Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1307: Money money!

Besides, everyone is a male tiger and wolf. They are all carnivorous animals. They can't be without meat, and they are all top-quality ingredients. This is the rule set at the beginning to maintain combat effectiveness and physique.

Now that Zhai Qiang says so, who would have trouble with food?

"Take it!"

At this moment, Zhang Feng held a black bank card and presented it in front of Zhai Qiang.

Looking at this card, Zhai Qiang said easily: "What do you give me this? It's a Swiss gold card. It can't be done without more than one million francs. It's too little."

Zhai Qiang didn’t look down on Zhang Feng’s card, and said, “Brother Feng, you should keep it for yourself. I’ll find a way to get the money. There’s still 70 million. We can do it slowly. !"

Zhai Qiang didn't accept the card, Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Let's check first, is there a million francs!"

Zhai Qiang took the card questioningly and glanced at Zhang Feng, as if looking at something strange.

"There is no password, and no key!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

Zhang Feng is proud of this, because he has gotten a lot of money, so Zhai Qiang shouldn't be surprised now!

Zhai Qiang took the card and operated on his mobile phone, and finally he was stunned by the long series of numbers that appeared on the phone screen.

"Let me take it...Look at how many zeros, one, two, three, four... No, there is no decimal point, it's not right, how can it be so many? Let's see if there is any mistake in the operation!"

Zhai Qiang didn't believe where Zhang Feng got so much money, so he did it again.

But with this data, Zhai Qiang scolded: "Bazi, this phone is against me!"

He said that he was about to drop the phone, but the phone did not fall out. He just acted and suddenly changed his face and said seriously: "Brother Feng, what you said at the beginning, we will not do anything illegal, otherwise we Now it will become a target of public criticism, and I want to live longer."

"Don't worry, this money is not clean, it can be used, and no one will find it!" Zhang Feng said.

Those people are dead, what else to look for.

"Haha, Brother Feng, so much money, now we can do it hard, I still don't believe it, I can't take this place down!"

Zhai Qiang became excited, changed his previous decadent state, instantly full of blood!

Others are also excited. With so much money, what should they worry about.

However, Zhai Qiang's face was pulled down again, and he said in a deep voice, "Brother Feng, isn't this money related to the killer, right?"

"They are all killed, and they are more than guilty." Zhang Feng said: "It is the people who came to buy the data in District 52!"

With that said, everyone would understand that everyone knew what happened to Zhang Feng in Roman City, but they didn't expect so much.

"That's good, even if their people come, we are not afraid, the money is in hand!" Zhai Qiang said boldly.

In his tone, it was as if he was rich and invincible.

"Now I'm giving you money, you can spend it whatever you want, you can make money!" Zhang Feng said.

"Brother Feng, are you shivering me?" Zhai Qiang said grimly, "It's like I only know how to spend money but don't know how to make money. I want 200 million US dollars, and then I will give you 1 billion US dollars!"

Zhai Qiang's bold words and lofty aspirations made everyone full of confidence, forgetting that a killer was coming soon.

Zhai Qiang’s confidence is not unfounded, because he has been here for nearly a year, has opened a company, and has a certain foundation, then it will be enough to build on this foundation, plus now in Mexico City, who else can Stop them? They even attached Cromwell.

As long as you don’t do too much, you can make money as you want.

Mexico City, the city of sin, is very chaotic. For more than ten years, there has been little foreign investment here. Many popular industries are almost blank. Now social security is gradually improving and it is necessary to seize market share. This depends on the opportunities.

Whoever seizes the opportunity, occupies the market, and becomes the leader of the market will be able to control this market in the next ten years, decades, or even hundreds of years.

Zhai Qiang had already thought of this, how could he not be excited?

His business mind, Zhang Feng's money, and a large amount of investment can be said to be promising!

Everything is mature, just waiting for him to take action! Show your fists!

"Haha, it's okay, it's only 200 million US dollars. If you lose, you can come back. Anyway, the money in it will be enough for you to toss for a while." Zhang Feng said.

Seeing what Zhang Feng said, Zhai Qiang became angry: "Don't believe me, do you? Huh, you will be shocked by the time!"

"Haha, I'm getting angry when I say that, haha, no, no!" Zhang Feng laughed.

"Haha!" The others followed with a smile!

The gloom in everyone's hearts has been wiped out during this period of time.

"No, I'll get my computer!"

Zhai Qiang couldn't sit still. He wanted to make preparations right away. All the plans were in his mind. He couldn't wait to put the things in his mind into the computer and then modify it.

These are on the agenda now.

In fact, Zhai Qiang has no concept of money. Qian Qiang is a string of numbers in front of Zhai Qiang. Using this string of numbers to turn into more numbers makes him feel more successful.

In short, what he wants is a sense of accomplishment!

Not to mention elsewhere, but in business, he must be the strongest, become a world-renowned business giant, and even control the economic lifeline of a country!

When he was in Wanda City, he had this big nine in his heart!

It was not achieved in Wanda, so he set his goal to Mexico City!

"Haha, Qiangzi, Qiangzi, what are you anxious for!?" Zhang Feng called.

Zhai Qiang ran more than ten meters, and a voice came out: "Can I be in a hurry? Time does not wait. Now the situation in Mexico City is changing. Those wolves have smelled blood. If you don't hurry, I don't even have to drink soup!"

Saying that he disappeared in the villa gate.

"Haha..." Everyone laughed.

Now that Zhuo Chaoyun is not there, no one can help him, it is strange that he is not in a hurry.

They are all big-head soldiers. It is okay for them to fight and kill. They are proficient in all weapons and equipment, but they don't understand commercial data, so they are helpless.

"Gigolo, we can't go anywhere now, just wait here, when the killer appears, I have a hunch that this killer will come!"

After Zhai Qiang left, Zhang Feng said in a deep voice to Zhai Qiang.

"Then wait, there is nowhere else to go anyway!" said the dancer.

Zhang Feng knew what he meant, and was still brooding about Wanda's affairs, with a sorrow in his heart!

Zhang Feng stopped mentioning this, and just said something else: "During this period of time, our training cannot be slack!"

"That's a must!" said the dancer!

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