about? The day after tomorrow, your godsend will go to the competition again. Have you not rested in these days?"

"It's okay." Xiao Bing laughed. "According to my current strength, the next opponent actually hasn't had much challenge. It's better to put more energy on Ah Yin's body. Come on, let me go today. I began to teach you that you and I went outside to find a place to train."

Zhuo Yin happily agreed, took the initiative to take Xiao Bing's hand, and the two walked together outside.

In two days, under the guidance of Xiao Bing, Zhuo Yin is indeed making rapid progress, especially in martial arts. Although it is also the peak of the martial arts, but Zhuo Yin is the peak of the enthusiasm and other people. There is still no way to compare, because the masters of the Terran are all tempered, the experience is rich, and Zhuo Yin is not cultivated. It is the innate talent that makes her always go to the natural, so she simply does not have Hands-on experience with people.

In the past two days, Xiao Bing gave some combat skills to her. On the third day, Xiao Bing once again boarded the ring. This battle was as Xiao Bing said. Xiao Bing easily defeated the sixth place. Hundreds of masters, the sixth in the original blood list is called Yin Ji, the result is exactly three days before, Yin Ji challenged the fifth hundred success, so Xiao Bing this defeated opponent is not this woman, but that The original hundredth, which was defeated by Yin Ji, fell to the 600th hapless.

Then Xiao Bing now replaced the position of this unlucky one, reached the position of the sixth hundred in the blood list, and the unlucky one fell to the position of the seventh hundred, which is a bad luck.

When Xiao Bing had just stepped down the platform, Gao Shun went to the front of Xiao Bing and applauded: "Great, I can't think that half a fairy has played such a big role for you. How much have you absorbed?"

Xiao Bing smiled and thanked him, then replied: "Absorbed almost 90%."

"The genius of the genius, you can really be a genius in martial arts." After Gao Shun felt a few words, he suddenly said with a serious face, "The city mainly sees you!"


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