Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1378: not that simple

He didn't speak much, he was blunt and honest. This man was a practical person. Later Zhang Feng learned that he was from Guoan and Hu Xinting's immediate boss.

"No matter what, you can't let Long Ao come back!" Zhang Feng said, "He is innocent!"

Zhang Feng's words were very rude, but he couldn't control that much anymore, so he could say it if he wanted to.

Uncle Li said, "Could it be that you want to buckle this pot on Long Aotian's grave?"


Zhang Feng was silent, and Uncle Li was right, not to do that!

"Okay, Long Ao's problem cannot be solved yet. If you insist on hanging here, you can go out now, and we will send someone to Wanda!" Uncle Li said calmly.

Zhang Feng saw the helplessness of Uncle Li. This matter was not something he could decide. Zhang Feng thought that with the death of Lao Long, the matter would settle down, but that was not the case!

"Zhang Feng, then, I'll give you a trick!" said the general: "You go and get this done first, maybe there will be some turning points!"

The general did not let go of Zhang Feng, and made the atmosphere stiff, otherwise it would be bad for anyone. The situation is urgent now!

But they are not without a solution. In fact, they have already taken action. Our warships on the high seas off Wanda have already requested the Wanda government to call in, and a small team has already set off.

But as Zhang Feng said, there are hundreds of mercenaries, or terrorists, who are familiar with the terrain and popularity, and these people are not enough.

And Zhang Feng and the others have a lot of resources to fight there, and they couldn't be more familiar with them.

What is important is Zhang Feng's strength!

Zhang Feng and the others eliminated the blood wolf mercenary group and got the gold mine. This is the best proof of their strength, and Zhang Feng and the others are the most suitable.

No one wants Hu Xinting to have any danger or accident.

Zhang Feng also felt that what Zhang Feng said was right. This matter cannot be done in one go, there must be a buffer and opportunity.

Opportunities are created in this way. As the general said, things should be done well, maybe you can make up for it! It is possible for Hades to get away.

"Yes, thanks to the general for reminding that Zhang Feng must complete the task!" Zhang Feng's straight body posture is very standard.

The general said: "Okay, I will give you an hour to summon them. From now on, I will have a special opportunity to take off immediately in an hour!"

"Yes!" Zhang Feng's face changed drastically.



Zhang Feng came to a standard soldier and retreated. He left and two people were talking.

"Old Li, this is a good soldier!"

"A good soldier is a good soldier, but it is difficult to train, and it will cause more trouble than his combat exploits!"

"Yes, I think only the old fellow Gusu can make him obedient!"

"He is different from before, he has a family, and it is best not to let them out of the country!"

"Don't use too much force, Zhang Feng, this kid is soft but not hard!"

"I know that I have to give him something soft, but it's a bit difficult to handle. I don't know if Yun Qian is his wife or Zhuo's girl, or Wanru that girl, or both; he just has to A mistake has been made!"

"It's a headache, turn around to discuss with Gusu!"

Zhang Feng didn’t know that these two were calculating him. He was already calling the dancer. After receiving the call from the dancer, he was relieved because the dancer had already taken them on the plane, leaving Zhao Qiang there. Help Zhai Qiang, the two strong together can be described as a strong alliance.

The dancer said this was what Chen Wanru said.

It turned out that after Zhang Feng met the leader, Chen Wanru had already called them.

Chen Wanru had already obtained the above and had already prepared a plane for Zhang Feng, ready to take off.

"Well, you will attack as soon as you get there, don't wait for me!" Zhang Feng said.

"Okay!" said the choreographer: "I have contacted Kumanhel, and he has now led the resident men and horses to the village of Rutna!"

Kumanhel was a skirmisher who was compiled by Zhang Feng at that time, and the primitive tribe, all became Zhang Feng’s private soldiers. After Zhang Feng and the others withdrew from Wanda, they hid in the virgin forest, waiting all the time. Zhang Feng called them again.

Don’t look at those sturdy slackers in Africa who only shoot with their eyes closed. That’s because they have not been well trained. In fact, they are the best trained. If they change them all inside and out, they will soon Become a killing machine.

After Zhang Feng left, they were still training in the primeval forest.

Now that Zhang Feng summoned them, they were like a trapped dragon coming out of a cave to slaughter the Quartet.

While Zhang Feng was calling, Chen Wanru appeared in front of Zhang Feng in the car. She lowered the car window and showed a beautiful smile: "Get in the car!"

Zhang Feng said: "I'll drive!"

"If you want you to go, you go, so much nonsense, is there a lot of time?" Chen Wanru said for no reason.

Zhang Feng didn't dare to say any more and hurried to the passenger seat. Chen Wanru couldn't even see that he could speed up the car while driving safely.

"You don't need to worry, you also know that Hades's affairs are not that simple, so you can't worry. If you do this errand well, it is estimated that there will be a turning point!"

Chen Wanru said while driving.

"Whether they agree or not, I must go!" Zhang Feng said his thoughts.

I have endured it for several days, and didn't act until Hu Xinting and the others are in danger. This is not Zhang Feng's character, but he has no choice but to watch Hu Xinting something happen.

More than ten minutes later, Zhang Feng saw his brother, a member of Huangquan Team, who had not seen him for a long time.

Oh, the original Huangquan team member.

Students, tyrannosaurus, judge, jackal, monkey, Hades, and actor Zhang Feng Zhang Feng.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled, followed by hugs one by one. You don't need much words to know what the other person is thinking.

Yan Wang is the instructor and the captain. He said: "Actor, we have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Report the instructor, the actor has returned to the team!" Zhang Feng stood upright.


Everyone laughed. Chen Wanru didn’t come to see them off at the airport. She had a lot of things to do, the most important thing was to collect intelligence. Now Zhang Feng and the others have gone to Africa, and they want to make all the intelligence personnel there move .

On the plane.

Yan Wang said: "The goal of this mission is to ensure the safety of Golden Wolf and all its employees. The first is to ensure the safety of the transportation partners. They have been in danger and the destination is Lutna, six hundred kilometers east of Wanda. In the village, our opponent is the Death Scythe mercenary group. According to reliable information, they have more than 400 people and they have heavy weapons!"

"The Wanda government army sent a team of 500 people, but we can't count on them, ignore them!"

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