Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1383: Dare not enter

Mayweather quickly figured out a solution, and if he wanted to move on, he had to solve the two cars in front.

\"Everyone's energy aimed at the two cars in front, blow them up for me!\" Mayweather shouted.

\"Yes!\" The person in the pickup truck received the order, and the person in the truck carried the shoulder-mounted rocket propellant and aimed at the two cars in front.

But they turned off the lights and disappeared into the night.

The men said to Mayweather: \"Head, they are gone!\"

"Are you pig brains? Where can they hide? Don't you know how to use flares?" Mayweather said angrily.

The brains of these men are really speechless, don't you think about it? When he came here today, he brought a lot of flares, and he brought them when he thought of fighting at night.

\"Yes!\" The subordinates also reacted.

The one in front raised a gun, and only heard a bang, the red flame dragged the tail flame into the air, and then exploded, and the entire sky was lit up.

\"In front!\" someone shouted!

The shoulder-launched rocket propelled bombs that had been prepared a long time ago were all fired toward the two cars in front.

The old Xu who was in the car knew it was not good when he saw the flares. He shouted: "Be careful, get moving!"

The car accelerates for two seconds and then keeps changing direction, as does the armored car over there.

Beng Beng...

Rockets exploded on the side of the car, and a lot of dust was lifted up. They opened the window and the dust spread inside, which is a trivial matter.

\"There is RPG!\" someone shouted.

The car drove very quickly, they stepped on the accelerator to the end, and the armored car sprinted out like a running wild horse.

The flares in the sky quickly disappeared and plunged back into darkness.

But soon there was another flares blasting into the air, and the sky brightened again, followed by an RPG attack.

Fortunately, their armored vehicles run fast, and they follow a typed route. What's more, those mercenaries launch RPGs without a bit of accuracy, so naturally they can't hit them.

But it still exploded around the armored vehicle, which also shocked Old Xu and the others. They did not dare to be careless. If one was hit, it would be troublesome. The armored vehicle could barely hold it, but there were always accidents. When the wheels explode, the car will still be blown up. When they catch up, Lao Xu and the others will finish playing.

The engine of the armored vehicle is very powerful, driving the huge wheels with strong gripping power to speed on the grass, and Lao Xu keeps turning the steering wheel, making the armored vehicle constantly change direction.

At this moment, more than a dozen vehicles of mercenary terrorists have caught up.

\"Old Xu, kill them!\'

\"Ok, just kill them!\'

\"First consume their RPG!\"

This is easy to handle, and also very risky, because you have to slow down and wait for them to come.

Old Xu's car slowed down on its own initiative, while another car sneaked on the flanks.

When they approached, they fired first, and the bullet hit the rear of the car.

Then turn off the lights, and just like this, the mercenaries in the back fired flares into the sky. This hit the plot of Lao Liu who was driving on the flanks. He was already close to them, only seven or eight meters away.

The brothers in the car held several grenades in their hands and threw them.

It exploded after three seconds, blowing up their cars, but an RPG fired from the car in front of them, hitting the rear of Lao Xu's car, and exploding.

Fortunately, the rear of the car was not blasted open, and the car did not turn over, because the rear of the car was heavily modified and installed with 12 mm thick steel plates.

As long as the car does not roll over, a few RPGs will be fine, but if it's Uncle Sam's stinger, the problem is a bit bigger. Regular RPGs are fine.

Lao Li had already hid in the darkness, even if they fired the flares again, it was useless.

After a while, Lao Li approached again, Ruoqiruoli, attracted all their attention and created opportunities for Lao Xu.

Sure enough, Old Xu's car slowed down. When he got closer, Old Xu asked the brothers to throw tear gas, followed by grenades, and finally RPG.

The colleague Lao Li also attacked and slowly cannibalized the team.

In the end only one car ran back with heavy smoke.

Mayweather was so angry that he wanted to shoot the men who had escaped, but it was not the time to keep them.

It was only two or three miles away from the valley. Less than half of Mayweather's caravan was harassed by Lao Li and Lao Xu, and the speed was very slow, slower than walking.

But he finally reached the valley after paying the loss of five more cars.

There were also the annoying car harassment on the left and right. After he got here, he found that all the cars on the opposite side had their headlights turned on. Zhao Zhu Mayweather couldn’t open his eyes. When he was about to cover his eyes with his hands, he was harassed by the opposite side. After the attack, explosive bombs were fired, and the cars in front of them burst into flames. The men screamed, and many people were burnt and rolled on the ground.

Fortunately, Mayweather didn't go ahead, otherwise he would be the one who was burned.

He is not that stupid, rushing to the front is death.

The car on the opposite side was on, and I couldn't open my eyes at all. They were constantly being attacked by rockets on the opposite side. Two cars were scrapped in such a few minutes.

\"Head Mayweather, what should I do?\" asked the subordinate.

\"I think about it, I think about it, when will our people arrive?\" Mayweather asked: \"Call and ask!\"


Mayweather ordered: \"Retreat one hundred meters one after another, they can't run, we are stuck here, there is no road behind this valley!\"


The convoy retreated one hundred meters, temporarily avoiding the rockets.

After a while, I received a message from his subordinates that it would take three hours at the earliest for the person sent by Captain Joseph to arrive.

\"Why for so long?\" Mayweather was reluctant to do this. He now wants to send someone to rush to capture the group, but he needs more talents.

\"They set off from the headquarters, and it takes so long to reach us!\" said the subordinate.

It can only be like this, three hours, then wait three hours, they can't run anyway.

Mayweather said: \"Send people to the back of the valley to prevent them from escaping from there!\"


Twenty people were there, and all of these people held AK-47s in their hands. This was their favorite weapon. It was durable, basically maintenance-free, and could be used even if it was rusty.

Mayweather then asked: \"Where are the people from Rutner Village?\"

The man said: \"We are only a hundred miles away!\"

\"Let them speed up, speed up!\" Mayweather said.


Mayweather always felt a little flustered in his heart, and there was a hunch that there was no such situation in the previous battles, and the loss was too great. It may be that the ticket is relatively large this time.

It's only a hundred kilometers, two hours at the latest, and someone sent by his elder brother Joseph will arrive in three or four hours.

Well, wait, what will happen to them?

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