Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1176: letter

Xu Qiuping was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Zhang Feng with a bitter look! It means it’s all you! If she has an accident, blame you...

Zhang Feng ignored the look in her eyes and said to Zhao Yihan: "Eat slowly, ha ha!"

She ate very slowly, chewing slowly, and only half an hour later, she said she was full.

Xu Qiuping consciously went to clean up. At this moment, Dr. Harman came in and saw the things on the table and Zhao Yihan with greasy mouth. He was shocked: "What is going on here, who let you eat these things? , You will die, my god..."

Dr. Haman was speechless, his reaction was quick, and he called the nurse behind and gave the order: "Get out of her belly immediately, hurry!"

I haven't had time to digest it just after eating it!

The nurse went up, but was stopped by Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng said, "Doctor Haman, it's okay, let her eat!"

Dr. Harman said with a bitter expression: "Mr. Zhang, this is not acceptable, because she has to prepare for surgery at any time and cannot eat these things!"

He was worried about his own life, because Zhang Feng said before that his life was tied to Zhao Yihan's life, so saving Zhao Yihan was saving him.

Now Zhao Yihan will do great harm to his body if he eats these things!

"Doctor Harman, these have nothing to do with you, even if Zhao Yihan has any problems with it, it will not be related to you!" Zhang Feng said.

Dr. Harman was stunned. He didn't understand what Mr. Zhang thought, but as long as this matter had nothing to do with him, it would be fine.

"In that case, I will go out!" said Dr. Haman, wishing to leave here soon.

Zhang Feng said, "Troubles Dr. Harman."

After Dr. Harman walked out, Zhao Yihan stood up and walked back and forth in the ward ten minutes after sitting here.

Xu Qiuping felt strange seeing her like this, and asked: "Yihan, what are you doing? Aren't you tired? Walking around!"

Zhao Yihan said: "It's a little tired, but it's okay. I want to digest what I just ate, and I also want to move!"

Xu Qiuping nodded. It seemed that there was no problem. She went up and helped her to walk slowly. After walking for a while, she said, "Sister Qiuping, I can do it myself!"

Xu Qiuping let her go, she walked by herself!

In this way, she walked for half an hour, and half an hour later, she went to the bathroom twice by herself, her complexion was a lot better, and Zhang Feng and the two had been watching.

Zhang Feng found that she was really strong. He just heard that her father was no longer there. Not only would she not be depressed, but she aroused her strong desire to survive.

"Yihan, take your time, don't worry!" Zhang Feng said.

"I know, thank you brother Zhang Feng!" Zhao Yihan smiled.

Zhang Feng pulled Xu Qiuping's clothes corner, Xu Qiuping looked over, and the latter let her out with a look.

But when Xu Qiuping stood up to go out, Zhao Yihan was about to fall down with a cry. Zhang Feng's eyesight was quick, and Zhao Yihan was supported in one stride.

Xu Qiuping only realized it. She only saw a figure flashing past her eyes, and then she saw Zhao Yihan in Zhang Feng's arms.

"How are you?" Zhang Feng asked.

Xu Qiuping also came up and asked: "Yihan!"

"I, I'm fine, thank you, Brother Zhang Feng!" Zhao Yihan said, "I just felt a little dizzy!"

Zhang Feng helped her to sit by the bed and said: "If you want to exercise, you can't be in a hurry to make progress!"

"I see, Brother Zhang Feng!" Zhao Yihan said.

She tidyed up her hospital gown, it was a little messy!

At this time, Zhang Feng noticed that there was a necklace in front of Zhao Yihan. The thing linked to the necklace was a gray round metal, the size of a thumb!

There are two difficult to read characters printed on it, such as the seal characters of the seal. Zhang Feng is familiar with it, but he is not sure.

"Wait!" Zhang Feng said.

Zhao Yihan blushed when he saw that he was looking on his chest, "Brother Zhang Feng, is there any problem?"

"Can you show me your necklace?" Zhang Feng asked.

Zhao Yihan looked down at his necklace and was relieved. People were only interested in it. Zhao Yihan said, "Okay!"

Zhao Yihan took off the necklace and put it in Zhang Feng's hand.

It is very heavy to start, and pure metal is not that heavy!

Zhang Feng searched the table and inside the drawer, found a pen, got the ink out of the paper, and then used the round metal side of the necklace with ink and printed it on the paper.

On the paper are two seal characters: zero one!


Zhang Feng scratched the metal surface with his nails, and scraped off a layer of paint. The inside was made of black titanium steel! Zhang Feng knows this thing. There is such a thing in 01 in charge of information management personnel.

It is a mobile hard drive! At the same time it is also a key!

Zhang Feng's thumb moved again, only to hear a soft sound of ‘ding’, it turned into a cross, and there were many small precision dimples on the cross side!

There was a small chip on the end of the cross. Zhang Feng gently pulled the chip out, and the chip was connected to the end.

Much like the charging terminal of a mobile phone.

Zhang Feng took out his mobile phone, put the terminal in, restarted the mobile phone, when the mobile phone just appeared on the screen, quickly input a string of dozens of numbers, then the mobile phone appeared out of lines, and then turned on normally , There is no longer any vision.

Xu Qiuping and Zhao Yihan have been watching from side to side, which surprised them, is such a small thing so useful? Isn't it the enemy left?

"The string code is wrong!" Zhang Feng said in a deep voice.

Zhang Feng said to Xu Qiuping: "Pick up your phone!"

I took Xu Qiuping’s cell phone and called the old beggar. It took a long time for the phone to connect, and then the old beggar’s voice came: "Who?"

"Old man, it's me!" Zhang Feng said.

"What's the matter?" The old beggar was obviously a little impatient.

Zhang Feng said: "I got Zhao Dasheng's letter!"

"What chapter?" The old beggar couldn't understand.

"Circular, cross..." Zhang Feng said these two words.

The old beggar over there was silent for a while and said, "This is something that every information officer must have. It is used to store things and read and write records. It is the most precious. The safety factor reaches the national level. You naturally can't open it. Need dynamic string code!"

Zhang Feng said: "Then tell me the serial code quickly!"

As long as you see the contents, you can know everything that Zhao Dasheng did before. At least you can know what information was sold and how much information to others. There are records in it, which are traces! Traces cannot be deleted.

"Wait!" said the old beggar.

It took a long time for the old beggar to report the code to Zhang Feng.

The old beggar went on to say: "This may be Zhang Lou's successor, you should be optimistic about it!"

"Don't worry, I won't tell you!" Zhang Feng said, just hanging up the phone and returning it to Xu Qiuping, who said, "What's wrong?"

Zhang Feng ignored her, and used his mobile phone again to enter the serial code provided by the old beggar, and he could enter!

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