Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1109: Skirmish

Reference 1109

The people of Irene finally awoke from the extreme shock, knew that they had weapons in their hands, and began to fight back.

But sadly, their counterattack came too late.

If you can quickly escape from the van when you find that the two large trucks are rushing madly, or if you disconnect the gun and shoot at the tires of the large truck, and the truck rolls over as soon as possible, the loss can be minimized.

Obviously, the above two points were not achieved, so that just two large trucks with drivers jumping off the car caused the tragic situation of nearly 30 deaths.

After a car accident, as a commander, you should make a wise judgment as soon as possible. Is it to retreat? Instead of just being confused and wasting time like other personnel. Moreover, no matter whether you make a decision to continue fighting or retreat, you should immediately gather the remnants of the defeated generals under you, and you will still have the power to fight, rather than skirmish. Retreat, you can also rely on the overwhelming firepower brought by the advantage of the number of people, and choose a place to break through.

But obviously, Irene, as a commander, still failed to do both on these two points.

The result is that the remaining people fight on their own, fleeing like hamsters, and this brings about the end, that is, their advantage in manpower cannot be used at all.

In addition, they were originally just a group of small gangsters, and they bullied the honest people twice. When they really reached such a battlefield-like environment, they were completely panicked. The originally sleazy marksmanship, in this state, is even more so. Feed the bullets to the sky.

On the other hand, the members of the Heiwu Special Forces hidden in the dark can be said to have been rolled out of the war and crawled out of the sea of ​​blood on the African battlefield. At this moment, one by one hung in the dark like a ghost.

Pull the trigger steadily with your fingers, instead of unrestrainedly hugging.

Point shooting can not only ensure the accuracy of shooting, but also reduce the chance of exposure.

Irene can be said to be a dark-bellied conspirator. After all, being able to hide from Pedro's side for such a long time, and gradually entering the core of Pedro's rights, shows that this person is smart enough and tolerant enough.

But these conditions are not enough to make him an excellent conductor.

Because to be an excellent commander, it is not enough to have a dark-bellied conspiracy and cleverness. You also need to make the most calm and wise judgments about what happens on the battlefield. Can it be? Can't do it? Must make a judgment in the first time? Hesitation and hesitation are the biggest taboos. After all, battle conditions are changing rapidly and fighters are fleeting.

One by one fell in a pool of blood, one after another death, Ilne's heart was completely frightened, and the hand holding the gun was shaking.

Curled up in the corner, he didn't even dare to lift his head, just huddled his body into a ball, it seemed that such a posture could give him a sufficient sense of security!

The dancer who was the commander of the Heiwu Special Forces squad, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, his eyes found Ilne through the infrared scope.

The sneer at the corner of his mouth bloomed again, as long as he gently squeezed his index finger, the bullet would penetrate Ilne's head accurately and send him home.

But he did not do so.

The reason is very simple. Irene is the most effective hole card that Sanie has against Pedro. If he dies, I really don’t know how Saniefu can continue to fight like Pedro, even if it is Pedro tonight. Luo's losses were heavy enough.

Therefore, if you want Sanie to continue the fight with Pedro with confidence, you must leave Irnie, a life that can be taken at any time.

As time passed, the gunshots became thinner and thinner, until finally it was quiet.

The dark night seems to be able to swallow everything. In the night when you can't see your fingers, you can't see the ruins of the car accident scene, you can't see the blood that flows together, but there is one thing that can't be swallowed, that is, the heavy smell of blood and gunpowder in the air. .

Luckily, he escaped through the gap in the middle of the encircling circle, and never looked back. I wish my parents gave me two legs, and Sa Yazi ran desperately, with only one thought in my heart, that is Get out of this ghost place quickly.

Fortunately, he didn't escape, but shrank his body in the corner and escaped.

This includes Irene, of course Irene’s luck is the result of man-made.

Irene no longer knows how long has passed, one hour, two hours? Or is it longer? He doesn't know, only knows that every minute and every second in the past is like a year!

Actually? The gunfire stopped and it took only more than ten minutes. Finally, Ilne had the courage to slightly expose his head to the corner, and wanted to get up from the ground.

But before he stood up straight, he heard a loud bang, accompanied by a huge fire.

The body that had just stood up shivered, and his legs were soft and scared and fell directly on the ground. The whole face was buried on the ground, like an ostrich with its head in the sand, and its body was trembling...

It turned out that the rumble was just a burning van exploding.

After lying on the ground for another seven or eight minutes, he raised his head, ignoring other things, and ran away.

There was no gunshots, because the dancing boy had already taken the members of the black impermanence team and all retreated.

Although the battle section is not a bustling section, there are also many shops on both sides, many of which are affected. The glass window is broken, and it is easy to see bullet holes and bullet shells. Of course Indispensable are the corpses.

Fortunately, this is not a residential area, otherwise I don't know how many people will suffer.

The reason why the dancer chose the ambush location here is precisely because of the above reasons.

Although the methods are vicious, they are not inhumane butchers. The **** people must be killed. As for the innocent people, they naturally cannot be involved.

Just as Irene had just fled, several fire trucks and policemen came together with their siren in the distance.

The other side.

Zhang Feng, who is sitting in the dean's office, is sitting in Joule's leather chair with a mobile phone on the desk. He is waiting for a call coming soon.

Joule sat on the opposite side of Zhang Feng with a pale face.

He had already gone out and vomited on both sides, not only vomiting everything in his stomach, but also not knowing how much bile was vomiting out. Even so, as long as he wanted to see the picture in his head, his stomach was still churning.

"Ding...ding..." The phone Zhang Feng was waiting for finally rang.

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