Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1200: Change

Halfway through, Solomon called to stop, pointed at the driver and said to one of the four people: "Kill this person!"

"Yes, boss!"

The driver was shocked and frightened. He quickly stepped back and shouted: "Boss, don't kill me, don't kill me, I didn't do anything wrong, I have been with you for so many years..."

The super soldier walked up, the driver turned around and ran, but the super soldier immediately speeded up and stretched out his hand and grabbed the driver's neck, then twisted with one hand and made a crisp sound. The driver's body twitched and stopped moving. , The super soldier dropped the driver and walked behind Solomon.

Looking at the driver who has been on the ground and has been working hard for five or six years, Solomon's heart is meaningless regret and intolerance. It is all excitement and excitement. These super fighters are only following their own lives.

Even if they were to die, they would die without hesitation.

It feels great! Solomon had never had this kind of enjoyment.

"Very well, clean up this corpse!" Solomon said.

The two super fighters went up, but Solomon dared not look directly at the way he handled the corpse.

The corpse was divided, and then thrown everywhere.

This is the forest. After they leave, there will be wild beasts to share food. Who will find anything by then?

This method is the simplest and most effective.

Solomon was satisfied anyway.

"Drive!" Solomon said.

A super soldier sat in the driver's seat and drove.

The driving action is smooth and flowing, just like a professional world-class racer.

"Don't drive so fast, it's dying!" Solomon said.

The speed of the car slowed down, and soon we arrived in the city. Solomon used some ingenious methods to avoid the surrounding secret guards. Fortunately, there were still many people here at this time.

Solomon did not arrange the four of them among the personal bodyguards, but stood at the entrance of the bar. There were dozens of bodyguards in the entire bar, and four people were recruited. This was the most commonplace. Solomon did this to hide his eyes.

Especially Miss Baihui.

Tonight, Miss Baihui went to Bob again, so Solomon was able to relax.

It's just that Solomon is a bit weird. Could Miss Baihui come alone? No accomplices?

At this point, Solomon didn't believe it, so he had to be careful every step of the way.

He doesn't like it very much, even hates it, but in order to live, for the future, he must bear the humiliation now.

Zhang Feng sent Tang Dawei to watch Solomon. The three of them took turns to watch. In a car, Tang Dawei’s staff was on duty for the next five or six hours. Tang Dawei was taking a rest for the other person. It was dawn. There is another shift.

It's a pity that he didn't notice anything unusual.

However, Zhang Feng is not so sloppy, now Solomon is the top priority, and he has arranged for Fan Yongxi to stare in secret in the past two days.

At the moment when Zhang Feng was sleeping, the phone vibrated. When he took it out, Fan Yongxi called. He brought the phone in the middle of the night, and that was something.

"What's wrong, Yongxi!?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Brother Feng, Solomon is back. He brought back four men. These four men are a bit weird! And the driver who has been with him for many years has not returned." Fan Yongxi said.

A few hours ago, Fan Yongxi had known that Solomon had gone out. He immediately reported to Zhang Feng that he was going to keep up, but Zhang Feng said that it was not necessary. This was called putting a long line.

Now that he came back, he brought four people back, and four of them were weird, which explains the problem.

"How weird?" Zhang Feng asked.

First of all, the time is weird. The four bodyguards came late at night, and they were still fresh faces.

Fan Yongxi said: "Let's put it this way, they are like robots with stern expressions and do not talk to other bodyguards. One more thing, Solomon arranged them at the gate!"

Like a robot, with a stern expression and not speaking!

I think this will not be without any characteristics, scrupulous is a veteran, and they are relatively regular when they first come.

But this is only true for ordinary people. It is not the same for Zhang Feng. He thought a little deeper, such as why sneaky recruiting people in the middle of the night, and Solomon went personally.

This is a big problem.

Now Zhang Feng couldn't think of why he would do this, but these four people must have problems.

"In this way, find someone to go to the bar tomorrow, understand?" Zhang Feng said.

"How big is it going to be?"

"Let them take action, and accept it when you see it! Don't make your upper body angry." Zhang Feng said.

"Understood, Brother Feng, you are optimistic!"

"Receive the team tonight, no need to stare!"


"and many more!"

"Brother Feng, you say!"

"Where is the lady who walked with him?"

"Staring, can't run!"

"Very well, ask her where she went!"

"Okay, I will go now!"

"Tell me tomorrow!"

"Yes! Brother Feng!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Feng fell into deep thought. It seemed that Solomon was not honest! I don't know what to do.

No matter what he is doing, just don't commit it to yourself.

He already knows the date of his death, is it something to prepare for this? Run away?

Just kidding, if he runs under his nose, Zhang Feng won't have to mess around, go home and grow sweet potatoes!

It's not that Zhang Feng underestimated the enemy, and Solomon couldn't run at all!

Early the next morning, Zhang Feng received news from Fan Yongxi, saying that the lady had been abandoned by the guests on a small hill ten kilometers north of the city.

And there is another news that a mountain hunter found a human skull in the forest, and it is still new. The preliminary judgment is that it was attacked by a beast.

Zhang Feng thought for a while and said, "How far is the place where the lady was abandoned from where the hunter found the human bone?"

"and many more!"

After a while, Fan Yongxi said, "It's also more than ten kilometers! Brother Feng, that's where Solomon went last night, isn't it related to him?"

"Hehe, there are many relationships. That skull should be Solomon's driver, but I don't know why Solomon killed his driver?"

Fan Yongxi said: "It may be that the driver saw his secret, and he wanted to die!"

"It's possible, don't worry about him!" Zhang Feng said: "Have all those buyers received Solomon's news?"

"I have received them. There are many more people. I checked and they are all rich bosses!" Fan Yongxi said; "They are all collecting a lot of money.

"Well, that's the best. The more money they have, the better!" Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Are there any Americans?"

This is what Zhang Feng is worried about. If they come, it won't be easy.

"I didn't find them, maybe there is a person in charge among the buyers!" Fan Yongxi said.

This is a movement of their artificial hand, which makes them more concealed.

"Brother Feng, there is nothing wrong with that Japanese Miss Baihui!" Fan Yongxi said.

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