Super Soldier

Chapter 1790: Kiss at the entrance of the hospital

Xiao Bing helplessly said: "You don't want to look at me with this kind of eyes. I just want to vent it, I think the car is OK, so I promised."

"Well, then I left a mobile number."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "She has to worship me as a teacher and I have refused."

"Oh~." The leaves smiled. "The teacher and student love is also very good."

Xiao Bing coughed a sigh: "This is a misunderstanding. Absolute misunderstanding. To be honest, the character of the sisters is very interesting, but I have nothing to do with them."

"Isn't it really good? That's the sister flower, think about it, really not happy?"

"You can't swindle me, I really don't like it." Xiao Bing smiled bitterly. "It's really a character, but I really don't have the kind of love you think. In fact, I am telling the truth, I help her, there are also A little other reason...because there is a little bit of Su Xiaoxiao and her sister's shadow on them."

When the leaves heard Xiao Bing say this, the expression became serious because she knew that Su Peiya’s death had always been a lingering thorn in Xiao Bing’s heart.

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "In this world, many people have the shadow of other people, but they look like, so I help her, it is a one of Su Peiya who knows the spring. Make up for it, or make it more comfortable in my heart."

"I understand." The leaves said softly: "Well, no explanation, in fact, I believe in you."

"I know." Xiao Bing laughed. "You just made a joke with me. I know, hey, keep watching mànhuà, or look at me."

"Look at you?"

"Yeah, I am better than mànhuà."


After the leaf milk tea was finished, the two people chatted and chatted and fell asleep.

The next morning, I just opened my eyes and didn't climb out of the bed. Xiao Bing's cell phone rang. Xiao Bing picked up the phone but saw a strange number. The leaves asked: "Who is calling?" ”

"I don't know." Xiao Bing picked up the phone and said, "Hey, who?"

"Master, just broke up last night, I don't remember so soon?"

Xiao Bing has a black line and helplessly said: "Fang Yuanyuan?"

"Yes." Fang Yuanyuan said with a smile. "Come out at noon, I will ask you, how?"

"This one……."

"Or else it will work at night." Fang Yuanyuan said, "If you are inconvenient to accompany the object at noon."

"Time is good to say, I can do it at noon." Xiao Bing helplessly, "But you can't call my master. Explain in advance, I will return this meal to you, after the meal is finished, You and I have nothing to do with it. In the future, I don’t even think about what I am doing as a master. I am not 100% unappreciated.

"Master, what are you saying so badly..." Fang Yuanyuan said pitifully.

Xiao Bing asked: "Why don't you please treat me? If you don't treat me, I will hang up. Actually, I also had a chance to go to the car last night. You don't need to be grateful to me."

"Welcome, how can I not please?" Fang Yuanyuan said, "That night, I will send the address to your mobile phone. You will remember to read the text message later."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing promised, he hung up the phone, and then saw the leaves looking at him with a smile.

Xiao Bing looked helplessly: "Hey, don't look at me with this kind of look, but I really have nothing to do with her. You also heard that she is stalking to be my apprentice."

"Know know." The leaves giggled. "You still have a good style!"

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "Long is so handsome, what can I do?"

"Giggle, less narcissism, get up and eat soon, I have to go to the company earlier, yes, you have to stay with me tomorrow, tomorrow is the weekend, tomorrow does not go to kindergarten, I want to take her and The small stamens go out together, you give me a driver."

"Follow, my wife is an adult."

The leaves were drilled out of the bed and took off the nightgown. The white bra and **** were exposed. The slender waist, slim body and fair skin were matched with her angelic face. The soldier began to move around at a certain position. He thought in his heart, how could he endure such a long time.

The leaves grabbed the clothes and then pulled Xiao Bing, who changed clothes. He said, "Go, eat, oh, yes, you don't sleep with me tonight, I am holding a small flower and tonight. Sleeping together in the moon, you hurry to the heart of the room, you have not been with her for many days."

"Oh, good." Xiao Bing squinted and smiled. "You are not jealous?"

"Giggle, don't be jealous, but if you hook up the other little girl outside, and still glaring at me, be careful that I will cut off your little jj."

Xiao Bing only felt that he was squatting, and when he thought of himself and the leaves, he felt that the leaves were squatting under the shackles of the broken brother. This little Nizi was sweet and the inside was very strong!

After going to the restaurant for breakfast, Xiao Bing personally drove Liu Kexin to go to work. He had to send Su Xiaoxiao and Ye Xiaoxi, but they were rejected by both of them. The two of them said that they were abandoning Xiao Bing, and they were actually giving Xiao Bing and Liu Kexin creates opportunities.

Liu Kexin was sent to the hospital gate. Xiao Bing stopped the car and went over. He kissed Liu Kexin’s face in the co-pilot position. Liu Kexin screamed, his face was red and shy. people.

Xiao Bing softly said: "I will sleep with you tonight."

Liu Kexin’s heart is beating through the eyes, with shyness in his eyes, and a shy and pleasing way: “That... why don’t you sleep with the leaves...”

Xiao Bing gently squeezed Liu Kexin's chin by hand, letting her face face herself, and smirked: "If you don't want to sleep with me, then I can't pass at night."

"Who said... who said that he didn't want to..." Liu Kexin's face was red.

"Ha ha ha ha ...." Xiao Bing is looking at Liu Kexin's so shy look, Xiao Bing is more like it, and directly joined the past, this time directly on the mouth kissed, Liu Ke heart snorted, then can not help And Xiao Bing responded, the two people actually started to kiss directly on the driver's seat and the first officer.

The more the two people kissed, the more jiqing, the whole car was a panting voice, and some pedestrians passing by the car could not help but squint at the car, the kiss was almost, Xiao Bing loosened Liu Kexin, Smiled and said: "Go to work, I may have to go out at night, someone please eat, but will try to come back soon."

Liu Kexin whispered softly, then hurriedly pushed the door out and went out. She just walked out of the car and saw a few nurse colleagues standing in front of me waiting for herself. Liu Kexin immediately became redder and hurried. Chased the past.

"Giggle, heart, is that your boyfriend?"

"Well, I feel a handsome man, and I still drive a luxury car. When do you introduce everyone?"

Liu Kexin lowered his head and looked shyly: "Not..."

"Giggle, still said no, just don't know who it is, and people can't help but kiss in the car. If it is not the wrong place, will it still play the car shock!"

After one of the female colleagues finished, other colleagues laughed one by one. Liu Kexin was reddened by the laughter. They saw Liu Kexin’s appearance and casually teased Liu Kexin. They did not mention this, they actually There is nothing malicious on it, just joking with Liu Kexin. Liu Kexin’s popularity in his colleagues is still very good.

After sending Liu Kexin, Xiao Bing drove to the Longmen base. After all, he was the owner of the Longmen, and he was also the deputy minister of the Ministry of National Security. It was never too good to go on weekdays. He probably understood the recent operation of the Longmen base. The situation, and at the same time check the progress of the strength of the players in the gantry, probably in the afternoon.

From the base of Longmen, Xiao Bing directly went to the restaurant set by Fang Yuanyuan.

At this time in the hotel, Fang Yi sat next to Fang Yuanyuan playing with the mobile phone, Fang Yuanyuan slightly excited: "Little sister, you said that I can say Xiao Xiao brother, can he accept me as a disciple?"

"How do I know." Fang Yi said in a cold and hot voice, "I said that I don't want to come. You have to let me come. You have to worship the master, but I don't want to be a teacher. I will come and join in the fun."

Fang Yuanyuan immediately put out her sister's majesty: "How can this be called to join in the fun? You are not my little girl, you don't help me out. Who can help me out?"

When I saw my sister getting angry, Fang Yi had no choice but to help me: "Okay, okay, I will help you out."

"This is right!" Fang Yuanyuan showed a smile and said, "You are my mèimèi, say it again, you also know that this person is not very good at brains, sometimes it is a little impulsive, you have to remind your sister more Help my sister get some ideas."

Fang Yi smiled bitterly: "Where are you a little bit impulsive, are you really particularly impulsive?..."

At this time, the fuwu member sent a cup of juice and sent it to the table of Fang Yuanyuan. Fang Yuanyuan snorted and looked up at the fuwu member and said, "I haven't got anything yet."

The fuwu member smiled and said: "The gentleman who just got me sent me over."

The fuwu member looked back at the back and looked confused. "Quiet, that gentleman."

"Oh, someone sent it, I know." After Fang Yuanyuan heard it, she picked up the juice and drank it against the straw.

Fang Yi reacted and robbed the past. The airway said: "Sister, how can you drink something that strangers are sending?"

Fang Yuanyuan’s face is puzzled: “Isn’t you talking about it, don’t drink it or drink it.”

Fang Yi looked at the fuwu member and asked: "Is this juice not passed the hands of other people?"

"This..." The fuwu member hesitated. "It just seems that the man intended to take it personally, and later handed it over to me..."

Fang Yi frowned and said: "Oh, I know."

The fuwu members retreat with some fear, and they can't understand whether they are doing something wrong.

Fang Yi took a look at the juice and stirred it twice with the habit. Fang Yuanyuan smiled awkwardly: "There must be someone who looks beautiful, so I want to be close to me, you don't doubt."

"Well, maybe it is..." Fang Yi thought it should not be another situation. It may be that she was too careful, but she put the juice aside and said, "In any case, if it is true Some people are close to each other, don't drink it, lest people get entangled. The last time the situation was different, the last time you have been bet, and no matter who drinks or drinks, that person has been pestering you. ”

"If you say this right, don't drink it."

Fang Yuanyuan said with a smile.

At this moment, four black men wearing sunglasses came in from the outside, and after gazing in the hall, they went straight to the square sisters.

(End of this chapter)

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