Super Soldier

Chapter 1824: I lost, but still not satisfied!

Xiao Bing has taught three strokes in total. It seems to be somewhat similar to the three tricks of street fights. These three tricks are not other people. Even Fang Yuanyuan was embarrassed to make it.

Now, with Xiao Bing taking a few shots, Fang Yuanyuan's strength has been upgraded. They have looked forward to these three moves one by one, although even their own hearts feel that this expectation is ridiculous.

Fang Zhixin filtered the three moves in the heart, and in my heart, even if you seem to have a few tricks in the street, I will write down your moves. Every time I know how to make a move, I know. I see how you beat me.

Fang Zhi did not notice that he originally thought of these tricks as a joke, but at this time it became a serious attitude.

Fang Yuanyuan bit his teeth, and finally decided, rushed to the past, the first move to fight out, Fang Zhi did not accidentally hid the past, followed by the second move to catch up, Fang Zhi also hid the past, Fang Yuanyuan bite his teeth, and make The third move, the other family members around the world want to turn the face to the side, I feel that there is no face to see, how to look how ugly these tricks, how to see how can not be able to fight people garbage tricks.

If not, Fang Zhi still hides in the past.

Fang Yuanyuan bit his teeth and used it again. Fang Zhi re-hidden again. Even after these two times, Fang Zhi could even avoid his eyes.

Fang Zhi smiled a bit: "There is no big mystery!"

He finally started, Fang Yuanyuan took a small belly and was directly beaten on the ground.

There is silence in the courtyard, and the rénmiàn of the Fangjia face each other, and then one by one looks at Xiaobing with some speechlessness. Is this your three tricks? I feel that Fang Yuanyuan is not as good as I want to play. You can’t say too much about these three moves.

They originally thought that Xiao Bing would feel embarrassed, and would feel embarrassed. I didn’t expect Xiao Bing to be a light-looking look, or even a deputy of the world’s high-ranking people. These people secretly shouted, Nima, you are not afraid of the skin. It’s too thick!

Fang Zhi stepped on Fang Yuanyuan with his feet, and smiled proudly: "Fang Yuanyuan, you lost, but like you, Dan Jin and I are against the strong players of Dan Jinfeng. It is normal to lose. I have long been Say, women can't practice martial arts. You can't catch up with me even if you practice for a hundred years. You can't catch up with me even if you don't sleep every day. Fang Yuanyuan, you will accept it, and you have a family. If you are only a pair of stupid sisters, you will never have the opportunity to continue the martial arts of our family in the future, and you can be excluded by the Fang family!"

Fang Yuan frowned and stepped forward and asked: "Fang Zhi, what do you say?"

Fang Yuansheng was angry, and Fang Zhi did not dare to say anything, but Fang Zhengming on the side was smiling with a smile: "My son is not very good at speaking, but it is true, and the two daughters of your family are also It looks good, how can the two female geniuses pass on the martial arts of our family? So you still try to have a baby out."

Fang Yuansheng clenched his fists and looked at other people, but he saw other people’s eyes also have such an attitude. His heart was angry. He only felt that his two daughters and his wife were really close to themselves all these years. Too many grievances.

Fang Yuanyuan was stepped on her feet. When she heard these words, she suddenly screamed and let Fang Zhilian retreat a few steps. She stood up and went straight to Fang Zhi’s rushing past. She was attacked by Fang Zhi and was caught off guard.

Fang Yuansheng's family saw this scene, all of them were full of expectation. After the result, Fang Zhi was in a hurry and a few tricks, but Fang Fangyuan was brought to the ground.


Fang Yuansheng’s family sighed silently in their hearts. When they said that they would admit defeat, Xiao Bing suddenly had some dissatisfaction: “Fang Yuanyuan, I just told you how many times, I used the three tricks that I taught you, who Let you use other tricks to start, beat it?"

Nima, you still have a face, countless people feel that they don’t know how much grass mud horses are rushing in their hearts. Just Fang Yuanyuan is being beaten down with the three tricks you taught, and then I started using my own moves. Your three strokes are not useful at all. Now it seems that Fang Yuanyuan lost because he refused to listen to you.

Fang Yuanyuan turned her head and looked at Xiao Bing. When she saw Xiao Bing’s face indifferent, she thought that Xiao Bing had helped him win the foreign invited master when he was in the car. Xiao Bing once fell down in the abandoned factory. So many, although she feels that the three moves are really bad, but inside the heart is still burning the fire of hope, biting his teeth, anyway, he is not an opponent, then the dead horse is a live horse doctor, big deal loses More terrible, what is it?

Fang Yuanyuan nodded, and began to use the three moves to start attacking Fang Zhi. Fang Zhi underestimated the dodge, with a slapstick color on his face. In fact, he can easily defeat Fang Yuanyuan now. These three tricks are stupid for him. It is similar to a pig, but he has to hide for a while. He wants to tease Fang Yuanyuan so that Fang Yuanyuan knows how huge the gap between the two is.

On weekdays, Fang Zhengming and his father and son did not laugh at Fang Yuansheng's family. Therefore, Fang Yuanyuan's hot temper did not know how many times he had conflicted with Fang Zhi. Fang Zhi had already wanted to start. If it was not for the other woman to be a woman... now finally has a chance. Naturally, it is necessary to prove to everyone, especially to tell your own uncle, there is no future for women to learn martial arts!

Fang Yuanyuan used these three tricks again, and then re-played these three strokes again. The second time he had just finished the first move, he suddenly heard Xiao Bing angered in her ear: Stupid, the last two moves will be played again!"

Fang Yuanyuan knew that it was Xiao Bing’s voice. He hurriedly followed Xiao Bing’s instructions to fight in the opposite direction. After Fang Yuanyuan suddenly changed his mind, Fang Zhi’s screaming was in jeopardy. He slammed backwards and backwards. After a few steps, half of the arms were paralyzed.

After Fang Yuanyuan had been fighting with Fang Zhi, this was the first time he hit the other party. He couldn’t help but look at it first. Then he looked back at Xiao Bing and looked at the excitement. When she saw Xiao Bing, she saw Xiao. The soldier smiled and nodded to her, and then heard the voice of Xiao Bing passed to her ear: "I will play the first two strokes of these three moves in a while, and the third move will be played according to normal. Then I will The first move and the third move are going to fight, and the middle move is to play as usual."

Fang Yuanyuan’s eyes widened. It’s no wonder that Fang Zhi didn’t prepare in advance. It turns out that Xiao’s brother can talk without opening his mouth. He can hear it, and others can’t hear it!

Fang Yuanyuan glanced at the eyes of other people, and this was finally confirmed. Others could not hear it. Her heart could not help but be excited. Especially, she finally got to know Fang Zhi, which made her full of confidence.

Fang Zhihuodonghuodong arm, then said: "I understand, these moves are actually against the fight, oh, it is not bad to do it, you don't think I will continue to move!"

After listening to the local chronicles, the other people in Fang’s family also showed some relief. Indeed, at the beginning, the local chronicles may not have noticed, and it is inevitable that they will be recruited. Now that they know that they are fighting against it, how can they still be recruited? ? Fang Yuansheng’s family’s original expectation was also shattered. Fang Yuansheng sighed and said to the mother and daughter next to him: “Just Yuanyuan should take the opportunity to continue to attack Fang Zhi, although the winning rate is still relatively low, but At least there will be a chance to win. Now, the party has been slowed down and it has been completely out of play."

When I heard Fang Yuansheng say that Fang Fang and Fang Yi both shook their heads slightly, did they really lose this way?

Fang Yuanyuan listened to Fang Zhi’s words and snorted. A rushed over the past: “Don’t be proud of it, win me first, let you see how my Xiao’s moves are!”

Fang Yuanyuan listened to Xiao Bing’s words. The next two moves were counter-attacks. Although Fang Zhi had already had some psychological preparations, he still felt that there were some fuss in the fight, so that the ordinary three strokes would be reversed, as if In an instant, the infinite mystery was added. After the first two strokes were reversed, the third stroke suddenly came out normally, and a punch directly hit Fang Zhi’s body.

Fang Zhi repeatedly stepped backwards several times, his throat was sweet, and a blood spurted out.

Fang Yuanyuan learned the experience, and this time she was more and more brave in the Vietnam War, shouting again in her mouth, actually rushed over again, the first move against the fight, the second move is normal, the third move is against, actually One punch was smashed on the chest of Fang Zhi. After two consecutive punches, Fang Zhi retreated backwards several times. Wow spurted a large amount of blood and slammed into the ground.

Fang Zhengming screamed at his son, and he rushed over in the past, holding Fang Zhi in his arms, and then turned his head to Yuanyuan to glare.

Fang Yuanyuan did not have the slightest fear in front of her own cousin. The momentum that was not afraid of fear and fear was out. She raised her head directly and looked at Fang Zhengming. Fang Zhengming said several good words in succession. Fang Yuansheng stood at this time. When I arrived at Fang Yuanyuan, I looked at my cousin and smiled and said: "Zhengming, the gambling between children, should we not need to intervene between our elders?"

Fang Zhengming took a deep breath, and Fang Zhi, who was holding him, opened his eyes and said, "Dad, I am fine..."


When Fang Zhi came down from Fang Zhengming's arms, he only felt that his body was weak, but it didn't have much trouble. His eyes looked a little complicated and looked at Fang Yuanyuan. Some unwillingly said: "I lost!"

This voice was lost, and everyone in the house was almost stunned, but there was nothing to say. The facts prove that everyone is in the eye, and losing is losing.

Fang Shanyue looked at Xiao Bing with a complicated look, then sighed and said: "I am willing to gamble and lose... This war is convincing."

"No, I lost, but I still don't accept it!" Fang Zhi added another sentence.

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