Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1159: Sheriff Bob

"She has another case to handle, and now I am solely responsible for the affairs of the night before, Solomon, do you know who the murderer is?" Bob asked.

Solomon raised his eyes to look at Bob, and he immediately saw through his mind. He wanted this great credit. As long as the murderer was caught, this great credit would be hiss, adding political capital to his future career.

This is something that money cannot buy.

"Of course I know, even if he turns to ashes, I know him!" Solomon said.

Since the appearance of Zhang Feng the day before yesterday, Solomon began to feel uneasy. Zhang Feng was a desperate person for Solomon. The night before he thought he was safe and went away, his men could kill him, but his men turned out to be the whole army. Annihilated, this made him start to be scared.

So now it’s great to have the police help.

"Then who is he?" Bob asked, excited.

Solomon said to Manager Mickey nearby, "Manager Mickey, you give the information of Zhang Feng to Chief Bob!"

"Yes, boss!" Manager Mickey said, he is the bar manager and Solomon's confidant.

He took out a portfolio from the black briefcase and gave it to Inspector Bob. Inspector Bob became excited and couldn't wait to open it to see that there were not many things in it, just a few pieces of paper.

Sheriff Bob glanced at ten lines. After reading it, he was stunned and said, "He turned out to be a mercenary! And he is still a Chinese!"

In Sergeant Bob's perception, there have never been Chinese people among the mercenaries in the world, even if there are those who are unknown.

And now that the intelligence is so powerful, Wanda in Africa has done earth-shattering things, and there is also a mercenary group named Huangquan, which indirectly controls the entire Wanda!

Sheriff Bob thought of the people killed under the bridge hole in the suburbs the day before yesterday. He knows the strength of those people very well. The strongest person in their police station can't beat them.

And just such a group of more than 20 people were killed by this Huaxia, and they could retreat all over!

What he is facing now is this kind of person. The Lord Sergeant is a little frustrated, because this person is a desperate person. If he can kill Solomon’s twenty people, he can kill other people. To be finished!

However, this case has fallen on his head, so he can't do it.

"Solomon, what kind of result do you want?" Inspector Bob asked.

Inspector Bob's question is a very big question. If people with ulterior motives listen to it, he will be finished.

Do I still need to listen to Solomon in the case?

It is enough to illustrate the problem.

Solomon looked at his pale and tender face, his small eyes with fear.

"Haha, Inspector Bob, this is your police business. If there are bad guys, they will naturally catch bad guys, do you think so?" Solomon said.

Inspector Bob's heart trembled, and when he looked at Solomon's smile, he knew that Solomon was causing him a big trouble.

"That's right, Solomon, I still have things in the game, let's go first!" Bob said, standing up to go.

Solomon said, "Bob, there was a girl from Japan yesterday. She has been waiting for you, and she wants to make an appointment with you tonight. Are you free? Of course, our sheriff is very busy. I can talk to She said, choose another good time!"

"There is time, there is time!" Bob said excitedly.

"Well, I will convey this news to Miss Baihui!" Solomon said.

"Well, okay, okay!" Bob said again and again, but he knew that if you want to have a world-class enjoyment, you must have several aspects. The food cooked by the Chinese chef, the English housekeeper, The wife is from the Japanese country, and the housework is from the Philippines...

Now there is a woman from the country of Japan, how can he not be excited, anyway, this is not the first time for Solomon, this pit is very deep, I don't care if it goes deeper.

Bob left, but Solomon smiled. He is not afraid of Zhang Feng's revenge now. With the help of the police, the state machine, Zhang Feng can't fight it!

The information about him still has a lot of value. It’s not him, but the important information contained in the intelligence. After analysis by professionals and combined with the information broadcast by some news media, this information can be unlimited. To zoom in.

For example, a small nut nail in a heavy equipment of a large country can know everything, scale, industrial chain, etc. of the heavy equipment...

Too important!

As for Zhang Feng's information, he has not sold all of it. He wants to maximize the value of this information. This is exactly what the partners mean.

"Manager Mitch, I have something to explain to Miss Baihui, can you invite her?" Solomon said to Manager Mitch.

"Yes, boss!" Manager Mickey went out.

Mickey didn't dare to make trouble in front of Solomon. He was so polite to his subordinates. Everyone who knew him knew that it was just appearance. You still have to be careful. Mickey was beaten more than once. Solomon didn't do things well for those who disobeyed his orders or handled things badly. The methods of his subordinates are very cruel.

So Mickey walks on thin ice every moment here, but he can't leave because Mickey knows too much about him.

Mickey knew that if he walked away, his time of death would not be far away, and he wouldn't be so stupid. Besides, the salary here was very high. As long as he did his own thing well, everything would be fine. Don't think about it.

However, the Japanese woman who had just arrived is really alluring.

Even if this is a hospital, she is wearing a kimono and walking in small steps with wooden shoes.

This attracted a lot of attention, but she was not moved at all. She knew that the person she was going to serve was a man named Solomon.

After entering the ward, Miss Baihui knelt there waiting for orders.

"I'm Solomon, stand up!" Solomon was lying halfway on the hospital bed. He felt that his health was almost good, at least it didn't hurt anymore. As long as he didn't move, he could still do things, he thought.

He had to inspect the goods before he said, but it cost a lot of money to get it, and it will come in handy when it is critical.

"Yes, sir!" Miss Baihui stood up, lowered her head slightly, putting her hands naturally between her crotches.

"Look up!"

Miss Baihui raised her head to look at Solomon. Her face was white and tender and full of collagen. She had a pair of Danfeng eyes with a charming color. Her figure was not very tall. It was 1.7 meters tall. This is the first class for Japanese girls, no Fat is not thin, just right!

There are also clothes worn, full of strong exotic style.

Solomon likes to watch movies in their country. He has played a lot since he became famous, but the quality is still not good. He bought it at a big price, and the quality is definitely excellent.

"Come here!" Solomon said again.

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