Super Soldier

Chapter 1569: Behind the scenes

Jiang Ziying whispered: "I have been waiting until today to understand, I feel regret, regret has always been so indifferent to you, so indifferent to you for a man who does not belong to me, I am sorry for you."

Suddenly there was a movement between the bed. Jiang Ziying found that Ovkar had woke up, slowly opening his eyes, and there was a pleasant glow in his eyes.

Jiang Ziying first stunned, then hurriedly stood up and said: "You wait, I will call the doctor."

"Don't go." Ovkar pulled Jiang Ziying's hand and did not let go, his voice was weak, but he said very quickly. "You sit here first, listen to me."

Jiang Ziying sat down slowly, and some did not dare to go to see Ovkar. Just what she said, did Ovkar hear it?

Ovkar’s eyes sparkled with joy. Although the voice was weak, he was very excited and asked: “What you just said is true?”


Ovkar asked: "Are you really falling in love with me? Compared with Xiao Bing, which one are you in love with?"

"I... I said it before." Jiang Ziying finally got the courage and said, "I used to think that my favorite is Xiao Bing, but when I met last time, I finally found out that I and he are two. People of the world, I want to possess him, it is a kind of possession of a kind of candy for a child, it may not be true love. Until you just fell to the ground, I saw you in a coma When I didn't wake up, I realized that I liked you... I realized how important you are to me. I realized that I have always enjoyed the feeling of being pampered by you. I am obviously in the blessing, but I don't know. ""

Jiang Ziying said earnestly: "I'm sorry, I used to be sorry for you. I will double you later."

Ovkar rejoiced: "It doesn't matter, you are not sorry for me, I... I am very happy."

Jiang Ziying said: "Actually, my age is bigger than you, although I think that...the long is very good, but you are the future pope, and the beautiful women in the world can find it."

"No, I only love you one, and the future is the same. Only you are my wife." Ovkar is also excited and tearful. This genius boy finally won the heart of Jiang Ziying, and his heart is for Xiao Bing. That hatred can be completely put down. What he really cares about is not Xiao Bing, but who belongs to Jiang Ziying's heart.

Jiang Ziying asked: "How do you feel now? I still let the doctor come over and see you."

"It's okay, nothing... that person didn't want to kill me, so it was half an inch away from my heart. Right, hurry to tell my father, this thing is not done by Xiao Bing, can't let others fisher It is."

Jiang Ziying stood up and said anxiously: "But my father has been going for a long time, and now I am afraid I have already started playing."

"This... that should be told." Ovkar looked at Jiang Ziying and asked, "Is there still worry about Xiao Bing in your heart?"

"Yes." Jiang Ziying nodded.

Looking at the stunned eyes of Ofkar, Jiang Ziying added: "But I am sure that he is not the feeling of the past. I am really giving you a heart now. The reason why I am worried about him is because I used to like it, and I also have jealousy for him, causing him too much trouble. If it weren’t for me, how could you have a conflict with him? If it wasn’t because of the enmity between you and him, how could the father be the first time? Suspicion of him? So all this is the wrong thing I did. If he really has three long and two short, my heart will only be embarrassed."

"I understand." Ovkar sighed. It seems that Jiang Ziying is not admiring Xiao Bing, but he owes it. "Reassured, I will help you explain this thing. I can't make you feel anything." I owe him a lifetime, otherwise I will feel uncomfortable in my heart, so that you have a man in your heart for a lifetime, even if it is just because of owing, I will be jealous."

Jiang Ziying’s face was red, and then some happy sweet smiles. Looking at this scene, Ovkar completely believed what Jiang Ziying said. Otherwise, Jiang Ziying is not sweet for his own words, but because Worried about Xiao Bing and not thinking about other things, this kind of thing can not be installed.

After letting go of his heart, Ovkar can also treat Xiao Bingping peace, and hatred is completely put down.

Ovkar said: "I will call my dad immediately and give me the phone. I will tell him."

Jiang Ziying replied with a call, pulled out the phone and asked about the Pope's mobile phone number. He had just called the past, and a footstep sound came from outside the door. Ovkar’s eyes showed a hint of surprise and sighed: "I am afraid It’s late.”

There was a trace of self-blame in his eyes. He had already heard the footsteps of his father outside the door, and in his opinion, Xiao Bing was definitely dead.

When the Pope came over, he opened the door directly. Jiang Ziying’s face became very ugly. He sighed and shook his head and said, “I blame me.”

The Pope saw that Ovkar had already woken up, and he said with surprise: "Child, are you waking up so soon?"

"Well, I'm fine, now I can't move anymore," Ovkar said.

The original ugly face of the Pope was finally a smile, and Yan Yan smiled. "You should rest well, don't just move around, yes, I will ask you, who is it for you, you saw no. ?"

"No... not Xiao Bing, father, you won't give Xiao Bing..."

The Pope's face was gloomy and Shen said: "Sure enough, there is a behind-the-scenes black hand to provoke the relationship, rest assured, Xiao Bing has been released by me."

Hearing the Pope said, both Ovkar and Jiang Ziying were relieved. Jiang Ziying was because he was worried about Xiao Bing. Ovkar did not want the Holy See to be used by himself. Killing Xiao Bing is one time. It is another matter to kill people by knife. After all, no one wants to be used as a gun.

Ovkar said: "The man who started with me wears a golden mask. Although I am not sure who it is, I know that it is definitely not Xiao Bing at first glance."

"Golden mask?" The Pope stunned, and then his eyes rose and he sighed. "It's a Buddha!"

"Buddha son?" Ovkar was also surprised. "One of the two sons of the dark world, the Buddha son? I have no complaints and no hate. Why should he start with me?"

The Pope took a breath and said: "Bumen and Longmen have always been hostile. He has provoked our relationship and let me go to Xiao Bing. This is not unusual. It’s just that this Buddha’s door is so bold and dare to directly It’s a shame for you to start with you!”

Ovkar said: "Really, he clearly does not put us in the eye."

“Yes,” said the Pope. “Do you see his strength?”

"No." Ovkar shook his head and said, "At the time, I was just a face-to-face with him. I immediately got a knife. I fell directly on the ground. I only know that his strength is far above me. Unfathomable."

"Well, since he can be listed as the two sons together with Xiao Bing, the strength is naturally not weak. I am afraid that it is also a saint. Oh, it is reasonable to say that he is capable of killing you directly, leaving your living mouth. I will sooner or later. Knowing that it is his hand to you, he still does this. This is his most mad place. I first saw someone blatantly tearing my face with our Holy See. Rest assured, this Buddha is so bold. I absolutely can't let him go, I will definitely make this bad smell for you!"

Ovkar snorted.

The Pope said: "Have a good rest, Jiang Ziying, you take care of him as a daughter-in-law of our family. I hope that you can forget that person in the future. Those things will not be ruined anymore. You should be your little grandmother here. All right."

Jiang Ziying knows that the Pope actually has some complaints about himself. She knows that she has been unable to live with Ovkar before. At this moment, whether or not she is wronged, she must have a good relationship with the Pope. She directly bowed her head and recognized her mistake. She said, "Father, I know that I have done things that you are not satisfied with, and I am not quite sure of Ovkar. Those are my faults. From now on, Ove. Carl is the only man I have in this world. He is my husband. From then on, I will not have any place to live with him."

The Pope looked at Jiang Ziying with some suspicion. Ovkar said at this time: "Father, Ziying said all the truth, please believe her."

"Okay." The Pope nodded and said, "Then I will go back first, and you will live well in the future."

Jiang Ziying and Ovkar all agreed, and Jiang Ziying breathed a sigh of relief, which was a bit of a knot in his heart.

The Pope left here. Jiang Ziying and Ovkar looked at each other. Ovkar said: "Come here, come to me."

Jiang Ziying walked over and sat down next to Ovkar, and the two men's hands clung to each other.

Ovkar nervously asked: "You have said so much to me before, not because I am hurt, so you are pity me?"

"I am serious." Jiang Ziying said with a red eye, "If you don't believe that I love you, then you will kill me directly."

"How come, I believe you... I believe in you." Ovkar said excitedly. "It’s just that happiness is coming too suddenly. I used to think that it takes a lot of days to give you this ice. Melting, I can't think of it... This time I hurt, although I said that the Buddha wants to kill me, I would like to thank him more in this regard."

Jiang Ziying swallowed: "I will love myself in the future. If one day you die, then I will be gone."

The two men are opposite each other and they are exposed.

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