Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1340: Sensational words

Faced with the question of the dancer, Zhang Feng calmly said: "She was discharged from the hospital by herself, should she return to China now?"

The choreographer was surprised, how could this be?

"Send that instrument back to her!" Zhang Feng ignored his expression.

"Don't we need it?"

"She needs it more! Let's talk about this later!"

"Good!" The dancer didn't say much.

If the instrument is missing, Alice will face a long period of imprisonment and become a stain in her life, which Zhang Feng does not want to see.

But the choreographer didn't ask, he went to make arrangements, and at the same time Zhao Qiang bought a plane ticket.

There are still a few hours to go to the airport. Zhang Feng didn't think about going to Alice during this time period, because it was her choice and Zhang Fengcheng respected her.

If the love between the two ends here, Zhang Fengsheng feels that she owes her a life. During Zhang Feng's lifetime, when she needs it, Zhang Feng will come forward.

During these few hours, Zhang Feng went to talk to his brothers and arranged training programs.

"Brothers, I will bring Silgarva and Caldera home tonight, and you will continue to train here to prepare for our next goal!"

Someone said below: "Brother Feng, are you going to kill back to Africa?"

"This question is a very good question. What I can tell you now is that our place must be found back, but you should also understand that if we go back like this, we will be very passive. There are many stubborn forces waiting for us."

"And I am returning to China this time to solve some problems, remember that our existence is not for money and fame, but for our dreams!"

"What is our dream? When it comes to this, we have to talk about it. Why are we here? Why do we do this? Every one of you is very puzzled. We are not like those hired groups doing nothing for money, we want What we do is to ask for money, but we will not do all evil. We must eliminate all the evil-dominated mercenary groups and plant our banner on their ground."

"To live, to have the value of existence, why do you exist? What do you live for, do you live for the sake of living? At the moment before you close your eyes forever, what kind of scenes appear in your mind? A chaos? Or is it a blank? Then you will say to yourself: I made it, this trip is a waste of life!"

"Of course, our current efforts are not for the satisfaction before we leave, but for the value of existence. We are not rubbish, not waste!"

"We are also ordinary people. To live, to live, to fight for life, to make life better and decent, it's that simple!"

"But after all, we are somewhat different from the general public. What you have in your hands is a gun or a sword. Don't put your mind on the waistband of your pants. It may fall off at any time. This is a high price."

"The cost is high, which means the return is also high. Every one of you is now a millionaire!"

"In order to live and live better, we have to be cruel to ourselves."

"So we must be prepared, be prepared for a fierce battle, and kill them all!"

"That's all I want to say!"

Today, Zhang Feng's words are a bit fanatical, and he tells a lot of deep things. Everyone feels that Brother Feng has changed these days.

"Brother Feng, we are willing to follow you, we will fight wherever you point!" a man said loudly.

"Yes, Brother Feng!"



Alice came out of the hospital and was waiting near the hospital. She saw Zhang Feng driving by, carrying the cute lunch box in her hand, and hurriedly entered the hospital gate.

It didn't take long to see him coming out of it, and the lunch box was gone. He stood at the gate of the hospital and looked around. Alice hurriedly retracted, two rows of tears streaming down.

Then he secretly stretched out his head and saw Zhang Feng got into the car and left.

Alice was stunned. After a while, she secretly returned to the hospital and saw that the nurse who took care of herself was eating the meals brought by Zhang Feng. The dishes in the bowl were exquisite. She liked to eat them all night. Pieces of meat, a palm-sized golden cabbage in a bowl, looked appetizing.

The little nurse ate very seriously, and couldn't notice anyone watching outside the door.

Alice looked at it for a while and then left. She took out the phone that had been turned off for many days and had been charged several times, and she called her mother.

The phone rang twice and the other side answered it. It was a woman's anxious voice: "Alice, Alice, is that you?"

Alice could hear her mother's worry in her tone.

"Mom, it's me!" Alice's tears came out again: "Sorry mom, I worried you!"

"You're fine, you're fine!" Alice's mother said: "Where are you now?"

"I'm abroad, I'll be back soon!" Alice said.

"Well, I'll wait for you, oh, shall I let your brother pick you up?"

"Is he back?"

"Yes, he is back because of your business!"

"Sorry! Where is my father?"

"He is very angry, but he is very worried about your safety. You know you are his little lover! He has already gone to communicate with the police officer!"

"Well, I got it!"

"I will let your brother pick you up!"

"No, I'll buy a plane ticket and go back!"

"Okay, we are waiting for you!"

Alice hung up the phone. She understood that she did not abandon a family because of Zhang Feng. Now she is going back, go back and take responsibility!


Zhang Feng took Caldera and Silgarva back home, and appeared at Kyoto Airport the next day.

As for the identities of the two of them, the old beggar has already fixed it. This is very simple.

At the airport exit, Chen Wanru came to receive the three of them in person.

The three of them looked a little high-profile wearing sunglasses, especially Caldera is simply a walking tower.

Zhang Feng walked in front, and the two of them were behind, one big and one small looking like Zhang Feng's bodyguards.

With such a high profile, Zhang Feng doesn't want to be sneaky, because people who follow him, even if Zhang Feng comes back secretly, will know that people who don't follow him will not respond to them no matter how high profile they are.

Chen Wanru greeted Zhang Feng with a smile and did not hold him: "Let's go!"

Zhang Feng nodded and got into the passenger seat, with Caldera sitting behind.

Fortunately, this commercial vehicle has enough space.

After the car left, a figure appeared in a corner of the exit. He was a man with strong clothing. He looked at the rear of Chen Wanru's car and took out his mobile phone and called: "Mr. Wang, Zhang Feng is back. Um, ok, there are two more people, one is tall and the other is thinner. No, just three of them, um, ok, I will continue to stare!"

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