Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1134: Zhao Dasheng ran away

Chapter 1134

Putting away the mobile phone, Zhang Feng smiled. What happened to her room at this time, it goes without saying that the establishment of the intelligence department in Mexico City is already in full swing, and Chen Wanru can solve specific things by herself, and I don't understand this aspect, except for some things, such as choosing a name or money.

Just now when she was writing on the palm of her hand, Zhang Feng could feel Chen Wanru's body tremble slightly, winking like silk.

Ha ha! Zhang Feng smiled and thought to himself, life is not so dazzling, it is still very beautiful.

But he changed his mind, they don't allow any harm!

This is Zhang Feng's reverse scale!

If someone touches Ni Lin, he will make him pay the price in blood, no matter who it is!

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng entered Chen Wanru's room, filled with a charming faint fragrance, which was Zhang Feng's favorite smell.

Chen Wanru was sitting in front of the dressing table, combing her long black hair. Zhang Feng walked over and took the comb to comb her hair. Chen Wanru was stunned. When did Zhang Feng be so gentle?

She is clever and smart, and it occurred to her that now their affairs in Mexi City are not stable yet. The biggest opponent is Erjie. This person is very ambitious. Chen Wanru knows that such a person has been operating in Mexi City for so many years and finally smoothed out. In the underground world of Mexi City, how could it be possible to allow an outsider to **** this trophy?

"Do you know what Erjie's biggest weakness is?" Chen Wanru said with her eyes closed while enjoying.

"Eh?" Zhang Feng was puzzled. Chen Wanru's words immediately touched the pain point, and hit Zhang Feng's worry, "The biggest weakness? Are you afraid of death? Or maybe it's promotion?"

"Haha!" Chen Wanru smiled, "Who is not afraid of death? Whether he is promoted or not has little to do with us, but it is impossible for him to be promoted, because the underground world of Mexico City at this time is for the Mexican government. , Urger is most needed to sit down, no one is more suitable than him, so it is impossible to get promoted!"

Chen Wanru's analysis is very thorough.

"Then what is his weakness?" Zhang Feng asked.

Chen Wanru said, "Promotion, promotion. His desire is very urgent. The current Mexico City is a huge achievement for him, and it is impossible for him to be promoted. You said he has worked hard for so many years and paid so much. How will he react?"

"The current underground world of Mexi City has become a vacuum, and someone needs to fill it. This person must be subordinate to Erger to control the underground world, and we are obviously not the candidate. Now our forces are rapidly infiltrating. In the underground world of Mexi City, he will not allow us to control it!"

"There are two ways, one is to get him promoted and leave; the other is, he disappears; I personally agree with the latter, because Erjie is promoted and left, and another person will come, and this person must be in their interests. , Will be the second Erge!"

Having said that, she stopped, and Zhang Feng couldn't wait to say, "Let Erjie disappear, and then we will support one up?"

"Yes!" Chen Wanru smiled in relief.

This reminded Zhang Feng of Alfonso, which was fostered by Wanda in Africa. There were too many uncertain factors. At that time, Alfonso had ambitions to dismantle the bridge for a thigh hug, which caused a lot of trouble.

Now I’m going to plant a police chief in Mexico City. If I use the same knife on Zhang Feng’s back, or secretly shame his family, then the gains will outweigh the losses. Live only!

I can't go back to China now, and Wanda in Africa is temporarily unable to go back. The whole family is here. It is estimated that they will be here for a long time.

Therefore, we must eliminate all risk factors, at least the current factors, and talk about them if we encounter them in the future.

Chen Wanru had a good idea and knocked Zhang Feng's mind again.

At this time, the women next to the man played a big role, which is why behind every successful man there is a powerful woman.

"Think about this. Your intelligence organization has just started. Don't worry, stay steadily. Stare at Oerger and the people in the Mexico City Police Station for the time being to see who is suitable. Then tell me!" Zhang Feng's pulse on this matter became clear.

Chen Wanru said, "Don't worry, I have let them stare."

"Hehe, your movements are really fast!"

Zhang Feng smiled. This is Chen Wanru’s style. It means to cut first and play later, but Lu Ming likes that when doing something, he doesn’t need to ask him for anything before he can do it. The things they are responsible for are the clearest. Zhang Feng just said it.

"That's a must, it's a step forward!"

Chen Wanru smiled and stood up and hugged Zhang Feng and buried her brain on Zhang Feng's chest.

"Also!" Chen Wanru suddenly thought of something, "Also, Zhai Qiang, can't let him become a runaway horse!"

Chen Wanru reminded again!

"Don't worry, Zhuo Chaoyun is pulling the reins!"

"that's great!"

Ling Ling...

At this moment, the mobile phone in Zhang Feng's pocket rang. He was a little dissatisfied and didn't want to pick it up, but Chen Wanru reached into his pocket and took it out. It took a few seconds to take it out. Seeing the screen showing old Three words beggar.

"It's an old beggar!" Zhang Feng did not answer immediately, but asked Chen Wanru, "Does he know all about us in Mexi City?"

Chen Wanru nodded.

It is estimated that Chen Wanru said, even if she does not say, what the old beggar wants to know is not a matter of a word.

Zhang Feng answered the phone and put it to his ear, "Old beggar, what's the matter?"

"Boy, I'm your master, don't be an old beggar big or small!"

The old beggar's very dissatisfied voice came from the phone, and Zhang Feng smiled, "The same, no matter what the name is, you are my beloved master!"

"It's almost the same!" The old beggar felt much better.

"Old beggar, didn't you call me at this time because I called you'old beggar'?"

Zhang Feng naturally knew that the old beggar would not be so boring anymore, there must be something big.

"Zhao Dasheng ran away!" said the old beggar.


Zhang Feng was surprised. The guy who sold his information to Italy ran away? I ran under the eyes of the old beggar, how could this be possible! ?

Chen Wanru in her arms was also surprised.

The old beggar continued, "Don’t be nervous, listen to me, two days ago, I got a message that those people in Italy already knew that Zhao Dasheng was arrested, and worried about being revenge, so they controlled Zhao Dasheng’s sister. With this threat, Zhao Dasheng did not speak! Then that night, Zhao Dasheng escaped from prison. I was thinking that he was going to Italy, but before going, he will call you and you can figure it out. Okay, okay, I'm very busy!"

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