Super Soldier

Chapter 1792: What kind of grandma is like?

Zhou Weitian looked awkwardly: "Hello?"

Fang Yuanyuan is stunned: "Why is that person so obedient? I flew out..."

Fang Yi was also staying. When she heard her sister, she couldn't help but smile. "Sister, you still don't understand it. It should be Xiao Bing's ghost, so he will fly out, but he just didn't watch it." Go to him!"

These gangsters are also creepy at this time. Although they often say that they are killing and killing on weekdays, they have never seen such a strange scene, and they have never seen it in their lives.

Zhou Weitian swallowed a sip of water and said with a big voice: "Don't be afraid of him. It just happened to be a coincidence. But this kid is really weird. Everyone is now together, tie him up and see what he can play." Pattern."

Fang Yi said to herself: "I have a feeling that these people may be unlucky."

"No," Fang Yuanyuan said, some can't believe it. "Even if I can't beat so many people alone, the teacher who used to teach me Kung Fu doesn't seem to have this skill."

Fang Yi said: "Not the same, you didn't see him with a light face, this kind of face, unless it is a fool, otherwise it must be a big skill, no wonder he dares to come in... oh... how back thing?"

Later, Fang Yi and Fang Yuanyuan were all dumbfounded, but they saw that these people swarmed up, and Xiao Bing was even bound without any rebellion.

Fang Yuanyuan looked at Fang Yi, Fang Yi rolled her eyes, and then sighed and said: "I look away, but what do we do..."

Fang Yuanyuan just remembered that now is not a time to hang out, her face can not help but become desperate, at this time looking at Fang Yi, Fang Yi is also a look of despair.

At this moment, on the other dilapidated factory opposite the factory, Zhang Mingyang is holding the glasses to see this scene clearly, happy to jump straight: "haha, it looks better than the plan, this The stinky boy came over to help me a lot. This Xiao Bing didn't save them. After a while, I suddenly brought people up, and then the hero saved the beauty. Isn't the image in the heart of the beauty to be pulled higher? I won't I believe that Fang Yuanyuan will not fall in love with me?"

A younger brother on the side immediately raised his thumb and touted: "High, Zhang Ge is really brilliant. The hand you played with Tian Ge is simply too powerful."

"Well, but this time it is a owe to Zhou Weitian's kid, but it is worthwhile to hold the beauty." Zhang Mingyang smiled smugly. It turned out that this matter was planned from beginning to end. He and Zhou Weitian are both big brothers on the road. The people under his hand are more than Zhou Weitian. They usually look down and look up.

Before Zhang Mingyang originally planned to win a game on the car, and then he won the beauty. I didn’t expect Xiao Bing to be born, and Fang Yuanyuan was saved. Then he went back to the night and thought about it. He even came up with the hero to save the beauty. Wonderful tricks, then gave another big brother Zhou Weitian to give a diànhuà, talked about the specific details, Zhou Weitian is responsible for arresting people, he is responsible for the hero to save the United States, the plan is implemented perfectly.

Zhang Mingyang threw the cigarette **** on the ground, stepped on it with his feet, and then looked back at the dozens of brethren brought to him. He said loudly: "Everyone goes with me, remember to be serious in acting, don't let go, but don't Too fake, I will invite everyone to eat a big meal!"

"Good le!"

These people began to go downstairs, and their abandoned factory was about three or four minutes away from the abandoned factory opposite.

At this time, Zhou Weitian was still acting. After Zhou Weitian tied Xiao Bing, he let out a sigh of relief and walked to Xiao Bing’s face. He said: "The kid, isn’t it just quite capable? No, haha, you don't inquire about who I am. This piece is the land of Laozi. Whoever I want to catch is to grab someone, do you dare to manage it?"

Zhou Weitian immediately looked at Fang Yuanyuan and began to smile: "měinu, now even if it is called a broken throat, no one will save you. See how I can give you pochu."

Zhou Weitian smiled and smiled. He walked over and then put his hands on the shoulders of Fang Yuanyuan. Fang Yuanyuan began to cry out loudly, and kept shouting in his mouth: "Help, help!"

Fang Yi also shouted loudly: "Birds, let go of my sister, you let my sister go!"

Zhou Weitian laughed happily: "Call, just call it, see who can save you!"

Xiao Bing has been quietly watching this scene, watching Zhou Weitian still not hands, Xiao Bing can not help but sigh, said helplessly: "To tell the truth, how can the level of acting like you, you If you study with me, you might be able to play better."

Zhou Weitian stunned and turned to look at Xiao Bing, cold and cold: "What do you say?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "If you don't let me loose, I have to beat someone!"

Zhou Weitian’s face was completely gloomy. He released his hand holding Fang Yuanyuan’s shoulder and sneered: “You can show me one.”

"Hey, this is what you let." The rope on Xiao Bing suddenly broke, and then Xiao Bing rushed into the crowd with a step, but saw more than 20 of the faces brought by Zhou Weitian. The younger brothers screamed and screamed all over the ground, and then Xiao Bing stood in front of Zhou Weitian as a ghost.

Zhou Weitian’s eyes widened and the whole person was completely stupid. Two faces were facing the face. Xiao Bing smiled and said: “You just let me beat people.”


Xiao Bing slammed, and a slap in the face of Zhou Weitian's left side, Zhou Weitian's left face was swollen directly, and the teeth also fell off. Xiao Bing was once again slap in the left face of Zhou Weitian, Zhou Weitian It was turned around by the force of this force, and then the face was swollen and the tooth fell.

Seeing Xiao Bing still want to do it, Zhou Weitian cried: "Big brother, I am wrong, can you beat someone to play a well-proportioned point, can you change a face?"

Xiao Bing was slamming again. Zhou Weitian turned several times in a row. The whole person was fainting, swaying, and bleeding in his mouth.

Zhou Weitian’s younger brothers screamed on the ground and kept screaming. Some of them had just climbed up. When they saw the horror of their boss, they immediately rushed to fall on the ground. Then continue to scream.

Sister flowers all look silly, Fang Yuanyuan’s eyes are lighted: “Fang Yi, really like you said, he can play so! It’s just too powerful, that’s why I can’t beat so many people, this is twenty. Many people! No, even if I am more than twenty, I can't beat him!"

After Fang Yi stayed for a few seconds, the cold mouth suddenly showed a smile: "Sister, I am listening to you for the first time."

"It's all so powerful, can I not accept it?" Fang Yuanyuan's eyes are shining, just like a big color láng saw the stunning beauty.

Fang Yi looked at her sister like this, and couldn’t help but burst into laughter: "Sister, you won’t be watching..."

"No, I have to worship him as a teacher!"

Xiao Bing turned a blind eye and used to help the two of them untied the rope. Then he said: "I have no apprentice in advance, and I am afraid that this is not so simple today. This kid, what is your name? what?"

Zhou Weitian kept blood in his mouth and smiled and said: "My name is Zhou Weitian, you will call me Xiaotian."

"Oh, OK, Xiaotian. What is the matter today? Is it that you want to kidnap Fang Yuanyuan, or is it another ambassador? If you don't tell the truth, I will interrupt your two legs. Don't test my patience."

Zhou Weitian slammed into the ground with a sigh, and a nose screamed: "It’s none of my business. It’s Zhang Mingyang let me do this. He asked me to bring this woman, then he took the younger one. Come over to save, come to a hero to save the United States, I did it with him. This boss, you must believe me, Zhang Mingyang's younger brother is more than me, I am not his opponent, I have to do it……."

Xiao Bing knows that Zhou Weitian’s words may be half-truthful, but the mastermind of this matter is that Zhang Mingyang should be right, so he said, “Let’s go, let’s wait, I will see Zhang Mingyang coming.”

Fang Yuanyuan hated to gnash his teeth: "This Zhang Mingyang is really too odious, and the dead will not change!"

Fang Yi sighed: "I finally want to understand, no wonder it will be so sudden and coincidentally. It turned out that because of Zhang Mingyang's reason, it seems that he still does not change his mind."

Several people were talking, and they heard a lot of footsteps coming from outside. The people of Zhang Mingyang hadn’t rushed here yet, and they shouted loudly in their mouths: “Fang Yuanyuan, don’t be afraid, I will save you! Zhou Weitian You put the person, or else I will fight with you!!!"

Xiao Bing turned a blind eye. This acting is also quite scum. Hey, you need to practice well. When you hear Zhang Mingyang’s shouting, Fang Yuanyuan is basically even more ambiguous. This thing is definitely like this. It’s the same as Zhou Weitian said, or how could Zhang Mingyang be able to rush in?

Zhang Mingyang brought four or fifty people, more than twice the number of Zhou Weitian, but when they rushed into the factory building, everyone was dumbfounded, and Zhang Mingyang was even more stunned.

Fang Yuanyuan went to Zhang Mingyang and gnashed his teeth: "Zhang Mingyang!"

Zhang Mingyang’s face is stunned: “I... I am here to save you!”

"So how do you know that I am here?"

"I just saw a little brother..."

This is a line they have discussed before.

Fang Yuanyuan’s face was blue and cold, and she said coldly, “Yes, it’s so good, it’s a coincidence, but unfortunately, your companion has given everything!”

"Ah?" Zhang Mingyang only saw Zhou Weitian lying on the ground at this time, and his anger was ruined. "Zhou Weitian, how can you casually talk nonsense? What kind of image will I be in the goddess?"

Zhou Weitian said directly: "I don't say no, you don't have a hard mouth, Zhang Ge, do you see me?"

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