Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1147: Finally called

"Don't worry, you can drive as you normally do, but this time you drive faster, don't care about those rushing hard and get out of the city!" Zhang Feng said from behind.

Xu Qiuping fastened his seat belt and started the car. The engine of the car was like a roaring lion.

When driving out, the engine roared, and Xu Qiuping felt an inexplicable excitement.

Many cars followed, Xu Qiuping became nervous again, and Zhang Feng behind said, "Don't be afraid, you just need to drive steadily! Don't look at the back, they dare not come up!"

Xu Qiuping calmed down and accelerated the speed.

Regardless of the size of the car, it is actually easy to use and smooth.

When he got outside, Lu Ming looked specifically at the roadside. There was no police and no crowd of onlookers.

It seems that they did not call the police.

Think about this, how dare they call the police?

For Lu Ming, this is just right, there is not so much trouble.

There were still a lot of cars on the road at this time. Xu Qiuping didn't dare to drive too fast for fear of hitting someone else, and she stopped and waited when the street light was red.

Zhang Feng was a little anxious. If it was him, he would care about him so much, so he rushed straight up, as long as he didn't hit anyone. This is not in the country. The car belongs to Solomon. If the traffic police came to find him, he would be there.

Seeing that the people behind are about to catch up, Zhang Feng said, "If you don't hurry, we will be caught back."

Xu Qiuping glanced at the rearview mirror, and the cars just came up. Xu Qiuping sank and the car jumped out. At this time, it was still at a red light. As soon as the car rushed over, several cars were installed. Xu Qiuping braked suddenly. , The people behind leaned forward habitually, and Solomon took this opportunity to get rid of Zhang Feng's control and hit Zhang Feng in the face with one punch.

Zhang Feng screamed, "Ah..."

Xu Qiuping became more nervous, "Zhang Feng, how are you?"

At this time the two had already fought in the back seat, and Zhang Feng said as he hit, "I have already told you, drive well, don't worry about so much, just drive!" Zhang Feng was a little angry, but she can understand, she As a young lady, I have done a good job in such a thing.

Xu Qiuping's tears came down, all because she caused Zhang Feng to be beaten and Solomon escaped, all because of herself, she hates herself to death now.

"Hurry up!" Zhang Feng said again.

Xu Qiuping was heartbroken and stepped on the accelerator to the end. The car jumped out like a lion. The two people fighting in the back seat were all thrown onto the seat chairs and separated temporarily. Zhang Feng's action was the most Quick, he was already attacking when he was close, and Solomon was half a beat slower.

It was this half-time that the knife in Zhang Feng's hand appeared under his neck again.

"If you move again, you will die!" Zhang Feng said solemnly.

Solomon didn't dare to move, because the blade had cut through his skin, he was terrified, and if he asked him harder, his neck would spurt blood.

So, he sat there honestly, his face was blue and swollen, and his chest was also injured, but it was not a big problem.

There are two bruises on Zhang Feng's face.


Xu Qiuping honked her horn, and then ran into it again. She couldn't remember how many cars had been hit this time.

Bang bang...

Three more cars were hit in a row.


The police car is coming.

Xu Qiuping has been obedient this time, so she no longer pays attention to these things and drives desperately!

But it didn't go so smoothly. This car stabbed a hornet's nest. There were dozens of police cars and two helicopters in the sky. Xu Qiuping had already knocked over two police cars.

This is the first time that she has done such a bad thing. She should feel guilty, but how can she feel excited now?


There was a violent noise from the roof of the car, the sound of bullets hitting the roof, and the sound of Xu Qiuping screaming, "Ah..."

"Don't be afraid, the bullet can't penetrate!" Zhang Feng said.

The specifications of this car are based on the highest defense, so ordinary bullets can do nothing.

Zhang Feng's voice calmed Xu Qiuping a lot and continued to concentrate on driving.

There was navigation in the car, and Xu Qiuping chose the shortest road section to drive out of the city, but when he got outside the city, there were more policemen behind.

"Zhang Feng, what should I do now, there are so many policemen!" Xu Qiuping said to Zhang Feng behind.

Xu Qiuping stared at the front and looked at the rearview mirror.

Not only were there many policemen, but also Solomon's subordinates, smashing forwards and chasing them mightily. Fortunately, the cars they were driving were so powerful that all cars stuck in front were knocked over.

"Don't worry about them, keep driving!" Zhang Feng said.

After driving like this for another two hours, the mobile phone in Zhang Feng's pocket rang, and he freed his hand to connect.

"Who?" Zhang Feng said loudly.

"Zhang Feng? I'm Chen Wanru from Roman City. My name is..."

Before the person on the cell phone finished speaking, Zhang Feng said, "I am being chased by Solomon's people and the police, let me find a way!"


The other party hung up the phone and called back five minutes later and said, "Zhang Feng, follow my guidance and drive to this place..."

"Hurry up!" Zhang Feng couldn't wait. Zhang Feng was worried that Xu Qiuping would not be able to cope with it. Someone would make dumplings, or it would be troublesome if the police dispatched some more powerful weapons.

"What car are you driving now?" the other person asked.

"The fifteenth black knight is Solomon's car!" Zhang Feng said. They knew that Solomon owned this car.

"It's difficult!" the other party said.

Where can I get it in such a short time?

"If it's hard to do, give it to me, or you will look good!"

"Give me half an hour!" the other party said, "please don't hang up your phone, I will let someone guide you to that place and tell me where you are now!"

"On Caesar Avenue north of the city!"

"Good!" The other party switched to another person.


There is a bridge fifty kilometers in front of Zhang Feng, where intelligence personnel will be waiting, and Xu Qiuping will be there within half an hour to give them time, and the speed cannot be reduced, so they can only go around.

Finally, half an hour later, Xu Qiuping saw the overpass. The bridge hole was very big. She had heard about it. There were many bridge holes. She finally understood the other party's intention to come here.

Two words, adjust the package!

But can the other party get a knight XV that is exactly the same?

"Go to the second bridge hole in the east, turn off the lights, and hide in the depths of the bridge hole!"

Zhang Feng communicated the arrangements of intelligence personnel to Xu Qiuping.

"Understand!" Xu Qiuping said, speeding up the car.

In a blink of an eye, he was under the bridge. Xu Qiuping looked to the east. When he saw the second bridge hole, he immediately turned in. At this moment, a tall black car lights up in the bridge hole on the west, and then to the west. Drive away.

The car behind also chased into the bridge hole. The police and Solomon's men, Zhang Feng was surprised to find that Solomon's men were coming east, while the police were going west.

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