Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1117: Leisure

Chapter 1117

The person who arrested Irne was a group of three. Two people went upstairs and the other met him downstairs. The person who drove Irne into flight stayed downstairs to meet him.

After receiving a call from his companion, he always paid attention to the movement of the door.

After seeing Ilne come out, he was not rashly alarmed, but when the latter was walking towards the car, he started the car from behind and directly knocked the target into a coma and took him away.

It can be said that in the whole process, Irene was smart enough.

First, he noticed the danger coming just before he was going to be stuck in the house, and he walked out of the house early.

If it is not like this, but is really blocked in the house, it will directly become a turtle in the urn. After all, compared with two professionally trained men, he really couldn't lift his hands and shoulders. Resistance is impossible, there is only one way left, which is to jump out of the window.

Of course, jump down from the height of the 15th floor? I'm afraid Irene would not make such a choice.

After colliding face-to-face with the opponent in the corridor, Ilne reacted fast enough and decisively enough. He did not hesitate to shoot in front of the opponent, and even killed a man directly, thus rushing into himself. The fire step ladder won time.

Of course, if his leg is not shot, the probability of escape will be even greater.

Use heavy objects to block the iron door of the fire step ladder, thereby further gaining time to escape, or drag the injured leg, and will not be overtaken if he can't run far.

More witty is to use the blood trace left by the opponent along his wound to track this point, so as to lead the opponent to the floor below.

It's just that Irene made the wrong choice at the final pass.

You must know that in a purposeful action, there will be people left at the entrance and exit. On the one hand, it can clean up the tail, and at the same time, it can be used as a responder.

Irene obviously did not think of this, so he took the elevator straight downstairs, wanting to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

But never wanted to send it directly to the other side's face.

Under the circumstances, Irene’s best choice was not to take the elevator down, but to go up and return to his room again.

Know that the most dangerous place is the safest! The other party would never think of this.

Of course, even if the other party thought of it, it would be very difficult to break through the security door and rush in.

After entering the room, immediately lock the door tightly and block the door with heavy objects, so that even if the other party turns around and searched back again, it can delay enough time.

Then, immediately call for help.

But obviously, Irene did not do so.


Zhang Feng did not continue to stay in the private hospital, but returned directly to the Banshan Villa.

The choreographer stays in the hospital, and he can cope with anything. Moreover, after seeing Zhang Feng's methods, Joule had completely boarded Zhang Feng's thief ship, how much he wanted to do by then, but understood that he had no choice at all.

Under Zhang Feng's instruction, he has begun to arrange manpower to remove the inpatients from the hospital. Of course, this matter requires a process. You can't live with the patients here. You just throw them out, and there are some Severely ill patients need to be more cautious, and rash transfer can easily lead to life-threatening crisis, which is also something to consider.

Fortunately, Zhang Feng is not in a hurry. After all, the private hospital here is a long-term plan and has not yet returned to the African battlefield.

Under the supervision of the Goshawk for twenty-four hours, it finally stabilized completely, his vital signs were stable, and there was no danger of his life.

Now, the only thing that needs to be done is to wait for him to wake up himself.

When I drove to the gate of the Mid-Levels villa area, I saw four or five police officers parked around. Although scattered everywhere, it was clear that the target was at the gate of the villa.

In addition, in the dark, Zhang Feng also felt as if someone was staring at him.

The corners of his mouth sneered, it seems that Mid-Levels Villa has become a lively place. Perhaps it is more accurate to say that I have finally been paid attention to.

These policemen don't need to think about it, it must be Urger's instruction to stay here. At this point, Zhang Feng can think of why. After all, the people living in the villas in the Mid-Levels are arguably the most powerful people in Mexico City.

Once there is any wind and grass here, the movement is much larger than other places.

Erger naturally didn't want something to happen here, so he almost blatantly arranged the police force. This action was to tell people who wanted to make trouble. If you want to make trouble to go to other places, Banshan Villa is absolutely not allowed.

Zhang Feng was happy to see this, after all, his relatives lived in the villa area of ​​the Mid-Levels.

As for the person staring at him secretly? Needless to think, it is probably someone who can guess that it might be Pedro, or Sanevo, or of course it might be Cerza's.

Of course, Zhang Feng is also not too worried. After all, they dare not make trouble in the villa area in the middle of the mountain. Otherwise, wouldn't they use a stick to stab the tiger in the ass? It's purely looking for death.

Back to the Banshan Villa, he became greasy with Zhuo Chaoyun and Yun Qian for a while.

Zhang Feng could clearly see that Zhuo Chaoyun's face was a little lonely, but Yun Qian was okay, her temperament was calm and she had a child.

As for Zhuo Chaoyun? Accustomed to criss-crossing in the mall, now I can only nest in a villa in the middle of the mountain every day.

However, Zhang Feng does not have a better solution at the moment. It is the safest to stay in Mid-Levels Villa!

I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring in secret, there are outside the villa area, and there must be inside the villa area! As long as you leave the safe zone, the other party will definitely take action.

Although there are members of the black and white impermanence team to protect, no matter how tightly guarded, there may be negligence. This cannot be used for gambling.

Moreover, this situation will not last long. When we meet with Pedro and Urger tomorrow, the intention of cooperation is completely finalized, and the action will be further carried out immediately, and it will not take long. , It will change the current situation.

At that time, Zhuo Chaoyun can do whatever she wants, and no one can threaten her safety in Mexico City.

In addition, Zhang Feng did not see Chen Wanru at the Villa in the Mid-Levels, presumably she was busy establishing an intelligence organization. It is not easy to set up an intelligence organization. Chen Wanru is busy with all aspects of East and West that need to be considered.

Zhang Feng is relatively leisurely, but Pedro is not so leisurely.

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