Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1132: Decentralization

Chapter 1132

The next thing?

Hearing this, the eyes of everyone in the room lit up.

The underworld of Mexico City should be dealt with, it should be settled, and the rest is to pick the fruits of victory.

Zhang Feng said: "Zhai Qiang, you and Chao Yun will get a plan together. This plan will write out all of our subsequent industries. After all, the benefits of the Mexico City underground world cake are If it’s big enough, it depends on how much we can eat."

Zhai Qiang, who would never interrupt Zhang Feng to speak, said anxiously, "I have an idea, but it is absolutely impossible for our family to complete it. We must find a partner."

"Cooperator? Look at this matter, and just tell me when you find a partner." Zhang Feng said disapprovingly.

Zhai Qiang said, "I mean it's hard to get in with a private company. It needs the power of the state."

Hearing this, Zhang Feng frowned. The power of the country, China?

The suspended animation this time, if it is not the case, Zhang Feng is absolutely not allowed to have contact with the country again. After all, it is suspended animation. I don't know how many people in China want Zhang Feng to really die.

The Wang family fell, but I don’t know how many people in the Wang family live outside.

Zhai Qiang saw that Zhang Feng’s face was slightly unhappy, but he still insisted: "Brother, if we can completely control the underground world of Mexico City, the best development is the tertiary industry, the catering industry, and the entertainment industry. Industries are able to provide us with sufficient cash flow, but they are not sufficient for long-term development. I mean, with such good resources, if we can develop the primary and secondary industries and do it really, we will be able to reap the benefits by then But it’s not money, but it’s truly being able to gain a foothold in this country. If the development is large enough, even if the Mexican government wants to move us, it must be measured."

Zhang Feng's brows were still frowning, and he said, "Go on."

Looking at Zhang Feng's expression, Zhai Qiang trembled in his heart. After hearing Zhang Feng's words, it was impossible to hold back the rest of the words, so I could only bite the bullet and continue speaking.

"And the national power we can choose to cooperate with is Huaxia State. We can cooperate with state-owned enterprises as Zhuo Chaoyun and I. This will not only receive enough attention, but also ensure that there will be sufficient capital investment in the future, and we can Use the cash flow brought by the entertainment industry and the catering industry to invest in the current hottest Internet industry. After all, the Internet is developing fastest, and the leading country is China. At this point, even Europe and the United States are hard to beat. The advantage of this. Why did I make this suggestion, because the labor force in Mexico City is very cheap, and the land is horribly cheap." Zhai Qiang said all he thought of.

After listening to Zhang Feng, his face was uncertain.

If you are tempted, the answer is definitely tempted.

If it can proceed smoothly according to Zhai Qiang's plan, then the reports that will be available in the future will not only be described by money, but even at the national level, there will be a certain ability to talk.

But he was in the heart, because he didn't want to have any contact with Huaxia Kingdom. Of course, this situation was temporary, at least until he could decide his own life.

After hesitating for a moment, a decision was still made.

At least for now, Zhai Qiang's plan is flawless and extremely feasible.

If this is the case, there is no reason not to proceed. If you don't want to have contact with the country, then Zhai Qiang and Zhuo Chaoyun can come forward.

As for yourself? Isn’t it just going to go to Italy to resolve the disclosure of your identity information? Just can avoid it.

Zhuo Chaoyun doesn't want to be a housewife with her husband and son, so she should be given a chance to become a strong woman. As for what she can do, it's her own.

The frowning brows stretched out and said to Zhai Qiang: "Go and call Zhuo Chaoyun."

As soon as Zhai Qiang heard this, his eyes lit up. As long as Zhang Feng did not directly refuse, he would say that the matter was worthwhile, and then he would call Zhuo Chaoyun. That would definitely be for discussion.

He sprang up and went directly to Zhuo Chaoyun, even forgetting that he could call directly.

Soon, Zhuo Chaoyun walked in, and she could see the joy that had disappeared for a long time on her face. It was a joy from the heart. Obviously, on the way, Zhai Qiang had already told her roughly what happened.

Zhang Feng asked directly, "What do you think Zhai Qiang said?"

"I don't think there is any problem with what he said, but I have a little opinion of my own." Zhuo Chaoyun said.

"Oh? What's your opinion?" Zhang Feng wanted to hear his opinion.

"The gap between the rich and the poor in Mexico City is extremely large, and most of the wealth is in the hands of less than 5%, and the vast majority of the remaining 95% are only able to fill the stomach. It is precisely for this reason that the social security in Mexico City has become chaotic. While we can recruit local employees, we can improve the benefits and benefits. Once recruited employees, we can not only ensure that we have nothing to worry about, but also After they retire after working for a few years, they will have no worries for the rest of their lives. In this way, more people will break their heads and want to join our company to work, and those who come in will cherish it. If this continues, our company’s Brands will explode like a blowout. In addition, we can set up a charity organization. My initial idea is to focus on education. After all, education is fundamental. This can also help us establish opportunities for communication with the upper echelons of Mexico City."

After hearing these words, Zhang Feng shook his head bitterly. He really hadn't thought about these things. Sometimes he had to admit that there was nothing wrong with the saying that Shuye specializes.

In terms of marching and fighting, assassination and absconding, even Zhuo Chaoyun and Zhai Qiang are definitely not Zhang Feng’s opponents alone, but for business, a hundred Zhang Feng may not be able to play Zhai Qiang and Zhuo. Chao Yun.

Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Then these things will be handled by the two of you, so I'll intervene a little bit and keep the accounts! As for how the company operates, I don't ask any questions. You can do what you want, and whoever you want to cooperate with. I have no opinion on whom to work with."

Hearing this, let alone Zhai Qiang and Zhuo Chaoyun, even the dancers are slightly experienced.

Except for the accounts, nothing else is asked. This is a complete decentralization, giving them two sufficient freedoms.

The choreographer opened his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to speak, but Zhang Feng stopped him with his eyes.

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