Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1140: tourism

Five minutes after Zhang Feng left the airport in a taxi for a big price, Xu Qiuping hurriedly pulled her delicate little suitcase and appeared at the airport entrance.

She gasped and looked left and right to see where there was still Zhang Feng's shadow, she was so angry that she threw the suitcase lever in her hand and stomped her feet, "Ah, let me dove again, don't let me see you , Otherwise you will look good! Humph!"

Xu Qiuping clenched her pink fist tightly, and a strong idea of ​​not accepting defeat came up. She knew that Zhang Feng was in this city and would not leave here for a short time.

And she knows the specific flight, whether it's returning home or going to Mexico City, she will pay attention to it, and then catch him.

Thinking of this, Xu Qiuping returned to the hotel provided by the company, the Alexander Hotel.

Zhang Feng listened to the beard nagging in the car. It has been three hours. He hasn't drunk water. The car has been refueled once, and his mouth is like a Gatling gun. No, it should be better than the Gatling machine gun. The barrel of the machine gun will become red after a long time. It needs to rest and cool down, even if it is water-cooled, it can't be like this.

During his constant chatter, Zhang Feng got the information he wanted. In the underground world of the Italian capital, Roman City, a new gang has appeared in the past few years. It has a strong momentum and commits crimes everywhere, which makes the police a headache and looks better than the old ones. The gang mafia is even more powerful.

This gang is called Solomon, and its forces are distributed throughout the city, with a large number of people, very clever criminal methods, and very organized!

Zhang Feng thought, it doesn't seem to be a good deal! It's a bit difficult to be alone now, but even if it is difficult, I have to do it.

In the chat with Beard, of course, most of them were talking to him. Zhang Feng said a few words. His name is Matthew, an ordinary taxi driver, who has children and a wife at home, and he runs for life. the man.

In contrast, Zhang Feng does not need to run for life, but for his life. If Zhang Feng relaxes a little bit, his life or that of his family will be ruined.

Therefore, Zhang Feng knows that every step he takes is like walking on thin ice!

"Matthew, are there any good hotels in Roman City?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Hey, you asked the right person. If you want to say that we are a good hotel in Roman City, it is the Alexandria Hotel." Matthew said magnificently, seemingly proud.

Zhang Feng said, "Okay, then go there now!"

"Good!" Matthew said, turning the steering wheel quickly.

I arrived at the Alexandria Hotel soon. Zhang Feng gave him a few hundred dollars. Matthew took it with excitement. He felt comfortable with it, because Matthew would know what he knew in a few hours today, or All the hearsay has been said.

"Mr. Su, if you still need my service, please call me. I am available 24/7. This is my business card!" Matthew said sincerely, taking out his business card.

Zhang Feng took the business card, took a look, remembered the number, put the business card in his pocket and got out of the car.

"Mr. Su, the service of this hotel is also very good!" Matthew looked at Zhang Feng with a look you know.

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Really? Then I have to experience it."

"I think they like you very much!" Matthew smiled.

Zhang Feng has already taken a step away. Matthew waved to Zhang Feng's background, took out a stack of money, smiled, and took out his mobile phone to call his wife, "Honey, we have a big meal tonight!"

"What a big meal, no bread!"

"I made a big deal today!" Matthew said.

"Really? Thank God!"

Matthew drove back happily.

At this time, Zhang Feng had already walked into the Alexandria Hotel, standing at the counter, facing the beautiful and exotic front desk, and said in authentic English, "Beautiful lady, hello, I want a quiet room!"

"Hello sir, welcome to our hotel, please show your credentials!" the front desk said in standard English.

Zhang Feng showed his ID.

The front desk looked at the ID, immediately changed Chinese and said, "Welcome, Mr. Su!"

After doing some operations, he gave the room card to Zhang Feng, and Zhang Feng said, "Thank you, can you tell me your name?"

"You can call me Lisa!"

Zhang Feng looked at her and said, "Do you have a boyfriend? Sorry, do you mind if I ask this? Anyway, we can ask anything!"

This involves the privacy of others, and Westerners attach great importance to privacy.

Lisa smiled, "I don't have a boyfriend!"

Very generous!

"Then can you go to me after get off work?" Zhang Feng said boldly.

He did this for cover. If he were alone, the goal would be too big. Together with such a pretty beauty, the goal would be very small.

To kill the enemy without knowing it was the result Zhang Feng wanted, because in this way, the loss and cost would be small.

So Zhang Feng pretended to be that kind of person.

"Mr. Su, do you have anything to do?" Lisa's face was reddened and a little nervous. Isn't this guest's request too so? And blatantly!

This is different from the Huaxia people I have encountered before.

"Well, there is something, I don't know how to use many equipment in the room, can you teach me?" Zhang Feng said.

This request is not excessive, but it is not very reasonable. His responsibilities are here and there is no other job. This Asian man asks such a question. Does he think he is that kind of girl?

I was a little angry, but still said politely, "Okay, I will let professional people help you!"

"No, I don't want to let other people into my room! Don't get me wrong, I have no other meaning!" Zhang Feng said.

It's not a misunderstanding!

Lisa thought for a while, then looked at the Chinese man, nodded and agreed, "Okay!"

In Lisa's impression, Huaxia people are very friendly, rich in money, generous, and will not sit on terrible things.

Zhang Feng smiled, "Thank you, Lisa!"

"You're welcome, Mr. Su, you can go up now and you can find your room by looking at the room card!" Lisa said.

"You are so careful, thank you! See you later!" Zhang Feng said, taking his room card and leaving.


After entering the room, Zhang Feng first checked whether there were any eavesdropping equipment in the room, etc. After checking and finding that there was none, Zhang Feng lay heavily on the bed, tidying up today's taxi driver Matthew Those things said.

The most important information is about this gang named Solomon. In Roman City, this gang is new and has the strongest momentum.

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