Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1370: Long Lao Feixian

"Yes! Grandpa!"

"Good!" Bi Lihua said: "Dad, you drink less!"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter! It should have been this way!"

Bi Lihua wondered, what does it mean, "It should have been this way"?

"Pour the wine, pour the wine, what do you think!" Long Lao said.

Hades poured alcohol, he was worried about being scolded.

However, after Long Lao took a sip, there was no rage, and Yan Wang was relieved.

In this way, Long Lao and Yan Wang finished the bottle of wine. Long Lao drank very happily and ate a lot of dishes.

After half an hour, Yan Wang helped him to walk into the backyard, talking while walking.

"Boy, why did you serve as a soldier in the first place?" Old Long asked him.

He didn't hesitate to say: "Serve the people, defend the home and the country!"

"what about now!"

"The same is true, never changed!"

Old Long said: "Very well, I haven't changed, nor has your father changed, understand?"

"Grandson understands!" Hell said.

"Don't think too much about other things, do what you think is right, but stick to your original intention and don't waver!" Long Lao said.

"Grandson remembered!"

"Go to the pavilion!"

He sat down with the old man and said, "Grandpa, take a break!"

"Okay, you go!"

Hades walked away, but Hades didn't know that he had become the last chance to talk to Grandpa by going like this.

In the afternoon, Old Long left.

Lying on his bamboo deck chair, walking peacefully, Bi Lihua only found out when he came here to see him in the afternoon.

When the king of Hades arrived here, he was at a loss and stunned.

When his father Long Aiguo rushed over to see Old Long whose body was already cold, Long Aiguo was very sad, and knelt down there: "Dad..."

No one knows the pain in his heart.

He knelt, Yan Wang and Bi Lihua also knelt down.

Many people stood behind, all of them silent and heartbroken.

The number of people who came was slowly increasing, and the doctor was not called, because Lao Long had passed away, and it was no use calling the doctor again.

Zhang Feng also came, he also stood there in a daze, did not go to call the king of Yan, let him stay there alone.

At the same time, Zhang Feng also saw Yan Wang's father, Long Aiguo, a thin man. He didn't look too fragile, but looked very sad, which was normal.

It's just that Zhang Feng didn't understand that Long Aiguo was entangled in incidents 25 years ago, and he was being investigated from above, and he was not tired from this incident, even Bi Lihua did.

Zhang Feng thought, maybe just as Long Lao said, he has insight into everything.

The next thing is the memorial service, Long Lao, Long Batian, status is respected, his funeral is naturally of high standards.

At the memorial service, all related or unrelated people arrived, offering a stick of incense for Mr. Long, and one bowed down.

He has made outstanding contributions to the country, there is no doubt that, as for the information leakage, Mr. Long also took it away.

Zhang Feng was thinking that this might be the best result, and it would be good for everyone.

With the death of Elder Long, the haze on Long Aiguo's body will also fade. As for the Huangquan team, it is up to the top to decide.

Zhang Dashan came wearing a pair of sunglasses. Few people knew him. He didn't wear a military uniform. He hadn't worn a military uniform for many years.

The memorial service lasted for three days. During these three days, there was an endless stream of people who came to worship. Zhang Feng did not leave every step of the way and remained in the mourning hall.

Zhang Feng did not comfort Yan Wang, he could hold it, but Old Long went too suddenly.

On the fourth day, Lao Long was cremated and buried in Jiubaoshan.

On the fifth day, the above decision was made. Long Aiguo and his wife Bi Lihua retired early. In fact, they don't have much work now.

The treatment is still good, and retirees enjoy state allowances and pensions to protect their lives for the rest of their lives.

It's just that there are restrictions and situations are not allowed, but they are the same as normal people.

But Long Aiguo is in his prime, how will he spend the rest of his life?

This is not something considered above, it is already an amnesty to be able to do this.

After Mr. Long’s affairs calmed down, Long Aiguo called Hades and said, "Long Ao, you are no longer young. Let's find a girl to get married. Our Long family needs to continue the incense!"

"Dad, let's talk about it again, I don't have this thought now!" Hell said dejectedly.

He is in a mess right now. The grandfather, who has always been his spiritual pillar, just left. He hasn't reacted yet. In contrast, his relationship with his father is average because he was brought up by his grandfather.

Long Aiguo did not say any more.


The king of Yan asked Zhang Feng to come out for a drink and was drunk. During the period, he didn't say what Elder Long said to Zhang Feng that day. The king didn't ask, and Zhang Feng didn't say it.

In fact, even if the king asked about this matter, Zhang Feng would not say it. Although Lao Long did not say that he could not say it, the matter is too much involved, and Zhang Feng would not say it for unnecessary trouble.

"Can you still fight?"

Zhang Feng asked before Yan Wang was drunk.

"Of course!"

"Okay, just have you just."


Hundreds of kilometers north of Wanda, Africa is the Golden Wolf Company. At this moment, it is late at night, and Hua Yao is the security mission of the entire company.

He and Zhuo Chaoguang work in shifts, and now Hua Yao is on duty.

Now he is standing on the high tower at the front gate, where he can see far away, and there is a long-sighted high-light on his head that can automatically turn.

There are also two team members on duty in the tower.

Hua Yao is not here all the time, but is patrolling everywhere. Especially in the past few days, he has not dared to be sloppy. There are more and more unidentified people around. They pass by here and want to stop nearby. While watching, they were all driven out.

Just the day before yesterday, all barbed wire fences were placed 100 meters around the company, so the defense distance extended one hundred meters.

"Keep your eyes open, don't sleep for me!" Hua Yao said to the two team members.

"Captain Hua, don't worry, we are all staring!" said one of the team members.

Hua Yao nodded and walked down to inspect elsewhere.


There were three people lying behind a big rock 150 meters away. Even at night, they wrapped their heads and faces with only one pair of eyes exposed.

"Head Mayweather, are we going back?"

"What's the hurry, look again!" said the Mayweather head.

Captain Mayweather is the younger brother of Joseph, the captain of the Death Scythe mercenary regiment. This man is fierce, cruel, and a little clever. Captain Joseph always asks him to come and stand.

When the Manfred government army and the rebel army were fighting, the blood wolf mercenary group wanted to make a fortune in this war, but it did not expect to be besieged by a small Huangquan mercenary group and government forces that had just been established. The regiment was destroyed, and that area was also assigned to the Huangquan Mercenary Corps.

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