Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1348: grown up!

"That's necessary. Whoever dares to touch my son will make him feel bad, but we can find the one who beats you!" An mother said, she still has a little brain.

"That won't work, the owner of that club can't make her feel better!" An Shahai said: "And she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I want to marry her as a wife."

Mother An said: "Okay, just do it!"

As long as the son marries this woman, the club will have the surname An, ha ha! An mother's heart is itchy.

But how can it be done?

"Haihai, this matter can't be urgent, let's see the situation first!" An Mu showed a wise side.

An Shahai said: "I have sent someone to inquire."

"Very well, my Haihai has grown up!"


At this time, Chen Wanru was still in the clubhouse. After Zhang Feng had left, she went to 01.

She never thought that there would be a small person who was about to calculate her, and she didn't take this to heart at all.

01 is in a very secret place. Even if Chen Wanru enters, she needs to check it. Only after passing the inspection machine can she enter.

But before she was about to enter 01, the subordinate newspaper came up.

"Miss, the person from An Shahai will follow up!" the subordinate said.

"Oh? I went to follow Caldera too?" Chen Wanru wanted to laugh. They were just trying to get together, don't they have any brains?

Caldera has shown so much in front of them. He must be a difficult person. He still has to come?

"Haha, ignore them!" Chen Wanru said.

After entering 01, Chen Wanru went to Mr. Gusu, and Mr. Gusu said, "How is Xiaofeng?"

"He can calm down, he has no urge!" Chen Wanru said, "Master, I'm just worried about changes in the gold mine. The Death Scythe Mercenary Corps has been watching for more than half a year. They are waiting for gold from the gold mine!"

Since Zhang Feng's donation, the gold mine has been almost completed under Zhuojia's investment and construction, and detailed and in-depth exploration has also been carried out.

The results obtained are surprising. Not only gold, but also other mineral deposits under this land, it is simply a super treasure house.

Moreover, there are still 300 years of land use rights. Unfortunately, it cannot be used as military land, but who knows secretly?

The above attaches great importance to this place. There can be no accidents, but no peacekeeping forces have been sent. It may be due to pressure from public opinion, or they will never be sent there.

Otherwise, it will attract the attention of various countries. If people's eyes are enthusiastic, there will be various problems, and then they will be enlarged infinitely.

"This is possible. When Hu's girl went there, she thought that there would be danger. She didn't have to go!" Mr. Gusu said: "There is nothing more suitable to go there, because she is in university. She studied geological prospecting, and she went abroad for further studies, and she had been there once in the early stage, so no one is more suitable than her!"

This is the real high-achieving student. Chen Wanru is a little jealous, because she never went to school. She was abducted when she was very young, then went to Africa for cruel training, and was finally killed by Mr. Gusu’s mercenary. The regiment destroyed that organization and saved her. Mr. Gusu took her as a disciple and further cultivated her, and finally became what she is today.

The intelligence network under her leadership spreads all over the world, and the intelligence agencies of other countries have earned this world, with gratifying results, and positive thinking, serving the country, accompanied by attention, and cultivated secretly.

The Red Star Club is its headquarters.

It is mysterious and powerful on the boundary of Kyoto.

But in the bottom of her heart, Chen Wanru only hopes that she is an ordinary person, leads an ordinary life, enjoys school days, or comes to a campus love.

Mr. Gusu guessed that she might be thinking about Zhang Feng's role in this matter, and he said: "Of course, no one is more suitable for all things in the gold mine than Xiaofeng! We are waiting!"

"Master, do you want to take the comfort of Hu Xinting and Hua Yao, or even all the personnel of the gold mine, to risk it?"

It is very gratifying to hear her say that Mr. Gusu, because Chen Wanru’s three views are very positive

In fact, her heart is very kind, and that was what Mr. Gusu liked at the beginning, otherwise she would have killed it long ago, because it would be a disaster if she didn't kill it.

Of course, Chen Wan didn't know Mr. Gusu's thoughts.

She has a cold appearance and harsh methods, but these are against opponents or damned people.

"Small things, those who make big things do not stick to the trivial. First, you must save yourself, then you can protect others, and then you can protect more people. You must have selfishness, otherwise you will die quickly, but you must not forget to abandon your original intentions and original intentions, understand? "Mr. Gusu said: "Everything can't be perfect, we just want the better, more ideal one!"

Chen Wanru said softly: "Yes, Master, Xiaoru understands!"

"Xiaofeng can be calm, he has grown up!" Mr. Gusu said.

"Master, an interesting incident happened in the clubhouse today..." Chen Wanru briefly said what happened in the clubhouse today.

This is a very common thing, but Chen Wanru used it as an example. Mr. Gu Su smiled and said, "Tell me what you think!"

"Wang Jingming still doesn't know how Wang Xiaodong died, so we will carry this black pot to Na An Shahai!"

Chen Wanru stated her plan.

This was what she came up with in a short time when she walked in from 01.

"Wang Jingming is not a fool, nor are we, nor is An Dajian!" Mr. Gu Su said.

Chen Wanru said: "It is precisely because of this that the operation can be done. Wang Jingming is a sensible person. He loves his son, but this is only a small matter for the entire Wang family. Wang Jingming does not want to move to the foundation of the Wang family for this matter. , Who can shake the foundation of the royal family?"

Chen Wanru's words made Mr. Gusu laugh, and Mr. Gusu naturally understood it.

"Yes, Wang Jingming has a great view of the overall situation. Otherwise, he can't control the Wang family in the midst of the wind and rain. He still endures not going to find Xiaofeng to avenge the death of Wang Xiaodong. What he wants is an account, even if it is not a real account. , As long as there is an explanation!"

"Yes, Master!" Chen Wanru said: "An Shahai's father, An Dajian, is a coal boss, but he is rich. He came to Beijing to make friends with powerful and powerful people. He was close to many people, and he might be touched!"

"Don't worry about this, this local tyrant is just a passerby in their eyes!" Mr. Gu Su said.

"Well, I'll make arrangements!" Chen Wanru said.


Chen Wanru walked to the door and stopped and said, "Master, we still need to change it!"

"What to change?" Mr. Gusu asked.

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