Super Soldier

Chapter 1973: I will show you a broken

First place! !

All the people are stunned!

The third-grade super genius, the son of the **** king, Xiao Sixia, was recorded in the fire pool by Xiao Bing? ?

These people have their eyes wide open, but the most important thing is that Xiao Bing's standings are still growing, and Xiao Si Xia's record is constantly expanding, and it seems that Xiao Bing is much faster than before.

Zhang Lao Zhang’s mouth is wide, and his chin is almost scared!

Midora swallowed a slobber and asked incredulously: "Zhang Lao, are you sure that it is not Xiao Si Xia?"

Zhang Lao did not answer her, and then Mdola shook her head and said to herself: "It is impossible, even if it is Xiao Si Xia, it is impossible to do this step!"

Xiao Bing gradually approached four hundred. When Xiao Bing broke through to four hundred, suddenly another brighter wall next to it brightened up, and then showed another set of rankings.

Everyone was stupid at this time, and Chen Heng was confused and asked: "What is this ranking?"

Zhang Lao smiled and said: "This is the history list. The college has been established for thousands of years. In the thousands of years of history, there are countless protoss geniuses who have entered the fire pool. Although Xiao Sixia is the first in the school now. Genius, but in the history of thousands of years, he has not been able to reach the side with them for the time being, but I think that Xiao Sixia may have hope before graduation in the third grade. Originally, my favorite is that Xiao Sixia is next. Within a year of entering the ranks of the general list, but did not expect to be entered by a freshman."

Midora smiled bitterly: "There are no new students in the history of the Protoss who have entered the general list?"

"Only one is over."

Midora’s face is unbelievable: “Is the first year of the new year breaking into the general list? Who?”

Zhang Laos hesitated a little, but still did not say it. Midora looked at Zhang Lao’s embarrassed look, but immediately thought of it, and he asked directly without a heart: "Is it the last generation God?" Wang Xiao broke the sky?"

"Yeah." Zhang Lao nodded, with a few reverences in his eyes, said, "The king of the gods Xiao Biantian was once the greatest pride in the history of the entire Protoss. In his first year of life, he was only 18 years old. Into the list of the fire pool, the highest record of the original fire pool was created by him."

A freshman looked at the ranking of the general list there, and then curiously asked: "I didn't see Xiao Tantian's ranking."

"Because it has been erased." Zhang Lao's voice is a bit complicated. "Forget it, don't talk about it. We will continue to pay attention to Xiao Jun's ranking."

There were fifty people before the history list. After Xiao Bing went up, the name of the last person disappeared directly. Among the list of 50 people, the names of more than ten of them were Xiao!

Xiao Jun appeared in the position of the 50th place, and then quickly reached the forty-ninth, forty-eight, the points of these people are relatively close, Xiao Bing quickly rushed to the top forty.

Zhang Lao’s chest continued to undulate, and his mouth was full of breath, and Mirador hurriedly helped Zhang Lao, and asked, “Zhang Lao, are you okay?”

"Nothing." Zhang Lao smiled and said, "Genius, he is a true genius. I can't think of a genius that I could see in my lifetime. Now we can ignore his age because I dare to say the whole school. All the talented students in it can't reach his step even if they reach his age!"

Zhang Lao said that it is true that most of the students are now struggling to take a step in it. Even if they can improve a little over ten or eight years, how much exaggeration can they make progress?

The top 30, the top 20, the top ten... have never stopped. Finally, Zhang Lao was helped to the side of the seat and began to take medicine.

Midora kept asking: "Zhang Lao, don't scare me, I am not ready to pick up your class yet, are you okay? Nothing?"

"It's okay, it's okay... It's a year of life... It's worth it to be able to see such a genius in the rest of your life... The first day of the Protoss history is even worse than that of Xiao Biantian."

Chen Dongqing asked: "This... even the Xiao Xiaotian of that year..."

Zhang Lao shook his head and said: "Xiao broken days are not as good as him. Xiao Biantian is not as good as him... Xiao Biantian finally passed the one kilometer and became the only one in history to pass through one kilometer. Student, but at the first grade did not achieve his current achievements!"

At this time, a few third-grade students came along, and then they knew that after the incident, they were all stunned and watched. Even they didn’t have the heart to immediately call Xiaosi Xia, no one could move.

After a while, Xiao Bing has surpassed the second place and reached the first place in the overall list. As a result, his points are still skyrocketing. Before 500 meters, he added 1,000 points and 500 meters for every ten meters. After that, he added two thousand points for every ten meters. Finally, his points stopped at 150,000.

Zhang Lao just stood up. When he saw it, he called a kilometer in his mouth and then fainted directly. The result was surrounded by these people and rescued the monks.

Zhang Lao gasped, and Li Linger was still asking: "Zhang Lao, how did the points stop? How was my Xiaojun brother?"

"What's wrong?" Zhang Lao's face became extremely weird. "He... he finished the first kilometer. In the history of the entire Protoss, he is the second one to be able to do this... is history. The first student to complete this achievement with a first grade student."

Someone trembled: "So he should be the first person in the history of the Protoss?"

"Well..." Zhang Lao couldn't believe it until now, but he didn't believe it.

Li Linger’s eyes sparkled with excitement. Excited: “Xiao Jun’s brother is so powerful? Is it time to pick him up?”

"You don't have to pick it up. After passing through the flame pool, there is a road inside that can return to here." Zhang Lao went to open the iron gate, and then stood here and began to wait for Xiao Bing.

Two minutes later, Xiao Bing’s figure came out from the inside, but he saw Xiao Bing’s face black and lacquered. It seemed that there were many wolverines, but his eyes sparkled and even everyone felt his The momentum has become even more terrible. This is not the kind of momentum brought about by the realm, but the strong breath brought from the bones, even if he is just a mortal, even if there is no power in his body, it will not hinder him. This is a terrible momentum.

However, Xiao Bing’s realm has indeed improved. He has risen from breaking the void period to breaking the virtual reality. When he came over, he smiled and said: “I just struggled while walking forward. Be careful to break through!"

Everyone listened with no words, and broke through such a difficult thing. How did it feel like a toilet in his eyes? Did you break through? Is it a breakthrough, or is it pulling?

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "It’s a pity that I am really afraid of pain, so this kilometer is slower. Do you all look at me doing this? Is it because I have used it for too long, so I don’t meet the regulations? Ah? But this is not to blame me. I don’t believe you go in and try it. It’s really something that normal people can afford. You can’t change it for you...”

Zhang Lao has not dared to let him continue to talk about it. It is a blow to people. If he goes on, the people present must be in a collective spirit.

Zhang Lao hurriedly brushed the score card, and then returned the score card to Xiao Bing. He said: "I have just recharged your 150,000 points. This is the highest score that the fire pool can get."

Xiao Bing’s eyes lit up and asked: “The 150,000 points? Otherwise, I will go back again now, and I will earn 300,000 today!”

Zhang Lao was black in front of him, and then fell over. Midola hurriedly leaned down and called, while he was stunned, and Zhang Lao was saved. Zhang Lao heard Xiao Bing whispered: "How to find a bad body in the fire pool, and faint when talking."

Zhang Lao secretly smiled, is my health bad? Ok, my physique in the past two years is really a bit of a problem, but is it too much to be stimulated today? I am not these young and young, who can bear the stimulation of you?

Zhang Yan came over at this time, and his attitude was serious. His face was even filled with hot worship: "Xiao Jun brothers, I am now convinced that you are taking it for you. From then on, you will be the leader!"

Xiao Bing stunned, is this person sick? I didn't mix black, and didn't say what to collect, but I didn't smile. Xiao Bing nodded, then looked at the general list. I sighed and asked, "What is this?" List? I am in the first place?"

After the excitement of the surrounding people, Xiao Bing finally understood why these people are this kind of attitude, but for the first time in thousands of years, Xiao Bing began to look for the list, and finally did not find himself. The father, in the position of the seventh place, saw the name of Xiao Tiantian, and the people who were in front of Xiao Tiantian were also named Xiao, but Xiao Bing alone had a surname of Xiao, but it was another Xiao word. .

Xiao Bing took back his gaze and asked: "Why is there no Xiao Xiaotian?"

Zhang Lao hesitated, this name is almost taboo in the realm of the gods, but Xiao Bing shows the potential of too horrible after all, Zhang Lao simply did not dare to treat Xiao Bing as an ordinary student, so I still explained it. After learning that his father should be the first, and the name was erased, Xiao Bing’s eyes were cold, and his heart thought secretly. Well, my father knows what you are doing, even though you look at it, your name is erased. But your son took up this position instead of you.

I don't just want to break the record of the fire pool, but also break other records, and you rest in the Spirit of Heaven!

Xiao Bing suddenly turned and left. Li Linger hurriedly chased the past and asked aloud: "Xiao Jun, brother, where are you going?"

"Qiling House."

Xiao Bing took Li Linger very quickly. When the figures of the two disappeared, Zhang Lao looked at the students and asked: "He... what did he just say?"

"He is going to Kailing Building."

Zhang Lao took a deep breath and muttered to himself: " going to break the record?"

The students all bowed one after another and chased the past in the direction of Kailing Building. Zhang Lao hesitated and said: "No, I have to go. That... Dorami, you stay here first."

Dorami is shining in both eyes. Since Xiao Bing came out from the inside, she put her eyes on the light, like a lost soul. At this time, listening to Zhang Lao, she immediately said: "Why. ”

Zhang Lao said: "After a while, the vice president is coming. After seeing the vice president, you will take him to the Kailing Building. Rest assured, he wants to end the challenge there. It is not so fast, it can't be delayed. You are past. But I think he is exaggerated here. It should not be so easy to get there."

Zhang Lao said, while chasing the past, Dorami saw that Zhang Lao had already ran, and the gas was smashed, but the official level crushed the dead, and she had to wait here, only looking forward to the vice. The dean can come earlier.

Ps: Dear friends, the plot of the fire pool is longer. The next customs clearance will be as simple as possible, and will not delay too many words. (https:)

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