Super Soldier

Chapter 2139: Gao Fei’s promise (one more)

Gao Fei has changed a lot during this time. Only when he reveals the murderous air that makes the air tremble, Maggie can think of his brother as a person who has the blood of the Mozu messenger. Maybe he wants to My brother will stay with me forever, let him live like a normal person, and the idea itself is a mistake.

The messengers of the Mozu have always been extraordinary. In the Mozu, the demon is the most supreme, but the emperor of the Mozu is the most awesome of the Mozu, because often the devil is usually closed, and the devil It is not the same. Once there is a threat to the existence of the demon god, it is all eradicated by the devil. Even if the demon leader is in front of the devil, it is also a battle.

Only Gao Fei’s generation has an exception, because Gao Fei’s father died early, so that Gao Fei has become a new generation of magical agents before he really grows up. According to common sense, the youngest magical agents are also The age of forty is even older.

However, no matter what, he is the man who sheds the blood of the devil. The devil represents the purest killing among the devils. Perhaps only the most exciting life can make Gaofei feel really excited. .

Maggie screamed at the waist of Gao Fei and cried: "Brother, I am not stopping you, but I want you to live in peace."

"Yeah." Gao Fei gently stroked Maggie's head and said, "The boss will protect you well. You are not suitable to go back to the Mozu. If you are with you, it will be difficult for me to protect you." Staying here is like living a good life before. I know that the time of the past few years is the happiest time you have ever spent. From then on, don't regard yourself as a demon person, and treat yourself as a human being. ”

"You have grown up, you can fly, and you have to be separated. What's more, I won't always be apart. I have to go back and do something. When that thing is done, I will still Come back." Gao Fei smiled faintly: "You have to believe that no one can ask for your brother's life."

"Okay." When I saw Maggie, I cried and didn't talk. Gao Fei took out some paper towels and helped Mai Qi wipe the tears and said, "Don't cry, the paper towels are not enough for a Seeing people is the most accurate. Do you think that your flying brother is like a short-lived person?"

Maggie grinned, resisting tears and screaming: "I... I am not fortune-telling."

Gao Fei said: "If I just left the Mozu, my strength is not enough, and you and I are dependent on each other. At that time, I was daring to go back. Now I think it is time, my strength. Already can leave, even if I am not there, you can live happily here, remember, no matter how long I will go back this time, maybe one month and two months, maybe three months and five In the month, you have to be happy, don't lose weight, don't become unhappy."

"I...I... can you really come back?"

"I can really come back." Gao Fei said, "You are the one I need to guard, and my only relative in this world. I will not go back to you, but where will I go?"

"Then I... then I promise you. But if you lose faith, then I will return to the devil world, no matter how dangerous I have to go back to you."

"it is good."

"Half-year period."

Gao Fei was silent, then said: "Good!"

Maggie bit his lip and said, "Three months..."

Gao Fei shook his head and said: "I try to be as early as possible, but the deadline should not be set too short."

"Yeah." Maggie grinned and said, "You turn your back."


"I have to change clothes, and my clothes are soaked and soaked."

Gao Fei shook his head and smiled. He turned his back to Maggie, and the sound of **** came out behind him. After a while, Maggie said, "Go back."

Gao Fei turned back and saw that Maggie had changed her clothes.

"So let's say it?"

"we have a deal."

"Hook it."

"..." Gao Fei reached out his fingers and the fingers of the two men hooked together.

"Flying brother, do you know that you are the most favored person from small to big, in my eyes, you are my brother, even my father may not have you so good to me, I always know My dad may hurt me for my demon girl and my half-brother, but you will not, you will not hurt me for anyone."

Maggie said and began to cry again: "No matter what time, no matter what time, you will not hurt me. For me, you even betrayed the Mozu, betrayed my father, and brought me with me." I am in the human world. I want to stop you, I want to tell you that if you dare to leave, I will die. But that is not my style of work, but more importantly... for so many years, I think Let you live for yourself, not for taking care of me."

Gao Fei looked at Maggie, and all of his heart was filled with emotion and warmth. He gave him a hand in his arms and said, "Maggie..."

"Call my sister!"

"Yes, sister, thank you... You are the driving force of my efforts, the motivation for me to live, I am happy to live here happily, as long as you are still good, no one can harm you flying brother. Your flying brother will be able to come back safely whenever he arrives."

"Yeah." Maggie twitched. "You promised me, I believe in you."

Maggie took Gao Fei to sit down at the bed and said, "Do you still remember, when we were still in the Mozu, you were a face in front of anyone from small to big, even though your age Small, but everyone is afraid of you, only I am not afraid of you, sometimes even riding your shoulders and walking around Tianmu Mountain, then many people envy me, even my stepmother knows that I am going to be angry. died."

Gao Fei said: "Because I am the magician of the future, sooner or later I will become the devil's existence second only to the demon god, so when we see that we are so close, she will feel angry and feel scared."

Maggie said: "Yeah, because you are a magician, because you are so good to me, plus I am the princess of the Mozu, so the people around me are even more afraid of me, and even many people say that I am in the future. It is possible to become the new demon god, because you support me."

Gao Fei said: "It is also because of this, so your stepmother and the general commander want to get rid of us."

"But that day was really happy. I used to be in the Mozu. Besides my father, my favorite thing is you. Later, my father married my stepmother. I only like you one."

Gao Fei said: "In the Mozu, normally you should be the Lord, I am a servant, but you have always regarded me as my brother."

"My father also regards you as your own child." Maggie said, "I still remember that when you carried me to the tree and picked the fruit, I said that I am the daughter of the devil, but I am in martial arts. It’s a little bit of talent, not even an ordinary person, so I will not practice martial arts from an early age, and then I will see that I am not happy. You tell me, no matter who you want to fight, you will help me to fight if I Want to fly in the sky, you can also carry me in the sky, ask me what else I need to do?"

Maggie chuckled and said: "I didn't have a heart at that time. I just thought that you said it too, so that didn't bother me, because in my eyes, you are my God, as long as the day is not Will collapse, what do I still do with Wu?"

Gao Fei smiled and said: "There is nothing wrong with you."

Maggie said: "You are too fond of me."

"Isn't this supposed to be."

Maggie said: "My dad spoiled me. Later, he began to spoil my stepmother and my brother, but you still spoiled me. This is what I used to be a lawless character from childhood to big. Giggle, before they all How is the Princess Nami how to be willful, in fact, how much can I be worse when I was a child."

Gao Fei smiled and said: "You are not the same, you look strange, and like pranks, but you care too much about other people's feelings, whether it is me or other people and guards, you will always maintain Everyone around you, don't let any one of them be bullied. I remember that your stepmother taught you one of the guards, then you went to your stepmother's residence, and made a big noise with her, and finally she was still in the devil. The adult has told him several times."

"Hey, I have been very good when I didn't beat her." Maggie said with anger. "This woman is too bad, bad, my brother has her teachings. Oh, unfortunately, my Those guards..."

When Maggie and Goofy left, the guards were also killed. When they thought of this, Maggie’s eyes showed a bit of sadness.

Gao Fei said softly: "As long as you can live happily, their sacrifice will not be in vain."

"Yeah." Maggie looked at Gao Fei and said, "Flying brother, I know that you hate my stepmother like me. You are bullying me, but you promise me, you must not look for them after returning to the Mozu. Account, you are not their opponent."

"I know." Gao Fei said, "The gentleman revenge for ten years is not too late. Our Mozu did not understand this truth before, so both the Mozu and the Protoss were sealed by the strong human beings. Now I learn from humans. With this in mind, I will not have a direct conflict with those people until there is enough strength."

"Call... that's good, then I can rest assured."

According to the strength of Gao Fei, as long as it is not positive and those who have conflicts with each other, basically no one can be embarrassed by Gao Fei. When he heard Gao Fei say so, Mai Qi feels a lot more practical.

Maggie said: "Flying brother, take me out... pick the fruit?"

"Is going to the tree again?" Gao Fei touched Maggie's head and smiled. "You are all grown up."

"Then I will go too."

Gao Fei smiled and filled with the petting voice: "Good!"

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