Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1157: Urger, please have dinner?

"Today he called me personally and said he wanted to invite you to a banquet, but we said you have something to do, so we asked the dancer to go, Brother Feng, do you want to go?" Zhai Qiang said, "he said I originally called you directly, but you couldn't get through with your previous number."

Zhang Feng immediately said, "Go, why not, Erjie is a superfluous person, we have to make a magnified gesture, and make him suspicious, I will call the dancer after a while!"

It seemed that Zhang Feng was very excited.

"Okay, Brother Feng, Chao Yun and I have already gotten into the industry in Mexico City, so we should do what we do best, the big entertainment city, and the surrounding industries together. In short, it is a one-stop service!"

Zhai Qiang was very excited when he talked about this. He only made him combat effective when he was in business, investment, and so on, and made him feel valuable and present!

"Okay, you can figure it out. I don't understand this aspect. I only look at the results. You can make money! But some money can't be made, understand?" Zhang Feng said.

"Don't worry, Brother Feng!"

After hanging up, Zhai Qiang immediately transferred the money to Zhang Feng, and the money would arrive in a few hours.

At this moment, Zhang Feng is already talking to the dancer.

Zhang Feng said, "Zhai Qiang said, Erjie wants to invite me to dinner?"

"Uh, in the plan of Zhai Qiang and Zhuo Chaoyun, we intend to follow the same method we used in Wanda City. We will establish a company, then we will bring him into the company and tie him to us. Then he will be with us. A boat is on!" said the dancer.

Zhang Feng thought for a while and said, “This won’t work. Let’s not say that he speaks loudly, but that when we want to do something in the future, we will hinder everywhere and plant hidden dangers in the future; there is another point, we are after all Outsiders, Erjie knows this very well, and he instinctively resists us. Since we have to do it, we must do well. I don’t want to take the old road of Wanda again and be forced away. I still have this tone. Keep holding back! Zhai Qiang, do you understand what I mean?"

When they were still in the country, Zhai Qiang and the others sold the Shengtang Club, and overall they lost money.

Money is second, but passive. If there is any mistake in personnel, the loss can be great.

If you have no money, you can make more money. If you have no people, you really have no money.

Mexi City can no longer be like before.

"If you don't tell me, I really think there is a problem. Originally, we were doing two-handed preparations. One was to cooperate with Erger; the other was to support the other who listened to us completely!" said the dancer.

Zhang Feng said without thinking, "I agree with the latter!"

"Well, I think so too, but we only have one candidate right now, the deputy director of the Mexico City Police Department, Cromwell. He has always wanted to be in position, but he was always held down by Erger. As long as we have a short time If Ergella is brought down, the official will not be airborne so quickly, and we will give Cromwell this great credit, and we must get Cromwell's handle." The dancer said.

Zhang Feng thought for a while and said, "If he is reliable, you can do it, but what about Erjie's handle? Have we got it?"

"As you just said, he can't do it. Even if we have his handle in his style, let him be wronged for a while, he will become restless in the future, it is a time bomb, and he wants to control the underground of Mexi City by himself. The world." The choreographer continued, "We have already grasped Erger's handle, but it is not enough. Our intelligence department is stepping up its collection."

They knew very well the life of this man, even if he was a child, they could find out.

From a person's past, understand his behavior style, and then judge his decision direction on a matter.

"Well, you can decide on this matter. I just want the result. Also, you must be careful when you go tomorrow. Although Erjie doesn't have the courage yet, I don't allow you any harm." Zhang Fengshen Said the voice.

The dancer was silent for a while and said, "I know, we will be careful, how many scenes we have come over, and he has secretly calculated it!"

"How is the house?" Zhang Feng asked, changing the subject.

The dancer knew what Zhang Feng meant by asking Yun Qian and the child about them.

"They are all very good!" said the dancer, "Don't worry, Mid-Levels Villa will be very safe here. The security level is the highest. Even the special forces of the United States cannot enter, let alone the useless Mexi city."

"Well, then I can rest assured!"

Zhang Feng misses his children and Yun Qian, and wants to stay by their side. This is happiness and a bondage.

All of these are worthy of Zhang Feng's efforts to protect them, and they are his negative scales.

If anyone touches this Ni Lin, no matter who it is, he will have to pay a painful price.

"Since the death of Wang Gan, the younger generations of the Wang family have been active, as if they have increased their surveillance and unannounced investigations, especially in foreign countries, where they have been seen in many places. Crazy, please pay attention. Although Wang Gan is dead, But the hundred-legged worm of the Wang family cannot die. The Wang family has been a big clan for hundreds of years, with very deep roots. There are many industries overseas, and many of them are unknown to the world!"

"I know, they just don't get in the way of my business. If they break my business, then I'm not welcome!" Zhang Feng said coldly.

The choreographer on the cell phone felt slanderous. You have killed the owner of the family. What else do you need to be polite?

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Feng wondered if he should call Zhuo Chaoyun or Yun Qian, but it was a matter of thinking about it. The more they called, the more they missed it, as long as they were safe.

I have solved everything on my own side, and giving them a safe environment is the right way.

"Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng!"

Suddenly Zhang Feng heard someone calling him outside. The voice was Xu Qiuping. Zhang Feng saw Xu Qiuping rushing over and said with some surprise, "Why are you here?"

How did she find here? Isn't it over the manor?

"I heard that you came to visit the patient, I want to come see it too!" Xu Qiuping said excitedly, "Where is the patient? I went to visit him, oh, I didn't buy flowers or fruits!"

"No, she is asleep now!" Zhang Feng said, looking down from the window, just in time to see Wang Xiaojuan walking out from the hospital gate.

Maybe she told Xu Qiuping.

"Oh, I'm going to bed, look from the door!" Xu Qiuping insisted, "Which ward is it?"

Zhang Feng had no choice but to tell her, pointing behind her and saying, "402!"

Xu Qiuping turned around and walked over. There are transparent glass on the wards. She can only look down her head. It can be seen that she is taller.

After a while, Xu Qiuping walked to Zhang Feng who was standing at the window and said, "Seeing that she is very ill, what is the disease?"

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