Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1150: He is a hero!

The severe pain spread throughout his body, his throat and mouth let go, and he screamed.


The pistol with no bullets in his right hand fell to the ground, covered his eyes with both hands and fell backward.


At this moment, the gunfire rang, and then I heard the scream of a woman over there.


The bullets flew around. The four of them couldn’t control Karamy. They hurried to find a place to hide. The bullet behind couldn't hit anyone. Karamy's pistol fell on the ground and was caught by one hand. Pull out the magazine and put in a new magazine. , And then just when he was about to shoot backwards, someone shot first.


There were gunshots before and after, and women's screams.

The four people around the car all fell, covering their feet and screaming, "Ahhh..."

Zhang Feng came out from under the car, holding a pistol in her **** right hand. The woman over there had emptied her magazine, and she was sitting on the ground shaking.

Zhang Feng glanced at her, walked up to the four still alive, and shot them in the head.


The brain exploded like an exploded watermelon.

The other three people lay on the ground, covering their feet with their hands, struggling, "Sir, sir, don't kill me, don't kill me, all are Solomon, Solomon's...ah..."

Bang bang bang...

Three gunshots resolved them!

Zhang Feng looked at the many magazines on the ground and pushed with his feet. The lighter ones have no bullets and the heavier ones have bullets. He collected three magazines, put them on his waist, and walked towards the one who was scared. Xu Qiuping.

Xu Qiuping saw Zhang Feng kill 20 people in two or three minutes. There were also the last three people who had no combat effectiveness and were not a threat to Zhang Feng. Xu Qiuping clearly saw the bullet hit the brains of those three people. , And then burst open.

She once again thought of what Zhang Feng had said to her. She was a dangerous person!

Zhang Feng is really a dangerous person, killing is so decisive! Without any hesitation! Xu Qiuping could see that before this, Zhang Feng must have had a lot of human lives in his hands!

He is a soldier, and now is the era of peace, how can there be so many wars? Or is the world not so peaceful?

"Go! Get out of here, the police will come in a while!"

Zhang Feng's voice turned to Xu Qiuping's ear. She looked up and saw Zhang Feng's eyes. They were a pair of deep, determined and resolute eyes, which filled people with a sense of security.

Seeing such eyes, Xu Qiuping understood that he was a soldier, and he had a lot of human lives in his hands, and those people were damned people, people who broke peace!

He is a hero! That's it today!

Which of these people in the Solomon gang is not evil? Zhang Feng is for the people!

Xu Qiuping plunged into Zhang Feng's arms, Zhang Feng held a gun in his right hand, and gently hugged her in his left hand, and said softly, "I'm here!"

"Yeah!" Xu Qiuping replied. The three words of Lu Ming were enough to heal the shock and trauma Xu Qiuping brought in this battle.

Zhang Feng said again, "Let's go!"

Xu Qiuping stood up and called out suddenly, her feet were unstable and she was about to fall, Zhang Feng hurriedly supported her, "How are you?"

"My feet!" Xu Qiuping had an expression of pain. She had twisted her ankle just now.

Zhang Feng looked at her feet. The skirt was very dirty and torn a little bit. One side of the seven-centimeter high-heeled shoes was broken.

Zhang Feng pinned the desert eagle in the belt of his back waist, and hugged her without saying a word.

Originally, Zhang Feng wanted to show her her sprained foot, but now is not the time to leave here and talk about it. The other party may come again soon, wondering if it is the police. "Yeah..." Xu Qiuping yelled softly but didn't struggle. She consciously wrapped Zhang Feng's neck with her hands and buried her head on Zhang Feng's chest. Xu Qiuping's face was flushed, and a man-specific message came from Zhang Feng's chest. The strong smell of sweat irritates Xu Qiuping’s nasal cavity, strangely she doesn’t feel bad

It smells so fragrant, she didn't have such a smell before, and it was uncomfortable to smell such a smell.

Zhang Feng took her to a good car, put her on the back seat and said, "Sit down!"

Then Zhang Feng carefully fastened her seatbelt. Xu Qiuping discovered that Zhang Feng was injured. It was on the left arm, the clothes were soaked with blood, the hands were blood, and the arms were tied with cloth slivers. Xu Qiuping exclaimed. Said, "Ah, you were shot!"

"Don't be surprised, sit down!" Zhang Feng said domineeringly.

"But yours..."

Before Xu Qiuping finished speaking, the car lights came on at the exit of the bridge hole. Zhang Feng immediately got out of the car and said to Xu Qiuping, “Remember, no matter what happens, don’t come out without my order. Don’t be like just now. , You can't do anything, understand?"

Xu Qiuping nodded, she had no choice but to nod. She had never seen such a domineering person before, and he said that he couldn't do anything, so wouldn't he be able to drive? Humph!

Thinking about it, Xu Qiuping felt a little grievance and grievance.

However, she didn't make a big noise either, and fell quietly in the car, looking at Zhang Feng, but at this time she could no longer see Zhang Feng.

Don't know where he went? Where is it hiding? Xu Qiuping dared not move.

Because at this time the car from outside has already come in.

The car stopped as it approached here. Three people in the car came down carefully, hunched over their bodies, wounded holding a pistol, and one of them whispered, "Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng..."

At this moment, Zhang Feng, who was hiding behind a car, took out his cell phone and looked at it, and found that it had no electricity and turned it off. Then these people should be Chen Wanru’s intelligence personnel who care about the country.

Zhang Feng was not in a hurry to come out, but to see if anyone came from behind. He had to be extremely careful now. After all, he was on someone else’s territory, and he was alone now, weak in power, and a drag. Oil bottles, you have to be careful.

"Go and see the dead on the ground to see if there is Zhang Feng, we are late!" the man said again.

The three of them carefully checked under the light of the car lights.

"Brother Dawei, what should we do? If Zhang Feng dies, we will be to blame. Boss Chen will take us to the knife!" a subordinate said worriedly.

The person walking in the front is called Dawei, who is the main person in charge of the intelligence agency of the country. He said, "Look for it first, Zhang Feng will not hang up so easily, even if... we report it truthfully, what is the result? Yes, let Boss Chen decide!" "That's all!" said the subordinates. He turned the corpse and kept saying, "It's really miserable. It is estimated that only Zhang Feng can do it. Dawei brother, look at these people. Zhang Feng must have moved and fired from there, and the shell came along that line and fired at such a short distance.

Solomon’s people are all gangsters, and bullets are poured in an instant, but they still can’t hit Zhang Feng. Talent..."

The subordinates confided that he seemed to be a criminal investigator, a general analyst, and a talent.

"Okay, here I am!"

Suddenly an unfamiliar voice rang out in front of them, and they immediately fell down and did a defensive action.

"I'm Zhang Feng, you don't need to be nervous!" It was this voice again, and they stood up after making sure that there was no danger.

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