Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1129: Surrender?

Reference 1129

Pedro did not know that SWAT personnel had already been ambushed in the corridors on both sides of the presidential suite where he lived. Of course, even if he knew it, he still had to give the order to capture the hostages, because he knew in his heart that it was absolutely impossible for him to escape from this hotel surrounded by layers. The only way to survive was to capture enough. Hostages, use this as a threat to negotiate with the police, maybe there is another

The vitality of silk.

The people who had just rushed out of the door were shot frantically by the ambush special police, and the bullets roared towards them. The restless gunshots instantly killed and injured four or five people, while the others had to retreat. Inside the room.

Pedro's face became more and more ugly, he stood up abruptly from the bed, and said in a cold voice: "You have to rush out, stay here is to die! Go, rush out with me!"

This time Pedro personally walked outside with his head, the boss was like this, and the other little brothers did not dare to die, and they all rushed out the door in a swarm.

Da da da……

In an instant, three or four people fell in a pool of blood, and those who rushed out began to fight back frantically.

For a time, bullets flew back and forth in the corridor. Pedro and his staff faced the death trail. They also knew that everyone would die here if they didn’t work hard. They were all staring at the gunfire, shooting frantically while shooting. The stairs rushed.


On the first floor downstairs, Zhang Feng, Caldera and Silgava sat on the sofa.

Zhang Feng took two puffs of cigarettes fiercely, then pinched out the cigarette **** in his pocket, stood up, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said, "We should also go, don't let this fire burn on us."

Caldera obviously didn't understand too much. He rubbed his head and asked: "Let's wait until the end, can't we leave at that time?"

Zhang Feng shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "Pedro won't last long, even if the casualties are heavy today, Erge must kill Pedro, but do you know if Pedro is dead? After that, will Erger kill us all in one go?"

"Let's go, gentlemen don't stand under the dangerous wall, even if we are not gentlemen, we should be careful, and we must be defensive!"

Zhang Feng looked at Siljava and said, "Is everything I asked you to prepare ready?"

Silgarva nodded affirmatively, walked to the side of the cabinet, opened the door, and pulled out a black package from inside.

Open the package, inside are three sets of equipment used for high-altitude downhill.

These things were specially prepared by Zhang Feng when he asked Siljava to book the hotel to prevent any accidents. Now all floors of the hotel are guarded by special police, and it is really appropriate to use high-altitude speed drop.

One end of the rope is firmly fixed in the room, and the other end is fixed to the body by a pulley.

Zhang Feng started, the first one to descend quickly, pushing his legs on the glass curtain wall and using the strength of his legs to descend quickly.

Caldera is close behind, with Silgava last.

Although at an altitude of more than 30 meters, the three people are all walking on the ground, and the speed of descent is very fast. The total is three to five minutes. A few people quickly landed on the ground.

Without rushing to move, thinking that the surroundings are already surrounded by special police with live ammunition, it is simply impossible to rush out or slip away without attracting attention.

However, it was clear that Zhang Feng had already expected it, and there was no panic expression on his face. The three people carried the wall of the building and moved out a distance of more than 100 meters, and they saw a manhole cover.

The manhole cover of the sewer was carefully checked left and right, and when no one noticed, he opened the manhole cover and quickly drilled in.

It's dark inside, nothing can be seen, and it smells sour and disgusting.

As the light of the tactical flashlight turned on, the dark sewer was illuminated.

The underground of every city is densely covered with intricate underground waterways. Rainwater and urban sewage pass through these underground waterways and are discharged into the sea after a certain amount of treatment.

Such underground waterways are places where bacteria and viruses are most rampant, and crimes are also breeding ground.

Zhang Feng, Caldera and Siljava didn't care about this. They just used this quick and undiscovered passage to quickly leave the five-star hotel.

Cooperating with Erger, in order to be able to share the interests of the underground world of Mexico City.

There are a lot of things like this, even if the possibility of it happening is relatively low, Zhang Feng has to guard against it.

Smelly sewage and silt lay under their feet, and the three of them moved forward in the planned direction with one foot and one shallow.

In such a sewer like a spider web, it is easy for people to get lost in the reverse direction, but fortunately, Zhang Feng has an excellent sense of direction, and there is no such possibility.

While Pedro was struggling frantically in the five-star hotel, a large number of police officers in Mexico City also took action. They started to control Pedro’s stronghold, which had already been mastered, and the strongholds that originally entered Cerza and Sanefo. A large-scale raid was carried out. Hidden drugs, illegal firearms and weapons have all been searched out. At this time, even the police who are inextricably linked with the underground forces in Mexico City know that if they dare to contact at this time, they will definitely have to All the things that happened were carried out by Erjie honestly


The action is not only a search and suppression, but also an arrest of the core figures of the gang.

Because it was a special operation, there was no such thing as an arrest warrant. He stared at his head with live ammunition and stuffed it into the police. After that, he was immediately taken to the nearest detention center and detained directly. After he was ready to free his hands, he would conduct concentrated interrogation.

Victory or defeat lies in this, how can Erger tolerate a slight slack.

Pedro's resistance eventually became futile. Under the suppression of a large number of firepower, his idea of ​​controlling the hostages was not established at all. He even did not rush out of the corridor with his men from beginning to end, even if the stairs were far away from them. The distance is only about 20 meters.

In the end, he was even repressed back to the presidential suite.

There were only a few hands gathered around Pedro, and all of them were wounded.

Noisy footsteps can be heard outside the door, this is the special police approaching the room, but even so Pedro still has no outbreak. "Boss. Let's rush out! Even if you die, you can pull two backs!" one of the guys roared fiercely. Although the rhetoric was arrogant, everyone at the scene knew that it was too bad to want to pull the backs. Possibly, the people outside are fully armed special police, not at all

Anyone who has undergone training knows how to shoot indiscriminately. "Get out? You surrender! Maybe there is a way out." Pedro said in a deep voice.

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