Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1381: Use big killer

A big hole was blasted in the container, but it was not a big problem, but some rare earths were turned upside down.

But it made Hua Yao's heart fall to the bottom. He found that it was useless to stop it with an armored vehicle. He didn't know how to do it for a while.

The car was still moving forward, the gunshots continued, and there were constant screams. There were heavy casualties on the opposite side. There were no other casualties except the few people who were bombed and overturned just now. This was a bit of relief to him. But I dare not carelessly.

There are many terrorists in this group, and they may have reinforcements.

"Send the message to say that we have been attacked and report the loss and casualties." Hua Yao said.

"Yes!" the subordinate responded.

Hu Xinting in the back seat took out his mobile phone and clicked on the map app. There was more than two hundred kilometers back to Golden Wolf. These terrorists would chase them all the way. It is not a way to go back. They will have reinforcements.

The people of Alfonso won't come so fast, even if they do, they won't be troubled.

The phone map shows all the terrain nearby.

Hu Xinting was thinking of finding a place to defend, waiting for the support of all parties, and Zhang Feng. Since Zhang Feng and the others have already boarded the plane, they will be able to arrive tomorrow. As long as they can support it until tomorrow, they are not afraid.

"Hua Yao, we must find a place to guard!" Hu Xinting said.

"Where are you going?" Hua Yao asked anxiously: "There is flat ground all around, so where are there any dangerous places."

Hua Yao has nothing to do now. He thinks what Hu Xinting said is feasible. It is not a way to go on like this. They will be eaten by them. Maybe they are still ambushing by the roadside. These terrorists are not easy. It can be seen from the above, it is not an ordinary gangster.

"Have you found a place?" Hua Yao asked.

"Wait!" Hu Xinting's hand kept moving on the phone: "Keep driving!"

Hua Yao can only wait for her.

The surrounding gunfire continued. During this period, several shoulder-mounted rocket boosters bombed the convoy. Fortunately, some of them missed the bomb, and some of them hit the armored vehicles, which can be carried.

Their heavy weapons are only shoulder-mounted rocket thrusters, also commonly known as RPGs, and they are not very useful now.

"Brother Hua, they have a few cars in front and want to stop us!" the subordinate said anxiously.

"Bump!" Hua Yao said.


In less than a minute, there was a big explosion in front of him. Hua Yao asked nervously: "What's the matter, what's the matter?"

"Brother Hua, a car we drove was loaded with a lot of bombs. It exploded as soon as we hit it. The front of our car was blown up. The car basically failed. Brother Hua, ah, the car overturned..."

With the voice of his men, the armored car in front drove out of the driveway and crashed into a terrorist's car. The two cars exploded and disappeared.

"Zhang Jing, Zhang Jing..." Hua Yao shouted.

But Zhang Jing, the driver of that armored car, did not respond, so there is only one possibility.

Hua Yao's hands were shaking, and there were six brothers in the car.

"Brother Hua, we want revenge!" A voice came from the headset.

"Yes, Brother Hua!"

"Avenge them!"

Facing the brothers’ request for a fight, Hua Yao was very pleased that there was a blood surge in his chest, his face flushed, his hands were tightly holding the steering wheel, and the veins on the back of his hands violently. Now he may really experience blood and tears. What is it like, personal experience is completely different from what others have said.

"Go on, kill them!" Hua Yao shouted, and said to the brother sitting in the driver's seat: "You come to drive!"

The brothers didn't hesitate, and the two changed positions here, while Hu Xinting was looking for a place to stop at the back, but couldn't find it for a while.

She couldn’t interfere with Hua Yao’s decision. She had already thought of the casualties of the personnel, and it was unavoidable. Even if she did not come, she would still be threatened by the Death Scythe Mercenary Corps in the future. It's better to have a short pain.

At this time, Hua Yao took the M4 mini submachine gun equipped in the car, opened the roof of the car, and came out, holding the submachine gun at the enemy less than 20 meters away, which is crazy shooting. His idea is very accurate, even at night. , He can see the enemy's location by relying on the enemy's firepower.

Able to shoot at it when both the enemy and the enemy are moving.

"Rpg!" shouted the driver below.

Hua Yao had already seen that the rocket was coming towards him. He didn't avoid it because if he avoided the rocket, it would hit the trailer behind.

The trailer must not be lost.

Seeing that the rocket was coming, Hua Yao hurriedly threw the gun out of his hand. It was five or six meters away. The rocket hit the thrown gun and exploded. The shock wave and heat of the explosion covered the entire car.

When Hua Yao threw out his gun, he immediately hid underneath, without time to close the car roof.

The fire burned Hua Yao's hair, and he quickly extinguished it with his hands.

At the same time, the fire burned to the car over there, but it did not cause damage, and the armored car was not afraid of bullets. Are you afraid of fire?

Hua Yao escaped once, but not necessarily next time.

"Brother Hua, we also have rockets!" The driver brother said, "It's in the back box!"

Hua Yao remembered that she had this heavy weapon, so she hurried to get it from behind. Hu Xinting was watching there, ignoring Hua Yao or helping with the weapon. She was very busy.

Hua Yao took a large box in the middle of the car, then took it out and hit it. There was a light in the car that could be seen with the lights on. After it was installed, Hua Yao put his head out of the roof cover again.

"Die!" Hua Yao yelled loudly, pulling the trigger, flames rose from behind the rocket on his shoulder, and the whole rocket flew out. Hua Yao hurriedly protected his face. The rocket did not have any recoil. The propeller of its own advances.

The target was a pickup truck driving 20 meters away. There were several guns shooting, and bullets hit the armored vehicle.


A car on the opposite side exploded, and the car behind crashed into this car. It overturned. One rocket solved the two cars and made money.

Hua Yao went down to install another one, and another shot was fired at the enemy who charged up, and another car was killed.

Hua Yao said excitedly: "Use RPG to kill them!"

Each car is equipped with a lot of equipment, a few boxes of RPG, it can be said that most of the equipment in the Golden Wolf is taken, and now it just can be used.

So, RPG is available in all cars.

Suddenly, the convoy of the Death God's Scythe Mercenary Corps was continuously blown up, and the firepower immediately suppressed them, and they hurried back to the back, not daring to come up.

The team was relieved immediately, but they were still chasing after the team.

"Xin Ting, did you find it?" Hua Yao asked.

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