Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1333: Cruel Zhang Feng

In the afternoon, after Zhang Feng trained with them, he was bored and called Zhai Qiang and said, "Qianzi, I will go to the company for a look, I don't know where it is!"

Zhai Qiang said: "Which... shall I send a driver to pick you up?"

"No, I'll just drive there by myself!" Zhang Feng said.

"it is good!"

"Go ahead!"

"I will send you the address in a while!"

After Zhang Feng hung up, Alice came over and said, "Feng, where are you going?"

"Oh, I'm going to the city to see Zhai Qiang's company!" Zhang Feng said, "If you have nothing to do, you can follow along."


Alice jumped up happily, she was so excited, she just saw Zhang Feng making a phone call and wondered if he would take himself there, or if he had something to go out.

And Alice doesn't want to be a very clingy woman, this is not good, it will tie the man's feet, and the man will not jump high and fly far.

But she wanted to go.

Now Zhang Feng took the initiative to call her, how could she be unhappy.

"Yeah, good!"

Seeing Alice so happy, Zhang Feng also smiled, and the haze has been wiped out for many days.

This girl is very seductive.

But Zhang Feng looked at her and found it a little strange. Zhang Feng, a woman in Roman City, had seen a lot of them. She was a bit different. There were differences in skin color, and I didn't know where they were.

"Alice, are you a mixed race?" Zhang Feng asked curiously.

It is very likely to be a mixed race, very distinctive.

"Yeah, how do you know, hehe!" Alice smiled happily thinking that he cares about herself: "My mother is from Ross Country, and my father is from Roman City."

Zhang Feng nodded, her mother is a fighting nation, no wonder she has such a fierce wave, she inherited her mother's temperament.

Otherwise, he would not be desperate for Zhang Feng.

"No wonder, your mother must be very beautiful!" Zhang Feng said.

That country’s beauties are all over the streets.

"Hey! Of course, my mother was the top model back then!" Alice said proudly.

Amazing, no wonder it's so beautiful.

"Okay, let's go!"

This is just some of Zhang Feng's concern for Alice, who has helped a lot, and it's just a small chat.

"Okay!" Alice smiled

Girls who love to laugh are very beautiful, even those girls who are not very good in face and body, if they love to laugh, they will cover up all their shortcomings and show off.

This is enough. Girls who love to laugh will not have bad luck and circumstances, and they will be especially favored by God.

But some are jealous of God!

Zhang Feng took it outside, and he had asked someone to drive up, as long as he waited at the gate for a while.

The two of them stood here for a while, without speaking, and looked a little dull. There was a big climbing vine jasmine planted at the door. It was blooming and it was very beautiful.

It's just that Zhang Feng didn't speak, and Alice didn't know what to say. She saw that Zhang Feng seemed to be thinking about the problem, so she stopped interrupting.

"Alice, I told you that I am a dangerous person. I am always in danger. If you follow me, it will be very dangerous. I can't guarantee your safety. Do you know what I mean?"

Zhang Feng said in a deep voice.

In fact, Zhang Feng wanted to say this a long time ago. Now it is a good opportunity. The killer has been resolved, and there is no burden in his heart for the time being, and there are no people around to talk about things.

"I'm not afraid!" Alice said without thinking.

Zhang Feng is a little helpless, do you want to say something? Can Zhang Feng be so cruel? He has been wanted in Roman City, so he must be held legally responsible and go to jail.

Moreover, she was not afraid and did not leave when she faced the world's top killer sniper.

Now that the matter is settled, will she be driven away? It hurts people's hearts so much.

This is not Zhang Feng's character. It is not only in the relationship between men and women, but also with brothers.

But if you don't say it, you can't. Alice's affection for herself makes Zhang Feng feel pressured.

"Alice, let me tell you, I have a wife, I have children, and I already have three wives!"

Zhang Feng finally said it, this should scare her away!

But Zhang Feng looked at Alice’s expression very calm, Alice did not speak, Zhang Feng continued: "Alice, the reality is like this, I don’t want to hurt you, while I haven’t done anything to you, you still don’t want to I want to be with me again, but you can also stay and become my comrade-in-arms like them, and fight together. Of course, I don’t force you. It’s just that. Don’t think about it again. It’s not fair to you. !"

Alice burst into tears, and Zhang Feng quickly wiped it clean.

"I'm not trying to drive you away, I really want you to stay, but it's dangerous here, and you may die at any time. After a while, I'm going back to Africa. You know it too. We are mercenaries. You Do you know what a mercenary is? Murder and arson are all evil!"

"You better go back to Roman City and take the instrument back. I think the Roman City police will not embarrass you!" Zhang Feng said.

But Alice still did not speak, Zhang Feng was a little anxious, and said: "Alice, you say something! Don't cry!"

Alice looked at Zhang Feng with red eyes: "Feng, I will not leave you. I am not afraid of death. As long as I can be with you, I am not afraid. You said you have children and wives. Not one, can't you be more than me? Anyway, there are already two more, one more is not more than one, and one less is not more."

Alice's words left Zhang Feng speechless, how could this happen? Did you commit a peach blossom triumph again?

In fact, Zhang Feng had reserved a place for Hu Xinting in his heart. If there were Alice, it would be too shameful.

Yesterday Chen Wanru didn't ask Alice about it. How could Zhang Feng not feel it? The vinegar bottle has been knocked over there.

Maybe the three of them have already formed an alliance. When the time comes, Zhang Feng has three mouths that are unclear.

Besides, there is also Hu Xinting. Things will be a lot more difficult at that time. Just yesterday Chen Wanru mentioned Hu Xinting on the phone and asked herself to pursue Hu Xinting. That already shows that she agreed, no matter what the purpose is, this is the case. .

And Chen Wanru didn't mention Alice, which is a problem!

This is a big trouble.

Women, too many will not work.

"Alice, this..."

"Be careful……"

Suddenly Alice rushed towards Zhang Feng, and Zhang Feng's chest was painful. He looked down, Alice's painful expression, and then looked down, her chest was red!

Zhang Feng looked over there again, a lot of jasmine flowers fell, and he immediately understood. He shouted: "Come here, come here..."

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