Super Soldier

Chapter 2274: Buddha's son has no bones? (two more)

When looking at the expression of Xia Hongyin, when I think of the singer that Xia Hongyin shouted out, the six fingers, the ears, and Xiao Bing are all stupid.

Xiao Bing sweated like a rain, barely smiled: "Mom, what happened to you?"

"I..." Xia Hongyin shook his head, some stunned, some helpless, "Do not blame you, don't blame you..."

Xia Hongyin rushed straight toward the cliff. When he rushed to the side, he was caught by Xia Hongyin. Then he saw Xia Hongyin pale face looking at the cliff. This is a deep abyss. Anyone who fell from this, I am afraid They are all going to be broken. If it is the peak of the Buddha's son, he may fly down, but it is obviously a serious injury and fall. Where is the truth?

"Don't you..." Xiao Bing raised a very ridiculous thought in his heart. "Is that my brother?"

Xiao Bingxin is a little scared and a little scared. What a ridiculous idea, killing his brother? It must be an illusion, it must not be like this, but Xiao Bing’s heart is constantly thinking of the eyes of the Buddha’s son. Yes, who in the world, besides his brother, will there be the same pair of eyes?

"Yes...he is your brother." Xia Hongyin's legs were soft and sat on the ground.

"Why..." Xiao Bing was a little confused. "You must have known it for a long time. Why don't you tell me? Why didn't my brother tell me why he should be against me? Why did you kill me twice? People, don't he know that I am his brother?"

Xiao Bing now has countless questions in his heart, but he does not want to be anxious to know the answers. He looked at Liu Zhen and others and said: "Trouble you to look after my mother, I will come back when I go."

Xu Mu and Liu Zhen walked over. One left and one right supported the Xia Hongyin away from the cliff. They didn’t know what to say now. It is reasonable to say that it should be a moment of celebration, but this is not for Xiao Bing. Do you know that it is a good news or a sorrow?

Xiao Bing jumped directly into the cliff, but everyone did not worry. The cliffs for most of them were smashed, but for a god-level powerhouse, it was not enough.

This cliff is too high and too high, Xiao Bing constantly falling down, there is a feeling that it never falls to the ground, his heart is more and more desperate, thinking that even if he is changing himself, when he is seriously injured, It must be a catastrophe.

When he finally fell on the ground, he was about to call his brother, hesitated for a moment, and finally shouted: "Buddha son! Buddha son! You called Xiao Sheng right? Are you still alive? Hurry up to reply me! ”

All of them are echoes in all directions, but there is no reply from anyone.

Xiao Bing’s heart was a little flustered. He started running and ran wildly. He searched every corner around him. He expanded his senses. He couldn’t escape even if it was a mosquito. He had been running wildly for a long time. More than half an hour, maybe more than an hour, although it is very big here, but for him a god-level powerhouse is very small, every inch of land has been found over and over, and finally found that there is no Find any body.

Xiao Bing sat on a rock, some were at a loss, what did the body represent? Even if it is broken, there will be wreckage, why not even see the wreckage?

Is it still alive?

He is my brother, one of the closest people in the world, but it is also my biggest enemy in this world. Should I look forward to him living, or should I hope that he is dead? what? Who can tell me! !

Xiao Bing has never been so stunned. Even if he was hit by the Buddha in the same year, he has never been so stunned. He directly sighed his hair and made a crazy embarrassment.

Then he jumped up and flew high, and flew over the cliffs and fell in front of everyone.

Seeing that everyone looked at himself, Xiao Bing had some complicated words: "His body was not found..."

Xu Mu was surprised: "The body has not been found? This is impossible. According to your strength, such a long time should be all over the place. Even if it is dead, there will definitely be a body. How can it be? could not find it……."

Xia Hongyin’s eyes flashed a hopeful light. Xiao Bing hesitated and said: “There are only two possibilities. One possibility is that he is still alive, although it seems that he has been seriously injured. ”

Xiao Bing sighed: "The living may be close to zero, but the body is not there. This possibility still exists. The second possibility is that the body was taken away by someone."

Xia Hongyin’s eyes showed light and said: “Is there some hope for this? Let’s go down together now and go back and find it again.”

No matter what other people think, Xia Hongyin is the mother of the Buddha, and she still hopes that the Buddha can survive.

Xiao Bing nodded, and everyone else agreed, Xiao Bing said: "The injured people continue to heal here, others follow me down the mountain."

"it is good!"

Here, Molong and two other cardinals were left here, and then everyone followed Xiao Bing down the mountain quickly and went straight under the cliff to start searching for the whereabouts of the Buddha's body.

Suddenly, Liu Zhen shouted: "Let's come over and see here."

Everyone ran over, but they saw all the blood on the ground, and they were all fresh blood, but the bones were not seen at all.

Everyone looked at each other and Xu Mu said: "There is no body, but there is blood. Is it really someone who took the body away? Who is it?"

Almost everyone thinks this way. For those who have not reached the level of God or the semi-god, it is absolutely necessary to fall from the top. The cliff is too high and too high, especially when it is shot down. Although the realm of Buddha's son is God-level, the situation at that time must have been seriously injured, and it is not a rare thing to fall to death.

"No, he must not die!" Xia Hongyin shouted. "He is my son, Xiao Sheng! How could he die?"

Xiao Bing hugged Xia Hongyin and said: "Mom, not dead, must not die... must not die..."

Xia Hongyin twitched up, no matter how strong she was, she was a woman after all. She swallowed and said: "I blame me, I am sorry for him, I am sorry for him..."

Xiao Bing’s heart is also very sad. The Buddha’s son did do all the bad things, but after all, his blood is connected, his own brother!

Others also know that Xiao Bing's mood is definitely complicated now. Xia Hongyin will be very upset, so everyone is not good at saying anything, and it is even more impossible to say anything to celebrate.

Xu Mu said: "If it is really taken away, we now seem to have to go to the Buddha Hill to see it first."

The abbot of Zhiming said: "Amitabha, I have long heard that the Buddha Villa is a land of extrajudication. We will look at it now and try to save those people inside."

Xiao Bing said: "Yes, go to the Buddha Mountain Villa and see if you can find the answer. Liu Zhen, you go to the mountain to meet the ink dragon, and take him to find us later. Let's go to the Buddha Mountain Villa to see it."

Liu Zhen agreed and began to head toward the mountain. Xiao Bing told other people: "Everyone comes with me!"

They walked to the woods together and then went straight through the woods. When passing through the cemetery of Han Huabin, Xiao Bing stopped everyone. He went to the tomb where he had just given Han Huabin, and said, "Teacher, sorry, Buddha. The son is my brother, my brother killed you, this is what I owe you, I will owe you forever..."

Xiao Bing down and gave Han Huabin a few heads. Others saw this scene and they were very emotional. Perhaps the most difficult and most difficult person is Xiao Bing.

After Xiao Bing took a few heads, he stood up and said, "Let's go!"

They continue to move forward and cross the woods. Suddenly, there is another world in front of them.

At this moment, there are many people who don’t know how to stand in front of them. They seem to have known that Xiao Bing will come over and have been standing here waiting for Xiao Bing. When they saw Xiao Bing, these people’s eyes were revealed. A few complex colors, grateful, awe, disappointing, hostile, all kinds of feelings.

Xiao Bing took everyone together and walked over. The middle-aged people came out from the crowd at this time. The middle-aged man in the realm of sturdy realm, the middle-aged man bowed and said: "Dragon son, I already know that you want Come here, specially waiting for you here."

Xiao Bing asked: "How do you know? Who asked you to wait for me here?"

"Minami general manager." The middle-aged man said, "The Gongbei general manager and the Buddhism eight are all gone. The top real power figures of these Buddha villages have already left the mountain village when you and the Buddha sons are dueling, and then tell us If the Buddha is defeated, you will come over and let us stand here waiting for you."

Xiao Bing frowned and asked: "Is it gone?"

"Yes, it is gone."

"Where did you go?"

"We don't know." The middle-aged man sighed. "In contrast, they are all high-level, and we are just people who are detained here. Slowly, we are used to life here. But this is not the place we are the master."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing nodded. "Then I will ask you again, is someone coming back during this period? Have you seen the Buddha son?"

Xiao Bing’s eyes swept over everyone and found that everyone’s face showed a bit of sorrow. Xiao Bing sighed: “I know, you all scattered first, within a few days. Someone came over to arrange for you, and the state will give you proper arrangements, but in those days, no one of you can leave, understand?"

These people bowed with awe: "Yes, Buddha."


When these people left, Xiao Bing looked back at Xia Hongyin and sighed: "Mom, my brother is not here."

In fact, almost everyone at this time decided that the Buddha son must have died. The body did not know who was taken away, but no one dared to say, Xiao Bing silently asked, where are you?

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