Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1183: Policewoman Alice

The two were close to Chi Chi, no, they were pasted together. Zhang Feng didn't think about her beauty and figure, but said in a deep voice: "Can speak English, blink my eyes, no, blink twice!"

As soon as the voice came out, Alice knew who this person was, staring at Zhang Feng with vicious eyes, and the scene on the street that day appeared in her mind.

Sure enough, he is a big bad guy, and his presence here must be related to Solomon, and he is plotting wrong!

But Alice still blinked, she wanted to hear what this man was going to say!

She was overjoyed in her heart, but this time she caught him, so she must not let him go!

It's just that she doesn't seem to realize that her own life is still in the hands of others.

After being beaten by him on the street that day, I couldn’t sit for a few days. I felt hot and painful when I touched it. I could only sleep on my stomach, and I didn’t dare to go to the hospital. I had to ask my girlfriend to buy medicine for treatment. , Every time I was teased by my girlfriends.

Until now, the **** is still aching, so he can't let him go public or private!

"This Solomon is fake. The real Solomon is not in the hospital. If you want to solve the case, just listen to me!" Zhang Feng whispered in English: "If you understand, blink your eyes!"

Alice blinked her eyes to show that she understood, but she blinked vigorously again to show that she had a lot of doubts.

Zhang Feng knew what she wanted to ask, so he said: "I saw it just now, the bed is just a substitute!"

"Also, the grievances between us will be calculated later. We must first catch Solomon now. Our goals are the same, understand?"

Alice blinked.

Zhang Feng said again: "I let you go now, you can't shout, wait until we leave here, otherwise we won't be able to get out of here, there are five bodyguards who killed people, and snipers, and there are ten downstairs. Several bodyguards!"

Hearing what Zhang Feng said, Alice's surprised expression appeared on her face.

"Okay, I will let you go now. I will go out first. After a minute, you will come out again. We will gather at the garbage transfer station!"

Alice blinked.

Zhang Feng gently let her go, but still remained vigilant. Women are always a tendon, and often she promised not to scream. When she let go, she would scream desperately, let alone Zhang Feng being caught She is regarded as a big enemy.

Fortunately, when Zhang Feng let go of her, she didn't yell, but looked at Zhang Feng viciously, her eyes already taking Zhang Feng off.

She is still reasonable!

Zhang Feng didn't care about her eyes, turned around with the garbage bag, and it was convenient for Alice to go to the women's bathroom. It was really convenient for her to come here, and she didn't go out until she was done. Zhang Feng was no longer visible.

Those bodyguards stood up vigilantly, worried that she would come again to make trouble, Alice said angrily: "Huh, I will come again, let Solomon wait for me!"

She left after letting go.

When I got downstairs, Zhang Feng's photography had disappeared from the trash can, so I must have already left.

She paid attention to the people around her for a moment, and found that there were seven or eight strong men walking around, sitting or standing, in a leisurely manner, and most people could not see anything.

But she learned so many things at the police academy, and if she couldn't see it after being a policeman for a few years, she would hit the wall and die.

It's just that she didn't notice it when she came here just now. She paid attention after the big bad guy said it. Could it be that he is also a policeman? Is he a foreigner, an Interpol?

It is very possible that his sharp eyes contained a sense of evil, but most of them were righteous.

Said he is righteous? How could it be possible that a righteous policeman hit a female traffic policeman in the **** on the street?

If he is really the Interpol, it shows a problem, this Solomon committed a serious matter, a great matter!

Thinking of this, Alice became extremely excited. This is a major international case. If she solves this case, what else can those people say about herself? Get that Bob down again, hum!

But Alice changed her thoughts, this is a business or a private matter, huh, naturally we can't let him go, this hatred must be reported!

Alice drove viciously towards the Roman City garbage transfer station. After half an hour, she got there. In a small garden nearby, she saw him talking and laughing with a group of men. She was thinking about how to go with her. speak.

So I sat on the bench nearby.

At this moment, a man came over to strike up a conversation, was scolded by her, the man walked back, and a group of men over there laughed.

Then there was another man who was still scolded by her.

And immediately after the Interpol came over, Alice wanted to punch him when she saw the smile on his face. He had a stack of money in his hand, and the men behind were all looking at this side.

At this moment, Zhang Feng approached her and said softly: "Want to know why Solomon used a substitute in the hospital? Come with me!"

"If you dare to lie to me, I will shoot you right away!" Alice said viciously.

"Let's go!" Zhang Feng said, ignoring her threatening words.

Alice followed, and Zhang Feng walked parallel to her, reaching out to the back and making an "ok" gesture to the group of men over there.

Hmm haha...

The group of men shouted loudly, expressing their admiration!

"Why does Solomon use a double in the hospital? Where is he now?" Alice asked impatiently, ignoring the laughter of the men behind.

Zhang Feng said: "Because this is the safest! Only one question can be answered!"

"You..." Alice was stunned, does he still have to say this? How could I not know! Naturally, it is for the sake of safety!

Zhang Feng took half of the money in his hand and gave it to her, and said, "This is yours!"

Looking at the money in Zhang Feng's hand, he held back his anger and said, "This is not my money!"

"You deserve it, take it!" Zhang Feng arrogantly stuffed the money into her hand.

"Why give me money?" Alice said with the money. She didn't really want this, but the International Criminal Police Department made her passive and couldn't keep up with him in thinking. It should be purposeful to give this money to herself. Yes, maybe it is related to the case.

But she looked at the money, nothing special.

Zhang Feng said: "It was given by those people!"

Alice made up for it, and she understood immediately, she became angry and cursed: "You bad guy, dare to use me to make money!"

"You used it, but didn't you also get paid? Goodbye!" Zhang Feng said and walked away quickly.

Alice threw the money away, followed up and said, "Hey, don't go, don't go..."

But Zhang Feng ignored her and left quickly, leaving a sentence: "Anyway, you have already collected the money, don't follow me!"

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