Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1111: Reconciliation?

Chapter 1111

"Of course! Director Erjie, please rest assured, I will naturally do what I said." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

Erjie, who hung up the phone, didn't have a good face because of Zhang Feng's guarantee. His current age and experience have already come to the point where he can easily believe what a person says. The reason for choosing cooperation is nothing more than two words: benefit!

He is not reconciled to the position of the police chief, so he naturally wants to climb up!

But his background and qualifications also allowed him to sit in his current position, and there is little chance of going up.

Therefore, Erger needs political performance, which is also the interest he desires most.

It can be said that this cooperation with Zhang Feng is a gamble for Erger. It's just that Erger didn't lose face, so he agreed.

If it is really possible, as Zhang Feng said, that you have achieved political achievements and want to rise, it will not be difficult. Naturally, you will win this gamble.

Even if he didn't succeed, Na Erger still stayed in the position of police chief, and would retire after a few more years, and he would not lose or win in the gambling game.

It is precisely because of this that he chose to cooperate with Zhang Feng.

But what happened right now was something that Erger had expected, or he didn't expect Zhang Summit to be so crazy.

Dozens of lives wanted to be concealed, but it was not because of a car accident and explosion with a truck pulling fireworks and firecrackers. This kind of concealed excuse could be concealed. Of course, it is impossible to believe such stupid rhetoric.

Therefore, he must use the energy and background he can use now to operate this matter and suppress it.

But once that happens, he will tie himself and Su Chuan together, which means that he is deeply caught in this gambling game. It is not that there is no possibility of losing, but that there is no possibility of not losing or not winning.

If you succeed, you will get your political achievements. Even if things are turned out by someone who is interested, it doesn't matter. There are 10,000 reasons to explain.

But once it fails, those who fall into the pit will not show any mercy, and it is difficult to keep the chair sitting under the buttocks.

Erjie didn't think about taking this opportunity to clear up the relationship with Su Chuan, that is, Zhang Feng, and cut off the relationship of cooperation.

Anyway, the two parties did not sign any agreement, without any proof, it was just a simple matter of turning their faces and denying them.

But this is how people are, once the desire is aroused, it is difficult to let it go. Even if you know you might lose, you can't wait to make a desperate move to chase the ethereal desire!

What Erjie can think of, Zhang Feng can also naturally think of it.

Working with yourself, and want to stay out of it? Of course this cannot be allowed to happen.

If you don't want to be regarded as a **** that can be discarded at any time, you must tie your own destiny to Erger's destiny, and truly achieve both prosperity and loss.


The entire underground world of Mexico City is full of storms!

Although the first thing I did when I got up in the morning was the media overwhelming publicity about what happened last night.

Fortunately, Erger's actions were fast enough, and he became unified with the media.

It may be impossible to conceal something like this. Therefore, when the media is propagating, the truck that transports fireworks and firecrackers is involved in a car accident, which detonates the fireworks on it. A total of nine people died in the accident and many others were injured. In the statistics, the specific losses caused will be specially coordinated and compensated.

In this way, this rhetoric, in the eyes of a discerning person, is just a joke.

Not to mention, this matter has spread madly in the underground world of Mexico City, but there are different opinions. People who have experienced this event are either dead, or are so scared that they don't want to mention it. People who haven't experienced it will naturally say it by ear.

Overnight, too much happened. Although Pedro lost a lot of manpower, he also achieved his goal.

It caused enough panic, and by taking advantage of this panic opportunity, the manpower he sent out was also a **** cleansing of the clowns in the forces he controlled. The one that can be folded is closed, and the one that cannot be folded is directly killed.

Of course, if this matter was completed overnight, the manpower accumulated with great difficulty was also nearly half lost. Of course, this matter also has an inseparable relationship with Zhang Feng.

If Zhang Feng didn't choose to leak out the news of Lozano's death, those clowns would not have any defense at all. As the news of Lozano's death came out, although it had not been confirmed, these hordes were also guarded in their hearts, and to prevent accidents, they sent additional manpower by their side.

It is precisely because of this that Pedro's secretly managed manpower has lost more than half of it, and the loss is not uncommon.

Even when it was dawn, Pedro still didn't mean to rest, staring at the morning news on TV.

He naturally knew the whole truth, after all, Ilne, who had fled back from the desert, stood by his side.

Irene didn't even change his clothes, stained with blood, and even his eyes were still panicked, showing how much the incident last night hit him.

Pedro's brows were twisted together, and he said coldly, "That group is really as powerful as you said? I would rather believe that the truck that transported fireworks and firecrackers really exploded!"

Irene seemed to recall what happened last night in his head, and his body couldn't help shaking, nodding repeatedly.

"Boss! Everything I told you is the truth. I haven't even seen the other person's figure from beginning to end. They... They don't seem to be the same group of people as we are at all." Ilne said.

This point he said is absolutely correct, Zhang Feng and his men are naturally different from Pedro and Ilne.

The former is a mercenary group that has been active on the African battlefield, and the latter is just a group of small gangsters. The purpose of the existence of the two is different, and the rules of survival are different. Naturally, there is no way to compare each other.

But once they collide together, if they are simply talking about combat effectiveness, I am afraid the answer is self-evident.

Ilne said again: "Boss...or... let's reconcile with them." After speaking, his eyes glanced at Pedro in panic.

Pedro's face twitched twice.

How did he say that he is now at the helm of the greatest underground power in Mexico City. Is it true that he has to compromise with these outsiders? reconciliation? And is it in this situation?

Although I refused in my heart, I have to say that I was a little shaken.

At this time, Ilne tremblingly said: "This group of people, we... simply can't afford to..."

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