Super Soldier

Chapter 2276: Chasing the soul of the soul (four more)

Xia Hongyin is hesitant, and she also has hatred in her heart. Especially this time, Xiao Sheng’s ‘death’ has already ignited the hatred in her heart.

She hates herself, but she can't hate Xiao Bing. After all, this is her own child. She knows that Xiao Bing's heart is not less sad than herself. After all, she is suicide to kill her brother, so she can only hate most of her hate. Yidu continued to move to the man who had their family to go to this step, Xiao Tian!

Xia Hongyin hesitated and said: "Still forget it, Xiaobing... Your brother is no longer there. I don't want you to fall in together. You have a wife after all, and you have to have your own child. We are here. A generation has already been like this. You have never been with your parents since you were a child. I don't want your next generation to be like you."

"Mom, there are some things that must be done." Xiao Bing sighed and said, "Xiao Xiaotian, this man I have to face sooner or later, even if there is no family hatred, I will go to face sooner or later. Yes, the enchantment seals leading to the human world are getting weaker and weaker. One day, one day, they will disappear completely. At that time, they will not let go of the opportunity. Although I am the blood of the Protoss and the Mozu. But I grew up in the human world, I don't want to see humans disappear, and I don't want to see the gods disappear, so I have to stop it, then I have to deal with Xiao Tian."

Xia Hongyin said: "So?"

"I don't know yet." Xiao Bing sighed and said, "Go one step at a time, but I think I will go to the gods sooner or later, I will go see the man!"

Xia Hongyin hurriedly said: "No, it's too dangerous. Xiao Tian's talent is not as good as your father's time, but after all, he has been so many years, the strength and foundation have already been extraordinary, plus his side is still so If you are really so good, do you think your brother will tolerate this time?"

Xiao Bing said: "I know the danger, but I have to go and have a look, Mom, you are relieved, I have you now, with my few daughter-in-laws, I will have children soon, I will not I really put myself in a desperate situation. I am different from my brother. I will consider a lot of things, so you don't have to worry about me."

Xia Hongyin sighed, then looked at Xiao Bing with a few points of hope, and asked: "Children, do you think your brother still has hope for survival?"

Xiao Bing opened his mouth, and his throat was a little worried, and he couldn’t speak.

Xia Hongyin said: "I know that it is just a little extravagant for us."

"I..." Xiao Bing cried out almost, and forced it, said, "Mom, I don't think I can look for a miracle in one day. I just listened to you, I just finished. I thought about it, no matter if my brother is still alive, maybe finding someone will find the answer."

“Who is it?” Xia Hongyin thought for a moment and asked, “Gongbei?”

"Yes, Gongbei general manager." Xiao Bing said, "In the Buddhism, his position is the highest, and may even be above the Buddha's Eight Generals, and he has already left the Buddha's Villa with the Buddha." After all the preparations for the aftermath, he will certainly be ready for my brother to win or lose at the same time. If my brother is rescued or the bones are taken away, the biggest possibility is definitely him. ""

Xia Hongyin said: "But, where can I find him?"

"I don't know." Xiao Bing said, "But as long as there is a goal, we can't give up hope completely. Isn't it? Wait until tomorrow we leave, then I will let the people of the Ministry of National Security help find Gongbei and Buddhism." In addition to the rest of the eight, I will let the uncle of the ear send his intelligence system to investigate."

At this time, the door knocked again, and Xia Hongyin said, "Come in."

No one came in, Xiao Bing said: "It’s the uncle of the ear."

Uncle ears can't hear the sound. Naturally, I don't know Xia Hongyin let him in. Xiao Bing immediately stood up and walked over to open the door. It was really the ear standing on the cane, and at the moment he saw Xiao Bing, he suddenly Putting a crutches between them, they will go down directly. Xiao Bing was shocked and hurriedly helped him up. He said quickly: "Uncle Ear, what are you doing? You have been taking care of me for so many years, obscurity I am doing an intelligence system. In order to do so many things, and you are still my elder, are you trying to make me thunder?"

The ear looked awkward and blamed: "I... I have always been called Bai Xiaosheng, but even the Buddha son is not a big son. If I knew this earlier, how could this kind of tragedy happen? I am sorry for you, sorry for my wife, I am sorry for the deceased King."

Xia Hongyin also came over at this time and said: "This does not blame you... you... are you now called ears?"

"Yes," said the ear. "I used to die before, and my wife called my ear later."

"Well, okay," said Xia Hongyin. "It’s like a small soldier. You don’t want to let him live. For so many years, you have done so much for the little soldier. Only our family owes you money. No, you owe us."

The ear sighed and said: "Just... poor pity, why didn't he say his identity for so long?"

Xiao Bing said: "Uncle ears, these things have nothing to do with you, it is not your fault, I personally killed my brother, but my brother is willing to do those bad things, Su Peiya is his death, Lao Lei is He was killed, and Teacher Han Huabin was killed. The Pope and Master Zhihai of Shaolin were killed by him. I don’t know how many people I don’t know were killed by him... These are not what you let him do. So these are not related to you."

The ear sighed: "How could this be?"

Xia Hongyin said: "These are my faults. I brought him into astray. If he is really dead... I will go to Huangquan one day, and I will regret him on Huangquan Road."

Xiao Bing said: "Uncle Ear, you should go back to rest first."

"Alright, I know that you must have a lot of words to say to your mother." The ear sighed. "Xiaobing, I have a bit of a cold... I want to go back and find a place to care for the elderly. The information system will be all in the future." Give it to your hand."

Xiao Bing hurriedly said: "How can this be?"

The ear said: "My intelligence system is built for you. It is reasonable to hand it to you. And I have been so old. Do you really want to keep me tired?" ”

Xiao Bing thought for a moment and made sense: "Uncle Ear, then you will live in Xiaofu later, your ears are not good, and it is convenient to take care of you."

"This... is good."

With a cane on his ear, he walked step by step. After Xiao Bing closed the door, he sighed: "The uncle of the ear seems to be really disheartened after passing this thing. After the famous world, Bai Xiaosheng will It no longer exists."

Xia Hongyin said: "Yes, but a lot of age, it is time to rest and rest, too tired."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing said, "Mom, I know that I advise you not to be too upset, I am afraid it is useless, but now you have no way to be sad, if my brother is really dead, people can not be resurrected. Am I right? If it doesn't die... I will try to find it."

Speaking of if not dead, Xiao Bing himself felt that there was some lack of confidence.

Xia Hongyin also knows that Xiao Bing is purely comforting herself. She has always held some expectations. That is, the Buddha’s son is still alive at this time, and he is still not dead. But now that she calms down a little, she knows that this possibility is really It’s too small, it’s a cliff, it’s falling when it’s seriously injured, how can it not die...

Xiao Bing said: "Mom, take a good rest, I will go back to the room first, and I must rest well."

"Mom knows, go ahead."

After waiting for Xiao Bing to be sent out, Xia Hongyin closed the door, tears streaming down, and there was a scene in the mind. It was a picture of the Buddha’s son who was stubbornly squatting in front of him and bearing his own whip. She murmured to herself: "No matter what you say, it’s too late, no matter how much the mother regrets, it’s too late, Mom is sorry for you..."

Xiao Bing walked out of the room of Xia Hongyin, walked into the room where he lived tonight, lay down on the bed, and the soul of the chasing soul began to communicate with Xiao Bing and asked: "You are very sad now?"


"very sad?"


"Do you want your brother to die, or do you want to let him die?"

"I don't know." Xiao Bing's mood is very complicated and complicated. "He is my brother, my dear, no one wants to kill his own dear, but he killed a lot of people, even if he is me. My brother, but how can I be worthy of the brothers and confidants who died in his hands?"

"Hey, no one in this world will be more entangled in your heart. This time, although you won, you are not happy."

"I can't be happy." Xiao Bing asked. "Do you think he is dead?"

"I do not know either."

Xiao Bing said: "If it was before, I must have hoped that he would die. Now, although it is almost impossible to know, I hope that he will live, but he is also worried that he will be alive..."

"But you thought about it, if he is still alive, will you be more entangled, when will you kill him or not kill him? You choose to kill your own close relatives, or choose to be sorry for your confidante, sorry. Your gantry brother, are you sorry for everyone who died?"

Xiao Bing fell into meditation, a meditation that almost collapsed.

"So ah." The chasing soul has some reason to sum up ruthlessly. "He is actually a liberation for you."

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