Super Soldier

Chapter 2272: You are too weak (three more)

Xiao Bing looked back at the position of Buddhism, and saw everyone flying out. He could not help but exclaimed: "You!"

Once again, the Buddha appeared next to Xu Mu, and at the same time, he shot to Xu Mu’s chest. Xu Mu quickly ducked to the side, staring at the distance between the chest and the palm. Suddenly, the palm seemed to stretch. After a long time, he slammed into his chest, and Xu Mu felt that his chest was almost broken. Wow squirted a large amount of blood, and then flew out like the same.

The Buddha’s son finally appeared next to the cardinal. Several cardinals joined forces at the same time. They all played empty, and then they never even saw the shadow of the Buddha’s son. The face was heavily hit. Also fly back.

In the blink of an eye, except for Shaolin Gaochun, only Xiao Bing is still standing here.

"These of you monks!" Buddha son appeared again in front of the Shaolin abbot, Shaolin abbot's hands folded together, closed his eyes and read Amitabha.

A golden Buddha was enveloped outside the body of the abbot of Zhiming, while the palms of the golden Buddha were shot at the same time, just opposite the palms of the Buddha.

The abbot of Zhiming said: "This is our Shaolin's stunt 'unbeaten.'"

After the mutual attack between the Buddha and the Buddha, the two sides turned out to be completely motionless. Then the Buddha son suddenly turned out to have thousands of hands, and the Buddha also turned out thousands of hands, and the two sides did not blink. Knowing how many times I played, I didn’t even move.

Zhiming abbot looked in his eyes, his face was unbelievable, and he was surprised: "How is it possible, this is my Shaolin stunt, can only support a moment, in general, cross-class combat can suppress each other in a short time, how to even The undefeated golden body of the Buddha could not seriously hurt him."

The remaining three Shaolin masters glanced at each other and walked behind the Zhiming abbot. Then the three people turned the beads together, and they read the words in their mouths. The golden Buddha suddenly had a golden light. They used the power to the golden Buddha. Blessed.

The strength of the golden Buddha became more tyrannical. The power of terror even made Xiao Bing have to step back two steps. Some of the hearts were amazed. Shaolin’s school was really a unique world, such a school, even if it was a trial with the angels of the Holy See. Compared with it, it is not weak at all, and it lasts longer. It must be known that the judgment of an angel is generally a sword.

The Buddha son was temporarily suppressed by the Golden Buddha, and the Zhiming abbot was slightly relieved, but still did not dare to relax, because the undefeated Jinshen can be used for a short time, if it can not be completely defeated in a short time Or it is a serious injury to the Buddha, I am afraid that the next will not be defeated.

Xiao Bing loudly: "I will help you!"

Xiao Bing is planning to rush over. Suddenly, a stronger and stronger force in the body of the Buddha’s son began to spread. The golden and red light even seemed to be no longer a force, but became a substance, followed by Zhiming. The abbot actually began to have to retreat, and the power of the golden Buddha was forced to retreat.

When the golden Buddha descended, the Buddha's son went forward. When he withdrew more than ten meters, the golden Buddha disappeared.

The Buddha son laughed and said: "It's gone! It's my turn!"

Zhiming’s abbot read Amitabha, and Xiao Bing rushed to the past. Zhiming’s abbot and several masters, together with Xiao Bing, attacked the Buddha at the same time. The Buddha’s son was born with the power of Xiao Bing. The Buddha's son was launched by a palm, and the Zhiming abbot actually flew far away from the rest of the masters.

Xiao Bing was shocked back by the power of that palm. After he retired more than ten meters, he stopped. Then he looked at the Buddha's son with some horror. The palm of his hand did not even break the mask of the Buddha.

The Buddha son turned his head and looked at Xiao Bing. He smiled and said: "Now you see it, what is the power of the gods? I am the god!"

When the Buddha's son was talking, his mask began to shed blood, and other people in the distance saw it. Liu Zhen shouted: "He was injured, the doorman, he was injured!"

Liu Zhen wanted to rush, but Wow spurted a blood and was forced to sit back again.

At this moment, other people want to participate in the battle at this time, but they have more than enough energy. No one has thought that all the top powers in the human world will be together, and they have even eaten such a big one in the hands of the Buddha. deficit.

The Buddha son sneered aloud and said: "I even suffered a little injury, now only Xiao Bing is alone,"

The Buddha's son grabbed his chest hard and spurted out a blood.

Xiao Bing’s eyes lit up and quickly rushed up. The Buddha’s son snorted and tried his best to repel Xiao Bing, then slid back a few tens of meters away, and gasped, saying: “damn golden body Buddha, plus the **** pope that just got, has caused me some injuries, you should be honored."

Xiao Bing’s heart was awkward. Just after the Pope had tried his best, he still brought a lot of harm to the Buddha’s son. Together with the golden Buddha who used the wisdom abbot above the pope, it looks like they are two. The individual is defeated, and it is indeed true, but even if the strength of the Buddha’s son is strong, it is hard not to be injured under the ban of the top two strong men in this human world.

Thinking of this, Xiao Bing raised a few expectations, his feet and force, once again rushed over, he will solve the battle before the injury of the Buddha's son has not yet had time to reply.

"Hey, I thought I can win me now? Innocent!"

The Buddha son began to fight with Xiao Bing. The two men directly engaged in a hand-to-hand combat. You punched me. Although Xiao Bing was hit harder, Xiao Bing clearly found that the speed of the Buddha’s son was not as good as the beginning. So fast, it proves that the Buddha son is no longer in the peak state, and he has several punches on the body of the Buddha, but there is no harm to the Buddha, but this at least proves that he is winning. Hope.

The battle between the two people has not been known for hundreds of strokes. With the speed and strength of the Buddha, Xiao Bing relies on the abnormal physical quality of the anti-depression, although Xiao Bing is obviously in a disadvantage, but it has always been Can be deadlocked with the Buddha.

Finally, the Buddha’s son who had been suppressing Xiao Bing began to exert strength. Xiao Bing suffered several heavy blows in a row. He only felt that his head was dizzy, and then his face was hit hard and fell directly far away. A dizzy look.

Xiao Bing is about to stand up again, the Buddha son has appeared in front of him, and at the same time stepped on his chest, Xiao Bing feels that the chest is going to be broken, the pain is severe, and he still can’t breathe. Come.

Fogongzi lowered his head and looked down at Xiao Bing, who was stepping under his feet. He said: "Dragon son, the two sons of the dark world, only need me one after all, you will soon become a past."

Xiao Bing grinned and said: "If you can win, what can you do? You will have a day of rebellion, and at that time, if you stand at the top, can you feel any happiness?" ?"

The Buddha’s tone is calm: “My strength and realm are here, who dares to betray me?”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You rely on force, but I rely on feelings. Do you see my gantry brothers, even if your strength is above me, but they will still stand on my side. And won't go to you."

"I have my women, they love me one by one, what do you have?"

"I have friends and family, they are all close to me, what do you have?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You treat me as an ant, there is nothing wrong, I have been stepped on your feet, but I feel sad for you, these things they have, you don't have it, you don't think you are very Poor?"

The Buddha said: "What you have, I can easily destroy it, even my life, I can destroy it."

"You have loved ones, I can kill them easily."

"You have your brothers of the Dragon Gate, but today they are hard to live down the mountain."

"You have your women, but I can guarantee that they will be sent to Huangchun on the road to accompany you soon."

"Now you think about it, what else do you have? What else do you have that I don't have? Are you still planning to sympathize with me?"

Buddha son said with a smile: "Dragon son, dragon son, don't you think that the real poor person is you? Su Peiya followed you for so long, she followed you during the dragon tooth period, she should love you very much. But what happened to her, she finally died, I told the blood wolf to do this, cut off the most loyal wing to you, she is indirectly dead in my hand, what can you do? ?"

"Thunder is the best brother in the Dragon Gate for nine days? You appreciate his character. This person is really a bit interesting, but I let Maple 13 bring him to kill, you can do something. what??"

Xiao Bing listened to these things. He only felt that almost all the blood in his body had to boil. He was boiling because of anger. His body was constantly struggling, but he was forced to step under his feet and made a creaking sound. His blood vessels almost burst out of the skin, and his eyes were glaring, and his eyes seemed to be able to eat the Buddha.

"I know that you are angry, but how can an ant anger be angry, and how can it be? Can you still trample an elephant?"

The Buddha said in an understatement: "Dragon son, you and I are called the two big sons of the dark world. You are the chairman of the Dark World Summit, the commander of the dark world, the commander of the ancient Wumen, the world of Megatron! I am not arguing with you. Because I don't want to fight because you are too weak and too weak... you think you are strong, you are just a chess piece, and I am the one who plays chess!"

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