Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1178: Breakthrough

Tang Dawei nodded, and walked up to push the door open. As soon as his hands touched, the entire iron gate collapsed, which was very simple.

I went in and walked around and found nothing, it was empty inside.

Suddenly Zhang Feng raised his hand and said, "Wait!"

Tang Dawei nodded, expressing understanding.

Zhang Feng's hearing is much better than ordinary people. He heard some movement, not the movement of kittens and dogs, but the sound of human footsteps.

There are still people here, what does it mean? Zhang Feng is looking forward to it, expecting that this trip will not come in vain!

Tang Dawei took out the pistol at his waist, slowly opened the insurance and tried not to make any noise.

After a while, Tang Dawei heard a certain movement, coming from behind.

He was extremely surprised. He knew very well that his hearing was absolutely excellent, but Zhang Feng was much better than his!


The sound of gentle footsteps stomped on the withered leaves on the ground.

Zhang Feng pointed to Tang Dawei and pressed his hand, then pointed at himself, beckoning him not to move, Zhang Feng came to deal with him, the latter nodded, gave Zhang Feng the gun in his hand, and Zhang Feng shook his head.

The other party is just one person.


The footsteps are getting closer and closer, and it can be heard from this footstep that this person's footsteps are heavy and chaotic, the steps are not light, the weight is not high, and it is not difficult to deal with.

It's on the other side of the wall!

"Whoever is there, get out, or I will shoot!"

This person suddenly spoke loudly. It was in the local language. Zhang Feng was able to hear about it. It meant shooting. There was another sentence before it.

He is an old man with a vicissitudes of voice.

He stood there still, obviously knowing that Zhang Feng and the two were sitting behind the wall, very vigilant.

But even if he shoots now, it is useless, because there is a wall blocking it, which shows that he is very nervous.

Zhang Feng moved his mouth to Tang Dawei and spoke again. The latter understood and said in local words: "Sorry sir, we just came here to play and do not want to do anything. We have no malice, please don't shoot. !"

"Come out and hold your head with your hands!" the old man said again.

Zhang Feng saw the other side of the wall. He had walked very close. The light projected in from there. The shadow was that he had a spear stuck in it. Since it was only a shadow, Zhang Feng could not see what gun it was.

It is probably a shotgun, the kind of hunting gun, an old man who lives here, what good gun can he have!

But at such a close range, even a shotgun with poor performance can still be very lethal.

Tang Dawei looked at Zhang Feng and waited for him to make a decision.

Zhang Feng nodded, indicating that he could go out, then he held his head in both hands.

"We are out, two people, please don't shoot!" Tang Dawei said, pinning the pistol behind him, and holding his head in both hands.

Then walked out slowly.

Standing behind Zhang Feng, he saw that he was indeed an old man, thin and weak, wearing a shabby gray gown. No, it should be said that it was a white gown. It was dirty.

Those big guys in his hands!

Double-barreled shotgun!

With just one shot of this guy, the two people who walked so close can be beaten into a hornet's nest. Zhang Feng is afraid to move now, he can hide with confidence, but Tang Dawei is not necessarily so.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot!" Tang Dawei said.

He also became nervous, and at such a close distance, if the old man's hands tremble, he would be over.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" the old man asked.

Tang Dawei said, "We are here to have fun. We don't want to disturb Mr., sorry, sorry!"

When Tang Dawei was speaking, he also looked at Zhang Feng. This scene was seen by the old man.

The old man pointed the gun at Zhang Feng and said, "Say it!"

Zhang Feng scolded Tang Dawei in his heart. You just talk, why do you even look at me? Don’t you know that the local language I speak is not authentic? People can tell when they hear it. Isn't this an exposure?

But Zhang Feng said it anyway, just as Tang Dawei said: "Sorry sir, I disturbed you!"

This was very raw, and Zhang Feng secretly said that it was not good. Sure enough, the old man got excited and cursed: "You beasts, did Solomon let you come? Death, I want to kill you!"

The old man was very excited, his gun hands trembled and he lost control of his emotions. Tang Dawei put down one hand and reached behind to take the gun.

"Don't move..." The old man's reaction was quick, and his gun was aimed at Tang Dawei.

Seeing that the old man was about to shoot, Tang Dawei paled and felt the arrival of death!

At this critical moment, Zhang Feng's foot moved and kicked against an egg-sized rock under his foot.

The stone quickly moved towards the old man's back.


The old man screamed, the shotgun fell, and the stone was shot aside.

At this moment, Zhang Feng's body moved. He quickly stepped forward and lifted his foot to kick aside the shotgun that had not fallen to the ground.

Only then did Tang Dawei react and stepped forward and held down the old man.

"Ah, you, you, I want to kill you!" the old man called out loudly, struggling.

Zhang Feng said: "Let him go! Tell him, we are not Solomon's people, but enemies!"

Tang Dawei let go of him and conveyed Zhang Feng's meaning to him.

The old man stopped crying and looked at Zhang Feng and said, "Are you here to find Solomon?"

"Yes, I came to him!" Tang Dawei said.

The old man shouted: "He is dead, you go, you go!" The old man became excited again.

The old man didn't care about the bleeding wound on the back of his hand.

Looking at this old man like this, you know it's not that simple inside.

"Dawei, you come!" Zhang Feng said.

Tang Dawei nodded and said, "Sir, we want to find evidence of Solomon's crime. We are the police!" Tang Dawei lied.

"Policeman?" The old man looked at Tang Dawei suspiciously, and asked, "Where is your police officer's ID?"

Zhang Feng looked at Tang Dawei, he couldn't lie now, right? But when Zhang Feng saw that he had taken out a document and showed it to the old man, the old man believed it.

The old man said, "Why didn't you come here earlier? Why didn't the case I reported get any reply? How many years..."

The old man was in tears.

This is not difficult to understand. Regarding this case, the old man must have been intercepted by someone to report the case, or simply ignored it.

Tang Dawei did not immediately explain to Zhang Feng what was going on with this police officer's card. He said to the old man: "I'm sorry, we just came here when we saw it, please tell me what happened?"

The old man looked up at the sky and said: "Dead, all dead, they died so badly, they are all this demon... He is still alive, unfair, unfair..."

Seeing the old man like this, Zhang Feng smiled, it seems that this is a breakthrough.

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