Super Soldier

Chapter 2214: Strong gathering (one more)

Molong said calmly: "This is very poor and smart. He chose the terrain on Jiulongpo, but it is extremely empty. It is suitable for the monsters that can take off at any time and fight at high altitude. If you choose a canyon or the like. Its advantages will be weakened by a third."

"Yes." Xiao Bing added, "In all respects, it is definitely a very awkward, high-intelligence monster, so this guy is cruel, but we should not underestimate its intelligence."

Drunk gyro laughed and said: "It's just a monster, even if the IQ is high, you don't believe where its IQ can go."

Xiao Bing said calmly: "It is better to be careful with everything, and be careful to sail for thousands of years."

They met some Africans on the road. This area looks rather barren. The Africans they meet are basically all yellow, thin and skinny, and they are very worn. Xiao Bing sees this scene and can’t help thinking of Huaxia. The ever-changing changes in these years are precisely because of good leadership, so the motherland can prosper and prosper.

It’s just that when these African people can really eat and get dressed!

The drunk gyro asked: "The doorkeeper, what are you thinking about?"

Li Chaoyang said: "It is estimated that the door owner is feeling the living conditions on the African side."

Xiao Bing saw Li Chaoyang, this is why Xiao Bing appointed Li Chaoyang to host the overall situation at Longmen Base. Li Chaoyang’s mind has always been very clear, and he is also very smart when he encounters things. He thinks the problem is very clever. The idea for Xiao Bing will soon be Captured.

Xiao Bing said: "Yeah, I am thinking, these African people don't know when they can really develop. This land is too poor and backward. They are really pitiful."

Li Chaoyang said: "Yes, it will definitely rise slowly, but Africa has been a relatively backward place since ancient times. It may be difficult to catch up with the pace of Europe, America and Asia."

Molong said: "This may take decades, or even nearly a hundred years, but their conditions will definitely improve slowly. The world is developing, and the world cannot simply abandon this place."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You are right, Molong, I don't think you are a very thoughtful and knowledgeable person."

Molong said coldly: "Are you an IQ of a knife customer?"

"Hahaha, of course, no, I don't dare." Xiao Bing smiled. "In case I am a little kid, you are in a hurry and give me two in half."

"I don't have that skill." Molong's eyes shone with a fierce light and said, "I just want to split the odds into two, and try my knife is fierce."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You will have a chance to try."

Even if it is facing the legendary beast, the dragon is not afraid, this is why he is the head of the Longmen Eight.

The speed of Xiao Bing and others went very high. After more than four hours, the distant mountains finally saw the endless mountains. Xiao Bing pointed at the mountain and said: "This mountain is called Jiulongpo. ”

Molong said: "It will be twenty minutes to go."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "Do not worry, take a break in place."

Everyone sat down. Longmen followed Xiao Bing for so long. He had already been used to obeying orders. Even if he was an enemy in front of him, if Xiao Bing said that he would lie down for a while, everyone would lie down. This is the first in the dark world. Discipline of the organization.

Xiao Bing also sat on the ground and said: "We must adjust to the best state before we can kill it. This is so strange, if we are escaped by it, the next time I want to deal with it, I am afraid. It’s not that easy. What’s more, this singular temper is fierce. Once we are hunted, it is likely to retaliate against the innocent people.”

Molong said: "If the world is raging in Africa, and other countries do not care, I am afraid that Africa has not been able to stop his country. The weapons of Africa are not advanced. It is too difficult to deal with him. ""

"That's it." Xiao Bing said, "And if developed countries want to eliminate the oddities, they are likely to use nuclear weapons. Anyway, the life and death here is indifferent to the superpowers like m. They don't care if they can. Even if the people are tired, even if many innocent people are buried, they are attacked by public opinion at most, and they still have to say that this is a sacrifice that has to be made to eliminate hidden dangers. If it is not dead, it will die. Many innocent people."

Li Chaoyang said: "In fact, there is nothing wrong with the truth."

"Yes, the truth is correct, so we must succeed this time, otherwise the m country must use nuclear weapons."

Li Chaoyang asked: "The doorkeeper, if the country of m will use nuclear weapons against you one day, can you escape?"

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "I am afraid I can't escape."

Li Chaoyang said with emotion: "So now is really the era of mankind. The mythical gods and demons can't fight humans. Even if they come out of the enchantment now, they can't fight humans."

"But human beings must also have blood flowing into the river. I am afraid it will be more horrible than the world war." Xiao Bing said, "We don't know how terrible it is once we reach the **** level. We have only heard of this power. It has never been personally felt."

"The doorkeeper adds fuel, you will reach God level sooner or later."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "One day sooner or later, it can be achieved, and it is not just me. Let's go to the realm of the gods in the gantry, and the extremes will fall. The martial arts of humanity have reached extreme weakness before. At the stage, the high-tech reputation has replaced martial arts. From the Eight Great Schools, the state has forced the closure of the mountain and the Holy See has been forced to become low-key. These two points can be seen. Human martial arts has weakened to the limit. Now that I have arrived at the time of the great Tailai, I feel that it will soon appear in the peak period of the most prosperous martial arts after the mythology."

Molong said: "Is this a good thing?"

"In the era of high-tech civilization, martial arts has to reach his peak in this situation. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but I think that everything has his laws of development, everything. There are reasons for this development. I believe that this time must be an objective reason for it, so I think it may not be a bad thing for human beings."

Xiao Bing suddenly looked at the front and looked at the sky like a sword. He saw the sky thousands of miles away. The power of terror was raging over there, and even Molong and others saw it. A huge red figure rises to the sky, this figure knows that it is a monster, and there are a pair of wings.

Molong and others stood up and said, "Is this strange?"

"Definitely!" Xiao Bing said. "We are going now. It seems that someone has taken the first step."

The odds have already been attacked in advance. If the opponent’s goal is to kill the poor, it doesn’t matter to Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing never thought about what to do, but if the other is a Buddhist, they want To arrest the poor, Xiao Bing must try his best to stop it. If the evil and evil beast says that he can't escape, he can't leave hidden dangers, he must kill it here. Otherwise, he is not sure. What kind of disaster humans will encounter.

Xiao Bing rushed over in a step, everyone else followed closely, and everyone's speed soared to the extreme. When the distance was getting closer, Xiao Bing couldn't help but be surprised, then his face smiled. Molong and others also stunned, and the drunk gyro screamed: "That is not the Buddha's door. Isn't that the old man of Lingshan and the boy of Chen Baijian?"

However, it is true that the one that flies up in the sky is a savage beast, and the two underground ones look up at the Chinese **** Shen Mu and the hundred swordsmen, Chen Baijian.

At this time, Xu Mu has stepped into the realm of demigod, and Chen Baijian has already stepped into the peak of the saints. In fact, the last time Xiao Bian saw Chen Baijian, the time of the past year, Chen Baijian was still the beginning of the saint. The realm of the realm is that his strength has progressed so fast because Xiao Bing has sent people to give the beasts Nei Dan to Chen Baijian, in order to improve the martial arts realm of the entire Terran, in preparation for the future against the gods and demons. .

This Chen Baijian is definitely the first kendo genius of mankind. Even the proud person of Miyamoto Lutheran has said that he is not as good as Chen Baijian, so Xiao Bing can never hope that Chen Baijian will fall because of the conflict between the two. It is necessary to know that the sword that was used by Chen Baijian in his hand is still taken from the hands of the protoss masters, and then sent by Chen Baijian, Xiao Bing and Chen Baijian have long since had no hostility. More is the same.

Seeing that Xiao Bing led the Longmen, Xu Mu and the two felt very happy, and at this time, there was an old voice suddenly coming from afar: "You are coming so fast."

Xiao Bing followed the sound, and a figure was getting closer and closer. It turned out to be the Pope’s Pope. The Pope’s current strength has already entered the semi-god level. Now it’s equivalent to two half gods plus a saint. At the peak, this is still not the case of the gantry.

Xiao Bing smiled faintly: "It seems that the overall situation has been set."

For the endless helpers, Xiao Bing was surprised and happy. He knew that these people must have come to Nei Dan. But this is not important. What is important is that today must kill the poor. Otherwise, the people. There will be no more days!


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