Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1309: Ghost

At this time, it is on the west side of the earth, and the night of Roman City is thick.

The weather tonight is a bit gloomy and the temperature is very dull. It seems to be raining but not raining, which is uncomfortable.

If there is no air conditioner in the room at this time, it is really uncomfortable and it is impossible for people to sleep.

Located in the Vineyard on the outskirts of Roman City, in front of the manor is a row of low houses with a dozen rooms.

On a roof, Wang Xiaojuan sat there, looking up at the gloomy night sky. There was no star, no wind blowing, but there was no sultry heat in the room. She was thinking about her future and her own. Home.

The Wang family is a family in Kyoto. Although the old man is dead, the Wang family still exists. It occupies an important position in business and politics. Most of the children of the Wang family are very capable. This is due to the strict house rules established by the father. .

But Wang Xiaojuan feels that since the old man is gone, the Wang family has begun to go downhill. If another ten or several decades pass, the glory of the Wang family will be gone.

These, Wang Xiaojuan thinks far away.

Nearly, it is herself. In 01, she lowered her status and came to this foreign country to grow grapes. It was not what she wanted. She wanted a greater sense of presence.

After Zhang Feng's incident was completed, she felt that she had been forgotten, and even she herself almost forgot that she was an intelligence officer.

I have been in charge of this vineyard for this period of time. Although she is free, her heart is always empty, and she doesn't want to stay here.


Suddenly someone walked over, and in the vineyard, a figure flashed very quickly.

The staff on duty guarding there did not notice anyone coming, but Wang Xiaojuan, who was at a high place, did.

She took out the small pistol from her feet and pretended to look up at the sky.

The corner of his eyes was watching this figure, and within a few seconds, Wang Xiaojuan's heart jumped wildly, because this person was very powerful, and there was no sound coming out of the dense vines. What's more, the monitoring did not sound an alarm.

This person is not ordinary!

What is he doing here?

Soon this person approached. It was only ten meters away from the house. Wang Xiaojuan had to fire a warning shot, otherwise her person would be passive. Although this person is very powerful, the person who warned him now has time to react.

She stretched out the pistol she had prepared and turned down the house while shooting.


The shot was fired, and the gunshots shocked everyone in this silent and sultry night, and no one lived nearby.

The entire manor knew it, the lights came on, and everyone took out guns to guard against it.

But everyone didn't know what was going on, and no target was found.


Wang Xiaojuan still missed the flashing figure. Wang Xiaojuan's purpose was not to strike but to warn more people to discover this figure.

Finally they found this figure. Seven or eight people fired at the same time. They all had a slight charge in their hands, and the bullets shot out suddenly, smashing the vines.

But still he missed this person.

Ten minutes later, Wang Xiaojuan called to stop, because this was a waste of bullets and he could not be caught.

"Boss, who is this person?" the subordinate asked.

Wang Xiaojuan said: "I don't know, the people who came in are not good, go in, spread out, two people in a group, echo each other, don't go ahead, you must kill him!"


Seven or eight people entered the garden, and Wang Xiaojuan also entered.

Wang Xiaojuan made a fatal mistake. For people who can hide so many bullets, if they separate, it means being eaten a little bit.

What about two people, how about being able to echo each other?

After all, she has no leadership ability, Zhang Feng's vision is very poisonous, she has seen it long ago.

Ten minutes later, as expected, it was quiet as the gunfire rang out!

Only Wang Xiaojuan himself can stand.

She became scared because she didn't want to die here yet, she still had a lot to do, such as making a boyfriend! Haven't experienced the great joy of life yet.

However, it is impossible for her to surrender, because then she would be worse than dead, so she must rise up to resist, resort to what she has learned all her life, and hide quietly in the vine.

But after searching for 20 minutes, she still didn't find this person, but she knew that this person was still in the vineyard, but she didn't know where to hide, and there was no sound at all.

As for those who have disappeared, it is simply too weird! Wang Xiaojuan became more and more scared because she felt that this was not what she thought, how could it be possible? Seven or eight of his well-trained subordinates who have seen blood kills are gone!

Ghost, is it a ghost?

Wang Xiaojuan is not afraid of people who are as powerful as Zhang Feng, but that gods, mysteries, and ghosts will not appear in legends.

After all, she is a girl who is only twenty-seven or eighteen years old, and she can do so much, which is already amazing.

After searching for another half an hour, she returned to her room. When she opened the room and went in, she was shocked, because the room was all under her own, one by one tied up, with clothes and socks stuffed in her mouth. Kind, even their own little clothes.

Those subordinates were injured, and they looked at her with their eyes open.

Wang Xiaojuan knows that this person is behind her, she feels agitated in her heart, her whole body is cold, her own fate appears in her mind, and she is **** like that, but not on the ground, but sleeping on her own local.

She still has confidence in her appearance. No man is not moved when she sees it. Now the person behind him should be a man, and he will definitely be moved.

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaojuan burst into tears.

Do you want to resist? is that useful? This person is so powerful, and he did not hesitate to get all of his seven or eight subordinates here, but he didn't notice at all, and he didn't notice anything unusual before entering the door. It was obvious that this person was a master of mastery.

Reasonable, sensible, when facing the opposite, the best response is to stop resisting. No matter what he asks, he asks for money or sex. Maybe he will let himself and his people go after a shot.

If resistance arouses his beastly heart, it will kill people!

So Wang Xiaojuan wanted to live, gave up resistance, and let go of the pistol in his hand.

The men in front of him were puzzled. Is the boss here to give up resistance?

At this time, Wang Xiaojuan didn't care about it. She had a chance only if she was alive. She would definitely get revenge, and she would be chilly behind her back.

"Ha ha!"

Finally, he spoke, like an evil ghost in the dark making a wicked voice, a man, not a ghost.

Wang Xiaojuan's body was trembling, and this person put too much pressure on her.

"Cousin, am I that scary?" the man behind said again.

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