Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1190: Admit mistake

First, he called the dancer and asked about the situation there. After a while, Zhang Feng frowned.

The company established by Zhai Qiang and Zhuo Chaoyun was made difficult by the Mexican business department, and it was difficult to expand. Chen Wanru's intelligence network found out that the official responsible for the foreign investment enterprise sector was a relative of Erjie.

It is not difficult to see that it must have been instructed by Erger.

It's not that they didn't connect the relationship, but that they accepted the gift and didn't do anything, which made Zhang Feng very angry.

"Is Erjie's family and son checked everything out?" Zhang Feng asked the dancer.

The choreographer said: "They are already under surveillance in secret!"

"Very well, try not to let Urger know about this surveillance, otherwise he will jump the wall in a hurry!"

"Well, I know, what's going on with you?"

"Already have eyebrows, it will be resolved soon without accident!"

"Erger asked me?"

"Hehe, speaking of this, I just want to laugh. He is going to invite you to dinner almost the next day. It seems a bit anxious, or he is looking for whether you are still in Mexi City!"

"Huh, this Erger has been in Mexico City for many years. He is intricate and looks very powerful, but he has a fatal weakness, that is timidity. He doesn't want to lose everything he has now. We can handle this."

"Yes, you got the point!"

"He wants a 10% bonus?"

"Yes, but too much!"

"give him!"

"Okay, I will tell Zhai Qiang about this!"

After hanging up the dancer's call, Zhang Feng called the old beggar again. The old beggar said that two people were asking about your whereabouts.

Zhang Feng asked who it was. The old beggar said it was Pukan, the daughter of the instructor of the God of War training camp, Sharapova, and Princess Dai'er, the queen's granddaughter.

Sharapova came to China in person, and by the way, she went back with the soldiers who went to the God of War training camp to train. She said she was here to select personnel. In fact, she didn't even ask about this. Whoever China chooses to come, she just The purpose of accepting someone is to find Zhang Feng.

On the contrary, Dai'er only inquired about Zhang Feng's whereabouts through special channels.

Zhang Feng just said: "Old man, you can't tell them that I am here, I have enough business here!"

"I didn't say it, but even if I didn't say it, the two of them have so much energy. If you want to hear from you, I don't think the problem is big!" said the old beggar.

Zhang Feng's head grew for a while, and now he still has the mind to take care of them. If they come here, they will only cause trouble. Zhang Feng wants to finish the business and return to Mexi City.

"Just don't say it."

"Xiaofeng!" the old beggar said in a deep voice.

Zhang Feng listened to the old beggar's tone, and he felt like something happened. Zhang Feng waited for the old beggar to speak. The old beggar was silent for a while and said: "Xiaofeng, your superiors already know about your stay in Roman City this time, and your superiors are very concerned about the data theft. This data is very important to us, and it can not only save us a huge amount of money. Research funding and scientific researchers can also get the first

Into the data! "

"We have to admit that we have many shortcomings in this area, but we have been working hard. Many times, many things can not be achieved without hard work, just like the T62 tank on Zhenbao Island. With her, we are at the forefront of the world!"

"If someone else gets the data this time, it is very likely that they will be ahead of us. Then we will be passive. In terms of technology, we have suffered a lot and paid a painful price. They blocked us technically. We Without core technology, there are limitations everywhere..."

"You know all of these, future weapons and super fighters, um, or future fighters, whoever has these first, can dominate the future!"

The old beggar said a lot in one breath, but Zhang Feng has doubts. This was developed by others, and they must have taken the lead.

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng said: "Old man, I understand the truth. I think this research data can only be used as a reference for us. It is more difficult to go further!"

"You’re right, but it’s a great improvement to be a reference. For example, the atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb and so on back then. People also seized the opportunity, but we are a rising star. We only need to do not lag behind. People will not be beaten, we will take off whenever we have the opportunity!"

"We in China have been ahead of the world for thousands of years two hundred years ago. It's like who said that we are just a sleeping lion. Once we wake up, we can continue to rule the roost, understand?"

Zhang Feng responded: "Old man, I understand!"

This is national justice, and Zhang Feng's heart is burning! Because he can contribute to this.

"Okay, I'm waiting for your good news!" The old beggar said and hung up the phone.

"By the way, old man, do you know that Wang Xingqi from the Wang family?" Zhang Feng asked.

The old beggar said: "He has moved to the U.S. and is no longer a resident of our country. If he and the China Youth Bureau are abandoned, you are not afraid of their father, are you afraid of him?"

"I see!" Zhang Feng said, hanging up the phone, his eyes were sharp and murderous.

Now that Wang Xingqi has already made a feud, he will not let himself go, and naturally he will not stretch his neck to chop him. Zhang Feng hates people like this kind of forgetful person. If humans don’t do anything to harm their ancestry It’s okay.

But if they do something unforgivable, Zhang Feng will not be polite to them.

After thinking about this, Zhang Feng took out his mobile phone and called again: "Yongxi, what about the bar?"

"Brother Feng, everything is normal here, I didn't see Solomon coming out!" Fan Yongxi said.

"Well, you keep staring, and you can't let him run!"


Just in case, Zhang Feng asked the blood-killed person to go to Solomon's Bar to stare, and this time he couldn't let him disappear.

There was originally Tang Da for them, but they were still missing something compared with Blood Kill.

The current Solomon is very important, so there must be no loss.

After the arrangements were made, Zhang Feng took a rest. He rarely rested all day today. Now that he relaxes, he falls asleep. It is safe and there will be no uninvited guests.

Because there are many cameras installed around the vineyard, the alarm will sound whenever there is a situation.

As for Kaili's side, Wang Xiaojuan is all in charge. In order to prevent Kaili from committing suicide, I believe Wang Xiaojuan can do it.

Zhang Feng woke up early the next morning, and Wang Xiaojuan slept in the same room with Kaili this night. Zhang Feng got up and made breakfast, which was very hearty and a full table.

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