Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1125: Can't stand it

Reference 1125

This opening in the encirclement was specially left by Zhang Feng when he arranged it. He didn't want his brother to have any casualties, so naturally he would not give the opponent a chance to fight back.

Moreover, there is an abandoned factory building two kilometers straight from the opening, and it is precisely because of this that the opening is deliberately left in this position.

Cerza did not die under the cover of a round of firepower, and fled from the opening of the encirclement circle with the people who survived in a panic.

Gunshots still rang out from time to time behind him, reminding him that someone was chasing behind him, so he became more anxious and led people forward to flee.

The dark night made him not see it until more than 30 meters away from the abandoned factory building.

At this time, the gunshots behind him were once again a masterpiece, and Cherza could only be distracted and immediately ordered his men to enter the factory, ready to counterattack relying on the advantage of the geographical position.

He knew very well in his heart that it was far away from the city, and there would definitely not be anyone coming to the rescue if there was a fight so late.

But as long as you can lead people to persist until dawn, you can save your life.

He could see clearly in his heart that his defeat this time was not wronged at all, because Erger got involved, otherwise Pedro would not be able to launch an offensive against himself and Sanefo so unscrupulously, but he did not suffer anything. The punishment was that he and Sanefo were warned by Erge one after another.

But even so, as soon as the sky dawns, the other party will definitely give up the attack on him, because no one wants to make this matter known to everyone, and the city is full of storms.

Thinking of this, I felt a little loose in my heart. It was about three hours before dawn, and I should be able to hold on to it by relying on the right location.

The entire abandoned factory building is not particularly large, only a two-story workshop and a few large and small warehouses.

Cerza decisively chose to gather everything together and prepare to defend the second floor.

Almost two minutes later, the hunting dog surrounded the second floor with people far away, without getting too close.

I searched the neighborhood carefully and confirmed that all the people who had absconded were in the second floor with Cerza. The hound's mouth had a sneer, and he sighed in his heart that Zhang Feng's information was so wonderful.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed Zhang Feng's phone number.

Zhang Feng, who answered the call, was sitting at the police station in the center of Mexico City, that is, in Erge's office. The two sat facing each other.

"How?" asked lightly.

"It's exactly the same as you expected, there is no difference, do you?" Hound said in a deep voice.

"Well, quickly retreat back after the solution." Zhang Feng said.


The sneer at the corner of the hound's mouth that hung up the phone grew stronger.

A self-made Molotov cocktail traversed an arc with flames and landed on the wall of the second-story building.

The ‘poof’ burst open, and the gasoline in the bottle splashed and burned quickly.

It was almost a blink of an eye, and the speed of the fire spread beyond imagination. It was almost a blink of an eye, and it completely engulfed the two-story building.

It turned out that Zhang Feng had long expected that the other party would break out according to the gap left by him, and would rush in when he saw the abandoned factory building, and then would inevitably choose to enter the second floor and stick to it. So gasoline has been spilled on the walls of the small building in advance, and the combustion flask is just for ignition.

The gasoline volatilized with a certain pungent smell, but the Czerza and his group were panicking, no one would notice the smell in the air, even if someone noticed it, they would not deliberately think about the gasoline.

Why can Zhang Feng anticipate it? Can he tell the prophet? Of course not.

The answer is only two words, analysis.

First of all, Cerza will definitely take someone out of the gap in the encirclement, as long as he does not want to die in the encirclement, he will definitely make such a choice.

In the dark night, and driven by the hunting dog consciously, he could only escape in the direction away from the pursuit.

In this direction of escape, you will definitely see the abandoned factory building!

What choice will Cerza make after seeing the factory? Go around and continue to run for his life. By then, the people around him will continue to be attenuated in the process of being pursued, so that in the end, Cherza himself became the commander of the bare pole, and finally could not escape the fate of death.

And his other choice is to rush into the factory first, choose to occupy a geographical advantage, and conduct a defensive counterattack. As long as he can persist until dawn, even if Zhang Feng does not want to retreat and continue fighting, Erger will never allow it.

All kinds of crimes can occur in Mexico City, but a large-scale merger is absolutely impossible. These are two concepts.

Is it better to defend in an open factory? Or is the concrete structure on the second floor better for defense? Anyone who has no brains can make the right choice.

Under this analysis, make a judgment in advance and sprinkle gasoline on the walls and roofs of small buildings.

The raging fire was tumbling, a huge fireball surrounded the building, and the fire light completely reflected the black...

After seeing the fire burning completely, the hound ordered everyone to retreat.

Under such a fire, the people inside definitely have no chance of surviving. It should be understood that in a fire, the most lethal thing is not the flame itself, but the dense smoke. The dense smoke with the burning temperature can burn the trachea and cause breathing difficulties and death.

Shortly after the hunting dog left, several fire trucks on the highway rushed to the scene with hurried siren.

It's no wonder if it comes so fast.

Fast is indeed fast, but the time is coincidental. The next second when the fire swallows everything clean, the high-pressure water gun quickly extinguishes the fire.

The topic of the news report on the second day had already been planned. An abandoned factory outside the city caught fire. Firefighters left the country quickly. They extinguished the fire in the shortest possible time and eliminated hidden dangers without causing any casualties.

Zhang Feng took out two cigarettes from his pocket and handed them to Erjie. The latter did not smoke, but he also brought one.

Zhang Feng stuffed one in his mouth, then lit the cigarette that Erger awkwardly held on his mouth with a lighter, and then lit it himself.

From Erge's awkward smoking posture, it is not obvious that he has no habit of smoking, but he still took the cigarette, which is enough to show the importance and respect for Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng took two sips and quickly expelled the smoke from his lungs, and then said, "Sanefu, all the damned people in Cerza are dead, what's left?"

Erger took a puff of cigarette and coughed twice, his face flushed a little, and he calmed down before saying: "I want to speed up. The pressure on it is too great, and I can't stand it anymore."

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