Super Soldier

Chapter 894: The black developer was killed?

Xiao Bing thought about going to the chairman of Changping Real Estate to talk about it the next day, and gave him some lessons.

The three northern provinces are their own sites, and their relatives of the welfare homes are being bullied by these people on their own sites. Xiao Bing feels like a fire when he thinks about it. Xiao Bing is not only trying to solve this problem, but also letting this happen. The company can't keep going in the whole three provinces, and even Xiao Bing wants to let the real estate company go bankrupt, it is simply too easy.

It was only the next day that Xiao Bing had not had time to leave. A group of policemen came to knock on the gates of the welfare home. When the blind man opened, a middle-aged police officer came in with a group of police officers.

Xiao Bing had rested in the room. He heard the outside movement and went out immediately. However, he saw several aunts talking to the police in the yard, and there were also scorpions, and there were more than a dozen police officers in the welfare home. The police officer should be a senior police officer.

Two coughs, some weak said: "Captain Zhou, these days are people to come to me to make trouble, your captain of the Interpol Brigade does not help us even, but also to arrest people here, what does this mean? ”

Captain Zhou said with a smile: "Aunt Jinlan, I have heard about your business. I am also very sympathetic and admirable for your welfare home. But this time, I really can't help it. Last night, Director of Changping Real Estate. Chang Zhengqing died at home."

Everyone heard a shock, and even Xiao Bing did not think of it.

Xiao Yan first stunned, and then some excited said: "Dead is good, this bad guy, it is good to die. The night before, he sent people to us to set fire, if not found, our welfare home 20 Children, can someone still live? Even if we die a few years old, those children are still so small, that is twenty lives!"

The second asked: "He is dead, what are you looking for?"

Captain Zhou sighed and said: "If he is normal, I will certainly not come to you. The key point is that he was killed last night. The killer’s skill is unusually high. Zheng Jiaqing sleeps at home. When he got up in the morning, his wife found that he was cut to the throat. The bed was full of blood, and Zheng Jiaqing had no life. They slept on a bed. Even his wife did not know how he was being. Killed."

Xiao Xiaodao said: "This kind of bad guy will get retribution sooner or later. Now he is killed. You are going to catch the murderer. What are you doing here? We are a few women in our welfare home except for the younger children. How many of us women of this age still have the ability to kill? Oh, there are scorpions, the scorpion is old and sly, can he kill?"

The team leader said: "I don't doubt you, but I just heard that there seems to be a fight here yesterday. It seems that there is a young man in your welfare home these two days is very powerful!"

Xiao Yan was surprised: "You mean a soldier? No, he has always been a good boy, he can't kill."

Er Yan also said: "Yes, Xiaobing can't do this."

Everyone else said with a slap in the face that everyone is maintaining Xiao Bing, but their hearts are flustered and somewhat dubious. Is it really Xiao Bing who killed the man? Most of them are worried that Xiao Bing has done something wrong. They will regret their own responsibilities for a lifetime. If Xiao Bing does not come to the welfare home in these two days, he will not kill, which is equivalent to killing Xiao Bing.

Captain Zhou said with a serious tone: "No matter what the aunts say, but this person must bring back...."

Xiao Bing walked over and said carelessly: "Is it necessary to take me away?"

Captain Zhou saw Xiao Bing coming out from the inside. The police officers behind him immediately treated him with pistols. The captain of Zhou showed the police officer. The card said: "I am the captain of the Criminal Police Brigade of this city. Zhou Lun, those people were you playing yesterday?"

Xiao Bing shrugged and said: "I only played one."

"That's right, now you need to cooperate with us to go back and investigate." Captain Zhou said to the police behind him, "Take him a handcuff."

When I saw two police officers coming over, Xiao Bing snorted and said in a plain tone: "It is not so easy to marry me."

Zhou Lun frowned: "Do you still want to work with the police?"

"That is not." Xiao Bing smiled and said, "I have to call first."

After that, Xiao Bing took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone.

After the call was made, a middle-aged man’s voice came from there, and the tone asked with a bit of dignity: “Hey, who are you?”

Xiao Bing said: "Qi Wei, even my voice can't hear it?"

"Is it the captain of Xiao Da?" The voice became very excited. "I have heard your news recently. I have heard the class director mention you several times. Now all of the above is very interesting to you. I didn't expect you to leave. Dragon tooth, can still do so many things for the country, how long has it not been gathered, you do not contact me, have time to drink two glasses together?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Wait for a chance later, I want to ask you to help me."

Qi Wei said with some excitement: "I have something to help me, even though I am not going to go to the fire."

Xiao Bing smiled. When he was the captain of Longya, he had contact with Qi Wei. One was the captain of the special brigade, and the other was the elite of the public security department. He heard that Qi Wei is now in public security. The ministry has become a director, and it is also a middle-level cadre inside, but if it is placed in the place, this can be a high degree of weight, even if the provincial public security department must give him a face.

Xiao Bing said: "It is a small matter. In the two days, I was in the Children's Welfare Institute in Changping City. The chairman of Changping Real Estate colluded with local corrupt officials and wanted to forcibly occupy the welfare home at a price several times lower than the market price. Then used for their commercial development, yesterday and I had a little contradiction, the result is now a few police, said that the chairman died, suspected that I killed, let me follow the investigation, this matter... ""

"Mom, the officialdom there is so dark? Officials and businessmen collude, and even the welfare homes are occupied. This kind of death is also damn! Not to mention the identity of you, even if you left the dragon tooth, want to get rid of a few A corrupt official and a black developer are not hand-to-hand, but also need to go to assassination? These people really have no long eyes. Xiao Captain, you don’t have to worry about this, oh, yes, what is the name of your police officer? ?"

"It is the captain of the Changping Interpol Brigade, called Zhou Cang."

"Well, I know, I will go and greet the provincial public security department."

"Well, then I am waiting for your good news."

Xiao Bing hangs up the phone and looks at the Zhou Cang, whose face is dark and uncertain. He said: "The captain of the week does not have to worry, you don't have to hurry to take me away. After a while, there will be a phone call, and then you will decide not to bring it. I am not too late."

Zhou Cang doesn't know if Xiao Bing is pretending to be a pretense. He doesn't know who he is just calling Xiao Bing, but now he really dare not take it away, even if he takes it away, he has to wait for a while. Breaking this person is really pretentious, so as not to hit his face.

The two police officers looked at their captain and asked: "Captain, are you still swearing?"

Zhou Cang said: "It is not too late."

After that, Zhou Cang looked at Xiao Bing again and said, "I will give you a few minutes. If no one comes to save you, you have to follow me. I tell you, Changping Real Estate. It's not a small company. It's a Fortune 500 group in the country. If you really kill their chairman, you can't eat it if you know someone who is better. I see the phone you just made. It’s useless.”

Several aunts are also waiting for the next call at this time. This is the murder case of the chairman of the 500 Group. The person who Xiao Bing just called is really so powerful, even this way. The big case can be stopped, can Xiao Bing be guaranteed? It’s just too impossible.

Zhou Cang is obviously the same kind of thought, so he did not immediately take Xiao Bing away just in case, and did not give Xiao Bing a good look. He felt that Xiao Bing was mostly pretentious, if he took it within ten minutes. No phone calls, today Xiao Bing was arrested and arrested!

The time passed by one minute and one minute, almost ten minutes. Zhou Cang finally had no patience and sneered: "I know that your kid is pretending to be pretentious. What else is there to say? Come and give him away." Hey, I see you are not honest after you are taken to the bureau..."

The two police officers agreed, and they just grabbed Xiao Bing’s arm. Suddenly, Zhou’s cell phone rang, Zhou Cang scared a big jump, hesitated to see Xiao Bing, the phone ringing should be coincident. Right?

He took the phone to his ear and pressed the answer button. Before he even talked, he heard a roar of a leader familiar with the provincial public security department. "Do you bring people to catch Xiaobing?" Even the friends of the director of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Public Security Bureau dare to grab it casually? Don't hurry and apologize to others, hurry back to me! If you anger the leader above, be careful when I check with you, your black hat will be Don't want to save it!"

There was a bang on the phone, Zhou Cang pale, sweating, and then saw Xiao Bing looking at himself like a smile.

Zhou Cang swallowed a sip of water and hurriedly said: "Don't be rude to Mr. Xiao... Mr. Xiao, we have no evidence, or it may be wrong... I will apologize to you."

Seeing that this captain was so humble in front of Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing’s few stunned ones were a little surprised...


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