Super Soldier

Chapter 1977: Depressed Xiao Bing


All the people are dumbfounded, and then look at the list carefully, they understand it, from forty-two to the fifty-fifth... Of course, now Xiaosi Xia has been pushed to the 50th, and it was The fifty hapless geniuses have completely disappeared from the historical total list. The historical records from the forty-two to the fiftyth are all ninth. This proves that Xiao Bing is reaching the ninth floor. The fastest of all.

Then everyone looked at the position of the first place. The first place in the history list of Tongtian Tower is the 17th floor. That is to say, even in the whole history, none of the students here have reached the tenth. Eight layers?

Luo Bian said next to him: "In fact, the history of this tower is the 18th floor. The 19th floor is really not accessible to students."

Associate Dean Zhu Geyu asked: "How is the name of the 18th floor gone?"

After the question was finished, Zhuge Yu understood it himself. Sure enough, Luo Xihe hesitated and said: "Because the name has been erased."

Zhu Geyu nodded and sighed and said: "The first day of the Protoss history is a pity... All his magical historical footprints have been erased at the same time in the entire history of the college."

Zhang Lao asked: "Is there no one in Tongtian Tower?"

"No." Luo washed his head and said.

"Oh." Zhang Laodao said, "It seems that this time Xiao Jun can't clear the customs, but maybe he can create a history first, that is enough."

Others listened straight to the white eye, and you said what you said, as if the history is the first, you can get it as you like, hello, that is the first place in the history of the Protoss for thousands of years!

Of course, the people who have seen Xiaobing’s miracles before have already recovered a lot. They no longer feel how exaggerated Zhang Lao’s words are. In fact, this time, even Xiao Bing took the first place, they also I don't think there is anything. After all, Xiao Bing has taken two consecutive firsts.

Soon Xiao Bing’s ranking has risen again. Luo Biao smiled and said: “The tenth floor... I don’t think a first-year freshman has entered the tenth floor of Tongtian Tower. Can it be said that Xiao Sixia can’t compare him to the third grade?”

The deputy dean looked at Dai Xueman, the class teacher of the same stunned Xiao Bing, and said with emotion: "Congratulations, you have received a good student this time."

Dai Xueman first stunned, and then showed the excitement of his face. His students were excellent enough. When the teacher was just not just having a light on his face, even Dai Xueman could soon become a school. The star teacher, who was noticed in the entire Protoss, only felt that Xiao Bing was a little different before Dai Xueman, but he did not think that Xiao Bing was so good, so exaggerated, she was gambling once again.

The vice president said: "But I think he should still be unable to break the first record. Tongtian Tower is different from the fire pool and Kailing Building. After all, it is necessary to support the realm of strength. He is even a gift, but the realm. It is not very high at present, and it can be regarded as a genius for thousands of years. It is necessary to know that those who are in front of him are a record of the entire college. It is impossible to achieve it just after entering the school.

Others even nodded when they heard it. Zhang Lao is also very recognized. They have just been a bit too enthusiastic about Xiao Bing. Ignore the essential difference of Tongtian Tower. You are even more powerful in talent, but Tongtian Tower When you reach the above, you already have high requirements for strength.

Luo Bian said: "The current record holder of the Tongtian Tower is the tenth generation of the king of the gods Xiao Yu, when he was in the third grade, he reached the middle of the saint at the age of 21, plus his blood Directly broke through to the 17th floor."

Others listened to the look of the face, but at this time, Li Linger suddenly shouted: "The eleventh floor, the eleventh floor... Ah, how is the red dot gone?"

Luo Biao exclaimed: "That is to say that Xiao Jun broke through to the eleventh floor, but failed during the eleventh floor. The first grade went to the eleventh floor. This is the first record in history. I have never done it. It seems that the only one who does the same is..."

Everyone knows that the name is a taboo of the Protoss, but compared with the first day of the history known as the Protoss, it shows how exaggerated Xiao Bing is.

The door of Tongtian Tower was opened automatically. Xiao Bing walked out from the inside with a tired face. He was sweating, his clothes were not well, and his hair was very messy. But at this moment, no one looked down on Xiao Bing, all the people. The people who watched this one miracle after another were full of wonders and even some people still with awe.

Dai Xueman first responded to one thing and was surprised: "How do you... break through to Tianzun?"

Others have noticed that although Xiao Bing looks tired, the breath has become stronger.

When I heard Dai Xueman’s words, Xiao Bing’s face was a bit ugly. It looked like a rather unpleasant look. Some unhappy whispers: “I’m a bit regretful and eager to smash the tower, and I’m too hard. If you make it hard, you will break through to the realm of heaven!"

Xiao Bing’s words almost directly stunned the students, and everyone else turned their eyes. The vice president was also helpless, but Xiao Bing said that it was true, not his. The character is too arrogant, it is really because he really has no idea of ​​breaking through, and he plans to wait a little longer. On the one hand, he does not want to be too tempted. On the other hand, he wants to be weaker and harder. Practice yourself.

It is a pity that the Tongtian Tower is too difficult and too difficult. At that time, during the breakthrough period, it was really a bad thing. It was only able to stop the cultivation and directly break through the realm of Tianzun, so that Xiao Bing’s thoughts were lost.

After Xiao Bing’s sensation, this only noticed that an old man who had reached the level of half-god was staring at himself. Xiao Bing was shocked, and his heart was slightly awkward, for fear of being discovered by this old man. What is flawed.

Xiao Bingxin secretly thought: "Grandma, I just want to earn a few points, how come so many people, and what kind of ghost is this old man? Such a half-god-level old guy has come to see What does it mean for me to be a first-year freshman?"

If Xiao Bing’s thoughts are known by others, you must have a good life. You have already taken history first in two consecutive times. This time, although you did not get the first place in the history list, you also created The new record of the Tongtian Tower has been recorded, not to mention the deputy dean, which is that the dean is not in school, otherwise the dean will be alarmed.

Zhu Geyu looked at Xiao Bing and smiled and said: "Yes, I have never seen a talented young man like you, whether it is a student in the college or a person outside the college. You have seen me. The most talented one."

Xiao Bing snorted and asked carefully: "Who are you?"

“Bold!” Kang Xuan itself is a five-body cast that has been very depressed and has been hit. At this time, it is finally a chance to retaliate against Xiao Bing. Immediately, he said sternly: “You don’t even know that you are a deputy dean of Zhuge!”

Zhu Geyu turned his head and looked straight at Kang Xuan. A horrible pressure directly caused Kang Xuan to slam on the ground, and then he heard Zhuge Yu screamed: "What do we say with our genius?"

Kang Xuan did not expect Zhuge Yu to attach importance to Xiao Bing, and he was so scared that he shivered on the ground. Others saw this scene and they all understood it. Xiao Bing will become the focus and training target of the entire college. However, this is also a very normal thing. It is only a thousand years before such a character can appear. If the college does not look like a baby, it will be strange.

Zhu Geyu, as the deputy dean of the college, naturally would not be too uncomfortable with an ordinary student like Kang Xuan, so he took back the pressure and revisited Xiao Bing.

"Oh, it turned out to be the vice president." Xiao Bing asked cautiously. "Is there something to do with the vice president? Then I will not bother..."

In the face of a semi-god-level powerhouse, although Xiao Bing has confidence, he will not be seen as a flaw, but if he is careful to sail for a million years, he can get less contact or less contact with some.

Zhuge Yu smiled and said: "There have been so many levels in a row, and so many records have been broken. It is indeed time to go back and have a good rest. We should not bother him any more, let him go back and take a break."

Xiao Bing said: "I have to wait."

He handed his loyalty card to Luo Bian and said: "I bet before I won the points."

"Oh, right," Luo said in a hurry. "Not only the points for betting, but also the points you won this time to get the points together, I will transfer them to you. I will help you calculate. You bet a total win. In the fifth five points, you have reached the eleventh floor in total. According to the points, the first layer will not increase the points. If you go to the second and third layers, you can add two thousand points. The fourth layer can be increased. Three thousand points, the fifth layer adds five thousand points, the sixth layer adds 10,000 points, the seventh layer adds 20,000 points... Well, the points you pass through the total accumulated to 140,500, plus 10,000 Five, a total of 160,000 points for you...."

Xiao Bing’s eyes lit up and excited: “Enough is enough, or else I will go back and challenge again.”

Luo Bian quickly said: "This can't be done... One person can only challenge once a day, and you will come over to challenge next time. If you can't break your original record, you won't add any extra points."

The heads of Zhang Lao and Qi Ling Lou all looked at Xiao Bing with a strange look. Before Xiao Bing thought about re-challenge in their two levels, they all got the same answer. They both secretly This talented student is a rare encounter for thousands of years, but how to love it so much, so greedy...

Xiao Bing sighed, and some helplessly said: "Okay, okay, then I really have to go back to rest!"

Luo Bian turned the points and returned the score card to Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing yawned tiredly, then greeted the vice president, and greeted Dai Xueman and Xiao Daiting, then took Li Linger together. Going in the direction of the South Campus.

Looking at the back of Xiao Bing, Zhu Geyu nodded and said with emotion: "Winning is not arrogant, seeing that he has broken so many records, his face is not even high-spirited. It is a true genius. The genius that has been rare for thousands of years shows that he will go far and far in the future. Even the king of the king will be challenged... This student will become the entire Tongtian College in the future. The greatest pride, the snow is flowing."

"I'm here."

"You will arrange it tomorrow, and arrange for him to go to the North Campus directly to see what free dormitory there is and give him the best location."

Dai Xue was very surprised in the heart, but nodded and said: "I know, deputy dean."

Vice-President Zhuge Yu smiled and said: "This kind of genius can afford such treatment."

Zhuge Yu was excited to get talented students, and the levy and Li Baoshan were there to cry, and Xiao Bing got so many points, of which 10,000 points belonged to them two!

I touched my own score card and thought that my score card could not even enter the first floor of the library. The two people could not help but cry. (https:)

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