Super Soldier

Chapter 2266: The ultimate array (two more)

Shaolin Zhiming, the abbot who had always wanted to persuade the Buddha son, sighed a little and said: "The devil of the donor is too deep. If it is repented in time, it will be a blessing to mankind. If it is impossible to repent, it will eventually fall into the magic road and become the world. The disaster."

The Buddha son smiled and smiled: "What is the devil? Sometimes, when human beings are conspiring to calculate, they are not like magic. Who is it? Hypocritical change is also God. There is no distinction between human and magic in this world. Master Too persistent."

The abbot of Zhiming said: "Yes, just as the donor said, the demon will also be kind, human beings will also have evil, and everything will exist in the heart. If the Buddha is degraded, it is the fall of the heart. I still want to persuade the Buddha to lay down the knife and become a Buddha."

"I was originally a Buddha, and how come to become a Buddha?" Suddenly, the magical character of the Buddha's son disappeared in an instant. At this moment, he even exudes a sacred glory, the kind of brilliance makes people look I think that he represents the light, represents justice, and represents the side of all living beings.

At this moment, all of them are stunned. In the eyes of each of them, it seems that they are the ones who should be sinful by Purdue, and the Buddha in front of them is the Buddha who guides them.

Just when other people were confused, Zhiming abbot swayed the beads in his hand and said: "Amitabha, good and good, and the end of the sea is the shore!"

As the abbot of Zhiming was like the sound of Hong Zhong, everyone was awake, and then they burst into a cold sweat, and they just fell into it without knowing it.

The abbot of Zhiming said: "Amitabha, good and good!"

The Buddha son looked at the abbot of Zhiming and asked: "Is it just like the moment you saw me?"

Zhiming abbot said: "No matter who it is, it is just a stinky skin. It is a skinny bag. It is not a skinny bag. We are always good at hypocrite and deception through the skin. But even if you are hypocritical, the essence cannot be changed. The donor, the bitter sea is boundless, turning back to the shore, letting the butcher's knife stand and become a Buddha."

Buddha son laughed and said: "I said, I am a Buddha, Zhiming abbot, since you think that you are a believer in Buddhism, then you should use your Buddhist tricks to deal with me, let me teach and teach."

"Good!" The Zhiming abbot suddenly became a claw in his right hand and grabbed the past directly. Like a golden dragon, he gave a roaring voice to the Buddha and went straight to the Buddha.

Buddha son laughed and asked: "What is this trick?"


"Okay, look at me!" The Buddha also had the same left hand as a claw, and then grabbed it with a claw, the state was like a dragon, with horrible attraction and the power of terror.

The two forces collided together, and the abbot of Zhiming retired two or three steps backwards. He read an Amitabha in his mouth and stabilized his figure.

A few masters on the side hurried around and asked: "Ancestral, how are you?"

"I'm fine." Zhiming's abbot took a deep breath and looked at the Buddha's son with dignity. He said, "The one you just got is also a dragon hand."

"Yes!" Buddha said with a smile. "In contrast, I am more like a disciple of Buddha. I am a Buddha, and I have the same Buddhist martial arts. I am even better than you. What do you think?" ?"

Zhiming’s abbot sighed and said: “Amitabha, oh, the martial arts realm of the donor is really beyond the reach of the old man.”

The faces of several Shaolin masters are also very unsightly. The Pope on the side said at this time: "The abbot should not be too modest. In fact, in terms of the realm of martial arts, although you are not as good as the Buddha, but the one just In fact, you are better, but the Buddha has to fight you back with more profound strength."

The Buddha son silenced and said: "It is true that you are talking, but what about the move, the winner is the king, isn't it?"

The abbot of Zhiming said: "It doesn't matter whether you win or lose. Our Buddha's attention is not about winning or losing."

The Buddha said with a smile: "I know that your Buddhists pay attention to the general public, but you can't get me at all. Today I even want you to die, no one can be born."

The abbot of Zhiming said: "Then, even if the donor is good, the old man will naturally not sit still. The ambition of the donor is too big and elusive. For the world, even if we all work together, we must overdo it."

"It’s good to say." Buddha said with a smile. "I just think that you guys don’t let me kill you right away. I like this game more. I want to do it with you. game."

Zhiming abbot asked: "What game?"

After entering the forest, Xiao Bing and Xu Mu were surrounded by dense trees, and there was no danger. However, they had been away for a long time, but they found that they had reached the original point.

Xu Mu Shen said: "It looks like this is a puzzle."

"Yes, there are many kinds of puzzles. This puzzle seems to be nothing unusual. In fact, it is the most brilliant master of the formation that can be arranged. It seems that we are temporarily trapped."

Xu Mu asked: "You have no way for the time being?"

"I am watching." Xiao Bing said.

Xiao Bing kept looking around. From the perspective of this wood, there was no difference at all. When I walked in, it seemed to be walking into an ordinary wood, but they were always turning around. Generally speaking, all the formations have a glimpse of the eye, but the woods in front of them are completely unable to find the eye.

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "This person's array of methods is extremely clever. I don't know why now. I can't find the eye. I can't feel the fluctuation of the aura here. It is obvious that the people who use the array are not using it. Infuriating, but relying purely on the arrangement of the rumors of the formation of the law, that is to say that this person's martial arts realm may not be very high, but the rumor of the formation has reached the peak of the peak. I can't think of this world. Such a master of the array!"

Xu Mu said: "How can we go back first? It seems that it is possible to bring them together and not to go away. If the delay is too long, they will be in trouble if they encounter danger outside."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "The key question now is that we can't retreat if we want to retreat. We can't go through the woods now, and we can't go back from the original road. We have lost our way."

Xu Mu was amazed, then turned and said: "Let's go back!"

"Okay, just try it."

Xiao Bing and Xu Mu walked very quickly. After they walked out for more than ten minutes, they finally stopped and they appeared in their original positions.

Xu Mu frowned: "How should this be good?"

"Wait a minute!" Xiao Bing smiled. "I have a little bit of a trace."


Xiao Bing said: "After we come in, no matter how we go, we will return to the current position. The other party’s formation is indeed at its peak, but no one can be 100% perfect. To say that this array is always back to this position, for this infinite loop, at least our current position is a point."

Xu Mu asked: "Is it the core of the formation? Is it the eye?"

"No." Xiao Bing said, "It is absolutely impossible to be in this position, but I can continue to find more clues through this cycle. In this way, we continue to walk, I walk and observe."

Xu Mu promised, Xiao Bing walked in front, Xu Mu followed, and gradually, Xiao Bing's eyes lit up, then his eyes showed a touch of sadness, and finally sighed, sitting in place It’s down.

Xu Mu asked: "What happened to you?"

He did not think that Xiao Bing would reveal such an expression. Is it true that this formation is really impossible to crack, and Xiao Bing has already been frustrated?

Xiao Bing said: "This array of methods... I finally observed it."

Xu Mu asked: "What did you observe?"

"I used to enter the realm of the gods and got the memory of inheritance. It is the inheritance memory of the greatest king of the gods in the history of the gods, but even he is afraid to create a perfect one without using the power of God. The ultimate array."

"The ultimate array?"

"Yes, the ultimate array, presumably you can probably imagine how powerful this array should be from the name of this array. It is like a forbidden technique. We all know that the ban of the Holy See is an angel. Judgment and the guardianship of angels, but in my opinion, in contrast, this ultimate array is another higher level of ban, even if there is no ban in the history of the Protoss."

Xu Mu said with emotion: "So the array of methods, actually guarding the Buddha Villa?"

Xiao Bing said: "Under the whole world, I am afraid that no one but me can cross the forest from the past... In fact, there is still one person who can do it."

Xu Mu asked: "Who is it?"

"Han Huabin...just...hey, let me think about the method of cracking."

"it is good!"

Xu Mu sat down next to him, holding his breath, not disturbing Xiao Bing's thinking. Xiao Bing first sat down on the floor thinking for a while, then stood up, walked around and looked around, and finally stopped a little. Spit the gas, said: "Sure enough, as I thought, Xu Mu seniors, let us go, I will take you to break the line!"

Xu Mu stood up and was a little excited to be next to Xiao Bing. The Buddha Mountain Villa is about to be in sight.

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