Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1395: Two points

Chapter 1395: Two Points

If one is missing, the Huangquan team is basically a waste of work this trip.

However, if there is an accident, Zhang Summit will not hesitate to choose to protect Hu Xinting, even if there is too much noise.

The gold is at their feet and can't run. Don't think about it, just come and fetch it after the time is over.

If anyone comes here to take the gold, there is an invisible surveillance, and whoever takes it will be able to see clearly.

As long as they are still on the earth, Zhang Feng can find them, so there is no need to worry about gold.

The old beggar's words are clear, Zhang Feng will definitely go all out.

"Mad, Hua Yao, if they are okay, they will contact us as much as possible. Now we will solve the death sickle mercenary group and get rid of this scourge around the Golden Wolf, otherwise similar things will happen in the future!" Yan Wang said nothing. Do two endlessly.

"Okay, I agree!" Zhang Feng said: "There is also the Black Dragon Mercenary Corps. This is a blood debt, and it needs blood to be paid back! A bird..."

Zhengxiong Langer and the others killed so many Golden Wolf security personnel, forcing Hu Xinting and Hua Yao to break through. Hu Xinting's mobile phone was labeled like that, showing how fierce the battle was at that time!

This account should be settled with them properly.

"No need to say more about this!" said the monkey, "but do you want to wait for the big army?"

The big unit is the brothers of the Huangquan Mercenary Corps in the station, they are marching here, but the speed is a bit slow.

Even slower is the people of Alfonso. They are less than 300 kung fu from Wanda City. Didn't they arrive in one night? This is intentional!

Zhang Feng was a little annoyed, but no wonder he, he could send troops out.

I didn't call them to urge them, and they didn't have any effect now.

"Don't wait, let's kill them ourselves!" Yan Wang said in a deep voice.

There is a fire in his heart. He has been depressed and aggrieved all the time in China for so long. Now that he has come to Africa, a vast land of freedom, he has to go for a while.

Li Jian behind said with some worry: "Hammer, the Death Scythe Mercenary Corps needs two to three thousand people!"

Yan Wang looked at him, staring into his eyes: "Fuck you, have you worn out in China these days?"

"I'm not underestimating the enemy!" The monkey said embarrassingly, "Mad, don't you think?"

For a long time, everyone likes to call Zhang Feng a lunatic. He used to be an actor because he was a full-fledged actor on Huangquan Road. Now he is a lunatic with terrifying strength, neither mad nor devil is not strong!

Zhang Feng said without speaking, he said, "Do you know why the madman's playing cards can block the Japanese special steel darts?"

"You ask me, how do I know, I am not as good as him!" The monkey said angrily. Hell is a blow to others.

He said: "Then I will tell you, have you ever seen a water gun cutting machine? You can cut steel plates. At absolute speeds, water can easily penetrate steel plates. Crazy playing cards are harder than water. Understand?"

The monkey was silent, and said so clearly, if he still doesn't understand, don't mix up and go home to grow sweet potatoes.

That is to say, Zhang Feng's speed can reach the absolute limit to block the Japanese darts.

But what if it is faster? Can the dart be cut off?

If it reaches that point, Zhang Feng's strength is at the level of evildoers, and everything he can in his hand can be a weapon, such as leaves or even a piece of hair!

"Gigolo, where are you?"

Zhang Feng ignored them and called the choreographer, while Silgava and Caldera remained silent and had no chance to take action. They knew that they were a supporting role in front of Brother Feng's regular comrades.

They are just brother Feng’s wild comrades, wild comrades.

"After half an hour, we will be in the valley!"

The dancers are very noisy and they are speeding up.

Before the dancers were here, Zhang Feng asked them to bring the people from the Huangquan Mercenary Corps, because they needed a leader to get out of the station, otherwise the death and death's sickle mercenary group would be very casualties.

And the dancers also needed this group of people to deal with the Death Scythe mercenary group, so Zhang Feng asked him to respond.

"You let them go to the Golden Wolf Company to protect the Golden Wolf Company! The valley is not over here, you wait for me at the Great Rift Valley!" Zhang Feng ordered.

There is no need for a large army, the dancing boys and their fighting power are in line, and at this critical time, the Golden Wolf Company is also in danger.

"Well, we are near the Great Rift Valley!" said the dancer.

Zhang Feng hung up the phone and said to Yan Wang, "I'll get a car!"

There are so many cars here, there is always one that is good. Zhang Feng quickly got a modified off-road vehicle. The nine people were a little stressed, but they could still run on flat ground.

More than an hour later, Zhang Feng and the others arrived in the Great Rift Valley and the dancing boy round.

Zhang Feng didn't talk nonsense, simply talked about what happened in the valley, and the next thing to be solved was the Death Scythe Mercenary Group and the Black Dragon Mercenary Group.

"How about this, King Yan!" Zhang Feng said to King Yan, and everyone focused their attention.

"Crazy man, say it!" Hell said.

Zhang Feng said: "The gold has been robbed by the Death Scythe mercenary group. We are going to ask for it back. Didn't they take one and leave? Let's go back!"

"Crazy man, it's not..." The monkey felt something was wrong when he said, and he immediately understood: "Haha, this is a cruel trick!"

Everyone also understood, and they thought this was a very good idea. If the Death Scythe mercenary group can't get them out, they will be destroyed, but they must be defeated before that.

"The coordinates of the headquarters of the Reaper Sickle Mercenary Corps will be sent to everyone's communication equipment!" He said.

"Good!" Wen Kaiqi said.

Others don't know the place of the Death Scythe mercenary group, but they know it, they have discovered it long ago.

"We also have our weapons and equipment. We will face more than two thousand mercenaries armed to their teeth. We need more weapons and equipment!" He said.

This is necessary, otherwise it is to die, or it is a miserable victory, they will not do this kind of action, they must be fully prepared.

"The King of Hades is right. As long as we don't have enough equipment now, even if they don't help, we have to kill them all!" Li Jian said.

The jackal said: "There is only one weapon that may be obtained near us!"

"You mean Alfonso?" the student asked.

"Yes, they are no more than a hundred kilometers away from the Great Rift Valley. They will get here in less than half an hour, otherwise they will go to the other side of the valley!" said the jackal.

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