Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1171: Scared?

After a while, a tall and bumpy oriental woman in a cheongsam came out. The cheongsam she wore was incompatible with the decoration here, but her face was smiling.

"Three gentlemen, what jewelry do you look for? I can introduce it to you!" the cheongsam manager asked.

The three men glanced at the cheongsam manager and then averted their gazes. There was no response. The cheongsam manager was shocked and left an extra eye. These three men are not simple. It is estimated that they are not purely buying jewelry.

Sure enough, a man stood up with a piece of paper in his hand. The cheongsam manager looked at it, and his face changed slightly. She said, "Sorry, sir, you must be a VIP to see our town store treasure, or you have an appointment!"

He took out another piece of paper. The cheongsam manager looked at it and his face changed slightly and said, "Since there is an appointment, three gentlemen, please come with me!"

The cheongsam manager took them to the stairs on the second floor. There were four big men guarding them. The cheongsam manager took out two pieces of paper and said, "The three gentlemen have an appointment and want to see the treasure of our town shop!"

The bodyguard took a look, scanned the three men behind, and then stepped aside.

"Please!" The cheongsam manager invited three men upstairs.

The three of them followed, never paying attention to the figure of the cheongsam manager. Even if the cheongsam manager was walking in front, the three of them could see the picture when they looked up.

But their expressions are still very calm, enough to show that their concentration is very good and they have received professional training.

They saw the so-called "Treasure of the Town Shop", the cheongsam manager went downstairs, and there were three people standing in the large room, as well as a man sitting on a leather sofa.

The man's expression was very calm, and there was no fluctuation due to the arrival of the three.

"Three people are coming from afar, please sit down!" The man said, using American English, very authentic.

Such spoken language came out of an Asian man's mouth, which made people uncomfortable.

The three of them sat down and one of them said, "James Wang, why hasn't that information been obtained yet? Is the money we gave you not enough?"

James Wang is naturally Wang Xingqi, James is his English name.

"Capaci, are you here to hold me accountable? If I remember correctly, the time hasn’t arrived? Isn’t your China Youth Bureau too rushed, or you can go by yourself and I will return the money You!" Wang Xingqi said coldly.

For this group of people, Wang Xingqi doesn't catch a cold. They have a strong sense of self-superiority, thinking that everyone will listen to them and can take care of everything.

Their whole country is full of such a breath.

"James Wang, you should know that we are determined to get this information, and don't let the Russians and the Japanese people preempt it!" Capaci said.

Wang Xingqi sneered in his heart, and now he wants to return what was taken away from his home, is it that simple?

"Hehe, you also know that there is still so much you want!" Wang Xingqi sneered, "Why don't you directly ask China to come back? As far as I know, Zhang Feng should have turned it in!"

Wang Xingqi was very clear about this matter and made a lot of money on it. "James. Wang, are you playing through me? You know that this can't be done through diplomacy, and China is no longer what it used to be!" Capaci said, he was a little angry because of this James. The king is so weak and always dragging, so this time they

Came in person.

Wang Xingqi looked at the bearded man and said, "What? Are you scared?"

"Uh..." Capaci got stuck, don't know how to say, this is not something he can say.

Wang Xingqi continued, "Tell you, Zhang Feng has arrived in Roman City and has contact with Solomon. Do you know what this means?"


Listening to Wang Xingqi’s words, the three of them were all surprised. If it was really like that, this matter would not be easy to handle. You must know that Zhang Feng was not annoying. When he was in District 52, he was embarrassed. After a big loss, he took away the things he had spent a lot of money to develop.

And this matter can't be blatantly went to China to settle accounts.

This is annoying for them, so it can only be retrieved in this way. Wang Xingqi said, "Some time ago, Zhang Feng came to Roman City, and Solomon was almost killed by him. He killed more than 20 bodyguards. You know how powerful his bodyguards are, but Zhang Feng killed him alone. Now that Solomon is in the hospital, he has stepped up his guard and is protected by the police.

Protect! "

The three of them took a deep breath. For the things in Solomon's hands and his way, they introduced him to many powerful bodyguards. All of them were excellent veterans, and they had all experienced wars, blood and murder. Extraordinary.

It was just that over twenty people like this were all killed by Zhang Feng, and he was safe and sound, which made them have to worry!

"But why didn't he kill Solomon?" Capaci said.

Still Capaci had a clear idea, he grasped the point.

Wang Xingqi said, "How do I know this? He didn't tell me that if it were me, I would kill Solomon immediately or force him to spit out all the information, but he didn't do that. Why? Do you know?"

"Is he scared?" Capaci asked.

Wouldn't you be afraid if you don't kill Solomon?

"Maybe!" Wang Xingqi said helplessly.

Is Zhang Summit afraid? How could it be possible that he was more terrifying than those desperate people.

And Wang Xingqi didn’t know what he was going to do. He had sent a lot of people to inquire about him, but for several days there was no news at all, and the police did not make any progress, even if the sheriff was a pig, so much. Resources can also find a trace?

But still not found.

"I think he was going to Solomon, we can't let Solomon die, at least let him die after he gives us the information!" Capaci said.

"It's a good idea!" Wang Xingqi also said.

Are these people pig brains? Why did Zhang Feng release Solomon? Now that Solomon was released, how come to kill him again? Isn't that unnecessary?

But Wang Xingqi did not say it, but affirmed this idea.

"I'll let them send someone here!" Capaci said, "James. King, please contact Solomon as soon as possible. After you get the information, we are all good. If you can't get it, none of us will be good! "

Wang Xingqi stood up and said to them, “I don’t like being threatened. Since I have taken your money, I will take care of the matter. If it is not done well, you will be held accountable at that time. You can kill me. But now you show me respect!" In this way, the atmosphere of the scene is not right, it smells like gunpowder.

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