Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1353: The child does not teach, the father too

He suffered extensive burns on his face, which would have been unrecognizable if it weren't for someone they knew. It can be said that Silgarva handled it properly.

Especially the neck is almost scorched. The so-called stab wound is invisible, even if it is cut and examined by a doctor, it is already burned.

But if the internal organs are verified, the forensic doctor can quickly verify the time of death.

But will they give Wang Xiaodong to the forensic doctor? Naturally it won't, otherwise it won't be shipped back secretly.

"Xiaodong..." The Queen Mother shouted again in a low voice, tears pouring down.

Wang Jingming didn't stop his wife from crying like this, so he made her cry a lot, crying out all the longing for so many years, or she would become sick.

After so many years, what is waiting for is such an ending, how can the Queen Mother accept it?

Even Wang Jingming is also difficult to accept, but his psychological quality is much harder, able to withstand all the blows without being stunned.

He still has that expression on his face now, but his eyes are a bit dull.

Half an hour later, Wang Jingming said: "Take him to cremation, cremation as an unknown corpse, and get the ashes back!"

"Yes, uncle, I will do it!"

The two wrapped the corpse again and went to the crematorium for secret cremation. This secret can be done with the energy of the king's family, and no unrelated person will discover it.

Wang Jingming helped his wife back to the room.

"Jing Ming, Xiaodong's death is so miserable, ooh..." The Queen Mother cried: "It's all my fault, I blamed him for indulging him too much!"

"I haven't managed well, the son is not the godfather, alas..."

Only in the room, Wang Jingming, the wife of the opposite family, would show the truth.

"Back then, I sent abroad all the year round, and never returned home every two or three years. I was also responsible!"


The Queen Mother could only cry.

"Or, let's have another one, Wang Jingming can't break the queen!" Wang Jingming said.

The Queen Mother looked at Wang Jingming, but stopped crying. After watching for ten seconds, she said, "Do you want to marry another?"

She is one year older than Wang Jingming. Although she is well maintained, she is close to fifty years old. Where else can she have children? Now that you want to have another one, isn't that a divorce?

"No, look for a surrogate!" Wang Jingming said in a deep voice, "We can't get a divorce, you know!"

Back then, Wang Jingming was married to an officer of the army, and she was a green flower in the army, but she could not be divorced so casually. This was called a red marriage.

"How can it work? This is illegal and will affect you!"

"No, I'll do it!" Wang Jingming said.

"This..." The Queen Mother is still very worried, if something goes wrong, something will happen.

Wang Jingming said: "There is no other way!"

"I'll listen to you!"

At that time, Wang Jingming was in the army. She was handsome and had good grades. She was a perfect match with her. She still loved Wang Jingming so much for so many years.

"Good!" Wang Jingming said.

The so-called operation is to make his wife pretend to be pregnant and find a reliable and healthy woman of the right age to come home as a nanny.

The nanny signed the contract and proceeded with his full consent.

The queen mother always puts on makeup when she comes out to see people, and the nanny cannot see people.

With Wang Jingming's cautious attitude, this matter will proceed perfectly for me, even if it is known to others, he still has a contract, and it is a big deal to be demoted.

For the Wang family, that's all there is to it.

But now it is necessary to solve Wang Xiaodong's matter first.

The Xiajin police did not know if the culprit had been caught, he was about to start operations.

If the corpse cannot be found in the Wang family, it will be treated as an unnamed corpse. This is simple and the Wang family will do it.

The Wang family is spread across all levels, in every aspect.

After dealing with Wang Xiaodong's affairs, Wang Jingming began to look for a ‘nanny’.

Thinking of this, there was a commotion deep in his heart. First of all, he was a man, a man of mature age, and an official second.

If there are multiple women, then he is very willing!

"Don't worry, she is just a nanny, you know me!"

In this matter, Wang Jingming needs an explanation to his wife.

"I know!"

The Queen Mother is the wife who knows her best, let alone ordinary women, he will not be attracted to those beautiful celebrities. He has a very high vision for women.

And it is very in love, not to mention that he will not risk doing things that may affect his career, except for this matter.

For many years, their husband and wife have been respectful and loving each other.


When the bus on the road outside Tianjin exploded, An Shahai's men took two suitcases and drove away into the forest.

"Shao An, we got it, we got it!" the lead **** said excitedly.

"Very good, good, good, haha!"

An Shahai on the mobile phone got excited. He is still at the port.

"Bring me to Kyoto, then you can get the money!" An Shahai said.

"Yes, An Shao!"

"Remember, you can't open the box!"


After An Shahai hung up the phone, he excitedly pinched the neck of the woman in his arms, gave him a hard kiss, and said, "You man, I'm crazy!"

Cough cough cough...

The woman coughed, but she also became excited. An Shahai pinched her neck often, and ropes and the like were normal.

"Congratulations An Shao..." the woman said.


When he grows up, he can finally raise his eyebrows once. He was in the shadow of his father before, but now he has done a big thing himself.

He called his mother: "Mom, I got it, I will go back to Kyoto now, and it will be there in two hours!"

"Well, my son is the best!" Mother An was excited.

An Shahai drove back. He drove the car by himself. He liked the feeling of driving. There had been many car accidents and he was safe every time.

However, he has also learned well. He can't make jokes about his life. He still drives him very well.

But not long after, his subordinates called: "An Shao, it's not good, it's not good!"

The anxious voice of his subordinates rang out in the car, which was answered in the car.

"What's the matter?" An Shahai said while driving, slowing down.

"We are being watched by the police, and now the police are chasing them behind the ass!" The subordinate said anxiously, panting, running.

An Shahai sank in his heart, not knowing what to do for a while, and parked the car in a safe area.

"Shao An, Shao An..."

An Shahai said angrily: "You ask me, where did I know, who told you to be so careless, wouldn't you run away?" "Sao An, you can't say that. At that time, you said there would be no police coming. Do it!" the subordinate said.

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