Super Soldier

Chapter 2225: Come over again? (two more)

"Of course I talked to you, little, you know, after I learned that you were pregnant, I didn't want to go to work at all. I wanted to talk to you at home every day."

Su Xiaoxiao said: "I am the same, we don't want to be with my husband every day, but I don't have to be with you every day, you still have to go to work, not just for us, but also For other people."


Su Xiaoxiao said: "How much respect everyone respects you now, how admiring you, even this time I encountered some setbacks in the trip to Africa, but all the posts on the Internet are feeling that you have performed so much before. Many tasks are so dangerous. Everyone can be safe every day. It turns out that you are all. All the posts on the Internet are saying hello, they trust you so much, respect you, I support you to pay more for the country. Even if it is to sacrifice some time with us."

Su Xiaoxiao said: "The most supportive thing in the past was the leaves. In fact, I can't say a little bit of complaints in my heart. After all, my sister... Hey, I sometimes think, my sister will catch up with her life. Now, how can that be? Does the people know her? Even if she knows her and appreciates her, can she exchange her life?"

"But now I am slowly beginning to understand."

Xiao Bing softly said: "Don't think about those unhappy?"

"No, I am not unhappy, really, I am proud and proud of my sister from the heart." Su Xiaowen said, "Those hatred, I have already let go, because I know, this is my sister's own choice. The road, although she is no longer there, but she must not regret it, this is enough."

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "Thank you, thank you for your understanding, can understand us, can understand your sister. In fact, Xiao Brother also understands you, understands you... So remember the first time we met? You are crying, my heart The face is also bleeding. Well, don't say this, recently, do you like to eat sour or spicy?"

Su Xiaoxiao smiled and said: "Why, do you want to judge boys and girls? I will tell you, I have already asked about these two days, but I can say that this is not allowed at all, you should not believe it. Do you want a boy or a girl?"

"Of course girls, it's better to be as beautiful as you are."

Su Xiaoxiao giggled: "Okay, then you have to take a short name to give her a good name."

“Yeah.” Xiao Bing said, “Are we particularly happy?”

"Of course, our two mothers are happy. In the past two days, your mom and my mom will talk to me every day. It is just more exciting than me to see them happy."

"That is of course, every generation, the next generation is the closest." Xiao Bing laughed. "But after the birth of the child, we have to manage it, and we can't be spoiled by them."

"Well, I can't get used to it." Su Xiaoxiao said with a smile. "But I am afraid that when you are a father, you will be more used to it."

"I? I won't." Xiao Bing said, "I don't believe that when I close my eyes, our children will be honest immediately?"

Su Xiaoxiao giggled: "I am afraid that when the child blinks, you become honest."

Xiao Bing turned a blind eye: "Do you think your husband is not so majestic?"


I am laughing, my husband is of course the most majestic, no one can compare. Su Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "However, these two months may not be suitable..." ”

"It doesn't matter." Xiao Bing said with a smile. "I remember to have a good baby in these two months. We must be careful in everything, and we must go to the check-up on time. I will accompany you."

"Yeah." Su Xiaoshu said, "Let the leaves accompany me, you will be busy with yourself."

Xiao Bing said: "Work is important, and my wife is important."

Su Xiaoxiao showed a happy face, Xiao Bingyu looked at Su Xiaoxiao and suddenly said: "You look back behind you."

Su Xiaoxiao looked back and saw nothing. When she turned back, Xiao Bing’s face was close to her face, and the lips of the two people touched each other instantly.


Two people began to kiss, Su Xiaoxiao directly melted in the arms of Xiao Bing.

After kissing, Xiao Bing gave Su Xiaoxiao a slap in his arms, gently patted Su Xiaoxiao, softly said: "I suddenly think of the three children in the family... Oh, no, Four children, Zhuo Ka, Rose, yours, and Xiao Mingyue... They are running around in their homes, and they are noisy."

Su Xiaoxiao said: "That can still wait for two years. When I was born, I couldn’t sit still when I was sitting. How can I run?"

Xiao Bing said: "That is the child of Xiao Bing."

"Your child can't just run when he is born. Isn't that what it is?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It is also true."

"Giggle, too happy? Are you happy?"

"Well, isn't it happy to be confused?" Xiao Bing said. "I want to go out and buy two tape recorders, buy a few tapes of prenatal music, and bring them back to you."

"Well, I listen to you."

Xiao Bing softly said: "Okay, hurry down, take a rest."

"Nobody wants it. It’s only a month now, how can I sleep every day." Su Xiaoxiao whispered. "Moreover, pregnancy is the easiest to gain weight. You still let me eat and sleep, then I will Isn't it time to be a fat girl?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "If you are fat, it will look good."

"No, even if there are children in the future, I have to stay slim. I want to be a hot mom."

"Haha, good, good, you are a hot mom."

Su Xiaoxiao suddenly grabbed his mouth and then retched to the ground twice. Xiao Bing asked: "Do you want to vomit?"

"Nothing, nothing." Su Xiaoxiao waved his hand and said, "I can't spit it out, I just have some reaction, retching."

Xiao Bing was distressed: "My wife has been sinned."

"Cut, I am guilty of this matter. My husband is born and killed every day. It is really hard work." Su Xiaoxiao said, "I have so many sisters, and two mothers take care of me. I am afraid that I will never find a better pregnant woman than me."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "The husband will make you better."

"Well..." Su Xiaoxiao shy, the heart is like the sweetness of eating honey.

Two people talked and laughed and talked for more than two hours. Later, Su Xiaoxiao looked

A little sleepy, the eyes were a bit insane, Xiao Bing sang a song to Su Xiaoxiao, and waited until Su Xiaoxiao was asleep, Xiao Bing carefully walked out from the small room of Su.

After closing the door, Xiao Bing took a long sigh of relief, and then he strode to the room. As a result, he just walked two steps and saw Li Chunlan coming over. Xiao Bing smiled: "Mom, now I am pregnant, you Definitely happy, is it broken?"

Li Chunlan smiled and said: "Is it back? You are not, and you are happy. I originally intended to tell you before you came back. As a result, they will not let them, but they will give you a surprise."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It is a big surprise."

"Yeah." Li Chunlan walked over to Xiao Bing and whispered, "You are back now, nothing to spend at home, don't always accompany the little ones, the little ones and my mother can take care of them, more time Going to accompany Rose, she is not the same as Xiao Xiao, although she said that she cares about her whole, but after all, she has no relatives in this world."

Xiao Bing nodded, and he was respectful and admired for Li Chunlan. He said, "I know, Mom!"

"Yeah." Li Chunlan said, "I have said this to my sister Xia. Both are her daughter-in-law, so that she cares more about caring for another daughter-in-law. It is okay to be partial."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Mom, I can have you such a good mother-in-law, it is just a happy death."

Li Chunlan smiled and said: "Okay, you are less slick, like a smeared honey, no wonder, you can marry so many daughter-in-laws, all of them are long and fairy."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Mom, are you going to find a little one?"

"Well, I will go see the little one."

"No, she was a little sleepy, and she is asleep now."

"Oh, is that the case? Then forget it, then I will go back to the room first. I just went out with your mother for a while, a little tired."

"Well, Mom, let's go to rest, I will go see the roses first."

"Well, go ahead."

Xiao Bing did not know that the red rose was not in the room. Before, the red rose seemed to be the room to go to the leaves, but it has been more than two hours. It is estimated that it should be back to the room. Xiao Bing went to the door of the room of the red rose. I immediately heard the voice inside, so I smiled and knocked on the door. Soon, Xia Hongyin opened the door from the inside. After seeing her son, Xia Hongyin smiled and said: "Son, fast. Come in, let me go with your wife, I will not bother."

"Okay." Xiao Bing said, "Mom, I guess I can stay at home for a while, and I can stay with you."

"Your mother still needs you to accompany? Hurry up to accompany your wife." Xia Hongyin is also smiling inside the eyes, seeing her, her mood is really good, Xiao Bing rarely see Xia Hongyin There is such a happy time from the heart.

After Xia Hongyin went out, Xiao Bing closed the door and walked over. He smiled and said: "Rose, you are so weird."

When the red rose saw Xiao Bing’s first sentence, he said that he was strange. He couldn’t help but stunned. Some doubts were puzzled: “Where am I blaming?”

"You are strange... blame."

The red rose smiled, with a smile in his eyes, and looked at Xiao Bing with a wink, and asked: "Come on again?"

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