Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1399: Not allowed

Joseph was really scared. The opponent was decisive. No wonder he was able to take down the Blood Wolf Mercenary Corps.

At that time, there was still the containment of the Wanda government forces, but Joseph knew that when they dealt with the blood wolves, the Wanda government forces did not play a big role, and they were all charged by the Huangquan mercenary group.

The Huangquan Mercenary Corps has been silent for more than a year, is it making a comeback now? Their death sickle hit the muzzle. If they had been prepared, they would be able to fight them. How many of them were there?

Now everyone's sniper rifles are aimed at his head.

Joseph felt the threat of death for the first time. Even if he was the head of the Death Scythe mercenary group, he had experienced countless battles, and life and death should have been ignored.

But Bianbian is like that. He has gotten the life of drunken life and dream of death now, and enjoys it. He knows the value of life, because he has gone through so many scenes and he knows what death is like.

So he cherished life more and didn't want to die.

At the same time, he knew that at his level, as long as he was still alive, he would have the opportunity to make a comeback.

Zhang Feng did not respond to him, saying: "Open the safe!"

The people around were stunned, what is he doing? Don't you want to pull it back directly?

But when Zhang Feng spoke, he had to do it. When Caldera was about to come up, Zhang Feng stopped him and said, "Mr. Joseph, let your people open it!"

Joseph had to ask someone to bring the tool, because all the safes were welded, and cutting tools were needed.

The cutting is fast, less than ten minutes.

But what was cut out was not gold, but iron that was sintered and melted into a whole piece, which was extremely hard and heavy.

When the strong light reaches there, everyone sees it, it's not gold.

"Mr. Joseph, where's my gold?" Zhang Feng asked Joseph.

Joseph secretly said that it is not good, how could the gold be so missing? Or is there no gold in it?

"Mr. Zhang, I don't know. It's been like this since it was shipped back. You are the first person to open it. Maybe there is no gold in it!" Joseph said, he knew that things were not that simple.

Zhang Feng had long expected that this would be the case, so he decided to take him, so he said: "Could it be that the gold flew away by itself? Mr. Joseph, our Golden Wolf company has worked so hard to transport the gold from there. If you are robbed, I don’t care about other losses. I only need to return the gold; does Mr. Joseph think that our Golden Wolf Company will transport this soil back to China?"

Facing Zhang Feng’s questions, Joseph was speechless. Yeah, he robbed the gold halfway. Could it be that the kid Mayweather wanted to take it alone?

It is very possible!

Joseph looked at Mayweather, who was already in a coma, and said angrily: "Wake him up!"

The man brought a glass of ice water and poured it on Mayweather's face. He woke up and began to scream again. His shoulders were already tied and no longer bleeding.

"Brother, tell me, did you change the gold? Did you?" Joseph asked him.

Mayweather was so painful that he couldn't hear what Mayweather was saying: "Brother, what are you talking about? Kill these people, ah, it hurts me!"

Without his arms, Mayweather looked terrible. Joseph knew that if he could live this time, Mayweather would be considered useless and useless. He would give Mayweather a sum of money.

Even if you let Mayweather die, you must save yourself.

"Where is gold, I ask you, where is gold?" Joseph yelled.

Mayweather endured the pain and pointed to that side and said, "There is gold there!"

Joseph didn't say much, grabbed his collar and pulled him to the safe regardless of his injury. He pointed to the breach and said, "Look, is this gold!?"

A large part of the breach has been cut, but there is no gold, and Mayweather has no idea what is going on. He endures the pain and said: "I, I don't know..."

"You don't know? It was you who brought it back. Did you hide the gold?" Joseph roared, and if he didn't see the gold, he would be dead.

"Brother, I didn't, I didn't hide, it was like that when I pulled it back!"

Mayweather didn't know why his eldest brother cared about gold regardless of his own safety. He was about to die. Doesn't he care at all?


Joseph slapped it up and said angrily: "Say, where is the gold?"

"Brother, I don't know!" Mayweather said again.


It was another slap, knocking out Mayweather's teeth.

"Give me a gun!" Joseph angered.

Zhang Feng nodded, and Silgarva gave him a gun.

He pointed a gun at Mayweather's head and said, "Say, you will blow your head if you don't say it!"

Mayweather raised his eyes to look at his elder brother. From childhood to elder brother, he has always protected him. He never cared about anything with him. What is it today? His hands were abolished, and he held a gun at his brain for gold! Mayweather knew his brother was serious.

Brother, what's going on?

"Brother, I really don't know, that's how I pulled it back, unless they were originally not gold in it, but they lured us out!" Mayweather's mind is still sober.


But he had no chance again, his head was blown by Joseph, and the gun that Silgarva gave him was a desert eagle.

In order to save his life, Joseph killed his own brother himself, and ended his brother's sinful life. It was a pain for him. His hands were already abolished, and he was a useless person. Life is better than death, then die!

The man with the Death Scythe was silent, and the leader killed his brother like this. This was too shocking. Isn't the leader treating him very well?

Zhang Feng also felt surprised. From here, it can be seen that this man is a hero and has a lot of plans. Now that he has a beam with him, he will count this account on his head in the future.

Just one sentence: this person cannot stay!

Besides, Zhang Feng didn't plan to let him go.

Joseph returned the desert eagle to Siljava and said to Zhang Feng: "Mr. Zhang, you see, I have killed him, and he hid your gold!"

Ha ha!

Hearing what he said, Zhang Feng smiled. Is there a problem with this man's brain?

"What does his death have to do with me? What I want is gold!" Zhang Feng sneered: "Mr. Joseph, gold was exchanged with you. Take out the gold and I will leave immediately!"

Joseph's hands trembled, he was going to take himself.

"Mr. Zhang, I don't know anything about gold. It's all Mayweather alone. I don't know about it, let alone where the gold went!" Joseph said.

Only believe in such words.

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