Super Soldier

Chapter 1843: Compensate me with my body

Back home, the leaves are screaming, and Xiao Bing quietly lay beside the leaves, sleeping with the leaves.

When Xiao Bing’s hand was already more than four o'clock in the afternoon, the leaves had already woken up, but because Xiao Bing was glaring at her, she was afraid to wake up Xiao Bing, so she went on. I fell asleep.

At this time, Xiao Bing opened his eyes, and the leaves just woke up for the second time.

The leaves looked at Xiao Bing and smiled and said: "When is it coming back?"

"Well, more than ten o'clock."

"Oh, let's sleep a little longer."

"No, I have already slept very well." Xiao Bing kissed the lips of the leaves and smiled. "Working hard."

"I don't work hard," said the leaf. "Right, what about the rouge?"

"Maki has taken care of it. Rouge has already woken up. I asked the doctor this morning. The doctor said that the rouge in the last week is not to move as much as possible. Try to lie as smoothly as possible. If you go to the bathroom, be careful. You need to stay in the hospital for observation within the month. If there is no serious problem, you can leave the hospital after one month."

The leaves sighed and said: "This time it is too dangerous."

"It is really dangerous." Xiao Bing sighed and said, "I have been too smooth in the recent period. The Guwumen faction has surrendered. The dark world has long been bound by me... I actually already I know that the two people are harassing rouge, but the result is not the same thing. In my eyes, no one on the ground in China seems to dare to do anything to the people around me, even to accept an apprentice, I have to make a big fan Everyone knows that all the people in the future will be measured in front of my apprentices, but I will look at myself after all, I am not omnipotent."

The leaves said: "Xiao Brother, these can't blame you."

"Whether I can blame me, I am too proud, too big..." Xiao Bing smiled bitterly. "Although this matter has alerted me, it is to let the rouge almost pay for life to alert me. This price is really It is too big. From now on, I will send more masters to Xiaofu. When you come in and out, you must have more than two masters to protect them. I will also add more experts to protect the safety of rouge. ""

"In addition to this, I have to hurry up and train a large number of highly capable masters. I said that the protection work can't always let the gantry eight levels do it? But the strength of others is a bit far, so pick up In addition to teaching three disciples, I will try my best to help all the strengths of Xiao’s guards."

The leaves said: "Well, no matter what you do, I support you."

"thank you."

The leaves are a little distressed: "If you do this, you will be too hard."

Xiao Bing took the leaves and looked at the leaves. He said, "Don't you have to work hard? Actually, I think that you are harder than me. Although the little flower has become a big child, and since childhood, it is very sensible, but the moon has always been So small, at home you have to take care of the moon, go to the company and you have to be busy with business matters... Husband feels distressed when thinking about it."

"If you feel bad about me, I feel that I will not be very tired no matter what I do." The leaves said with a smile. "Recently, if you go with rouge, I will not stop you because this is what you should do." A man to take care of his sick woman, this is normal, but recently you have to do a good job with the other Yuanyuan? Fang Yuanyuan will be competing after a month, this gambling is still you Help him to agree, you will not let her lose."

Xiao Bing said: "I will not delay teaching her kung fu."

"I believe this," said the leaf. "But I don't want you to be tired of your body. You think about it. If you are tired of the body, the rouge itself is still in the stage of recuperation, and it will be a lot of pain."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Well, you can rest assured, I must listen to you, I will take care of my body, I will pay attention to rest, and arrange the time properly."

"Well, if you say this, I will be relieved. On the rouge side, you will occasionally go with you. You can usually let me or other people in Xiaofu take care of them. In short, I don't object to you to accompany rouge, but I can't help myself, I can't sleep too little every day, do you know?"

"Follow, wife!"

The leaves smiled and said: "Hey, kiss me."

Xiao Bing took the initiative to kiss the mouth of the leaves.

The leaves smiled and said: "Well, hey, my wife will hurt you."



"Now it looks like you are attacking, I am subject to..."

"Giggle... what are you afraid of, I will protect you later."

"..." Xiao Bing took a look at the time and sat up and said, "Let's go, it is estimated that I will have dinner soon. I have eaten dinner today. Um... I sent the rose at night and let the red rose be there. I will accompany you. Then I will start teaching these three apprentices tomorrow morning. Lei Jing and Shao Peng are not in a hurry. The most important thing is that Yuan Yuan has been delayed, and there is less than one month to win! ”

The leaves sighed and said: "If you want to understand it, it is mainly that the rouge is now out of danger. You often look at it. You don't have to stay there all the time. Rouge will understand you. Yuanyuan wants to be here. Race against time."

"Yeah, race against time." Xiao Bing’s mouth floated with a smile and said, "If I changed it before, I wouldn’t dare to say confidence in a month’s gamble. Now I dare to say that I am confident, this Fang Yuanyuan is now Has become a highly talented person, because the heart is also a gift."

Apparently Fang Yuanyuan’s previous jump has already transformed her whole person.

"Get up, baby, get up and go to eat together."


Xiao Bing and Fang Yuanyuan got up and washed their faces. When they came to the restaurant, everyone just had a meal. It was not long before they saw Xiao Bing coming in. Su Xiaoxiao looked up and asked, "Have you both finished sleeping?"

The face of the leaves was red, and Su Xiaoxiao had no problem, but she clearly understood it as an ambiguity.

The red rose was eating alongside the side of the dish and said: "How is the face of the leaf red, is it something strange?"

The leaves don’t dare to refute the red rose. If there is anyone in the red house who is afraid of the leaves, then it’s definitely not a red rose. Even Maggie’s little quirky little girl can see anyone. Laughter, but I dare not go to tease the red rose, because the red rose is really more than anyone who dares to say, can say anything to export, before Maggie challenged a red rose, the result of being laughed red-faced, since then Later, she also knows what is called someone outside, and there is heaven outside.

The leaves and Xiao Bing sat down at the dining table. Li Chunlan put the rice in front of Xiao Bing Er rénmiàn. Xiao Bing looked up at Fang Yuanyuan with a bit of majesty on his face. He said: "Tomorrow morning, every day four I got up and started to train you. After two hours of training, I came back for a while, ate a meal, and then continued my training for one day. I had to be mentally prepared. My special training was very strict. If I couldn’t take it, then I couldn’t take it. Take your home and don't stay here."

Fang Yuanyuan hurriedly assured: "I can afford it, and any training is no problem."


Lei Jing hurriedly asked: "Master, what about us?"

"You and Shao Peng..."

Lei Jing hurriedly said: "Master, we must also train rigorously. We will get up at four o'clock tomorrow, okay?"

"Well, okay." Xiao Bing nodded. He was not so strict with Lei Jing. He just hoped that Lei Jing could live without worry. After all, everyone’s pursuit is different. Lei Jing and Zhou Shaopeng It is not a person who has such a deep obsession with martial arts.

Xiao Bing thought for a moment and said, "Let's eat, then go to bed early at night, get up early tomorrow."

After the account was over, Xiao Bing stopped talking about these serious things. He began to chat with everyone and had dinner. Fang Yuanyuan’s character was greatly embarrassing. Lei Jing’s character was also very delicate and lively. Both people can say that Zhou Shaopeng The words are a little less, mainly because they are a bit cautious in front of Xiao Bing, but his eyes always steal from the eyes of Lei Jing from time to time. From the first time they saw them, Xiao Bing saw Zhou Shaopeng’s thunder. It’s very interesting, but Xiao Bing thinks that the possibility of being together is not too big. Lei Jing seems to regard Zhou Shaopeng as his own brother. There should be no other ideas.

After dinner, the servants cleaned up the dishes in the kitchen, and everyone else went out. Su Xiaoxiao sighed: "Hey, I don't know when Aunt Xia will come back."

The leaves quietly gave Su Xiaoxiao a look. Su Xiaoxiao reacted at once. Some worried people looked at Xiao Bing quietly. When she saw that Xiao Bing didn’t seem to have anything, she was slightly relieved. I have to blame myself for a while, and I must be careful when I talk in the future.

The entire Xiaofu knows that Xia Hongyin didn’t know if it would come back this time. Although everyone didn’t understand why Xia Hongyin was leaving this time, but they all know how deep Xiaobing’s feelings for this mother-in-law are, so for Xiao Bing. It must be the most unacceptable and most sad, but everyone knows that Xiao Bing is not the kind of person who needs comfort at any time, so he can only mention these sad things as much as possible.

Xiao Bing’s face looked nothing. In fact, the heart was not touched again, but he could quickly suppress the feeling, and then smiled and said: “Rose, you and I go one. Hey, send the food to the past, then you can exchange Maggie."

"Oh, OK."

Xiao Bing said: "You have worked hard tonight."

"Nothing." The red rose smiled. "For those of us who practice martial arts, what do you do late at night, in fact, I feel that there is nothing to do at home, and now it is a bit of a thing."

After Xiao Bing and the red rose went out with the rice cooker, Xiao Bing drove the car and the red rose sat on the co-pilot. The red rose suddenly swept the body and the neckline directly allowed Xiao Bing to see the deep cleavage... It’s too tempting, too big.

Xiao Bing swallowed his mouth and saw the red rose staring at himself. His eyes were so soft and soft, and the voice was also full of youhuo: "I feel so hard, I will compensate me with my body..." ”

After the talk, the red rose gently rubbed his lips, sexual gǎn boundless. (https:)

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